更新时间:2020-02-26 13:53:47
第1章 有机化学实验的一般知识(General Knowledge of Organic Chemistry Experiments)
1.1 有机化学实验室规则(Rules for Organic Chemistry Lab)
1.2 有机化学实验室的安全知识(Safety of Organic Chemistry Lab)
1.3 有机化学实验常用仪器和装置(Equipment and Apparatus of Organic Chemistry Lab)
1.4 常用玻璃器皿的洗涤和干燥(Washing and Drying of Glassware)
1.5 实验预习、实验记录和实验报告的基本要求(Requirements of Preview,Record and Reports of Experiments)
1.6 有机化学实验多媒体网络课件及化学文献网络资源(Multimedia Network Courseware,Chemical Literature and Network Resource)
第2章 有机化学实验基本操作(Techniques of Organic Chemistry Experiments)
2.1 加热和冷却(Heating and Cooling)
2.2 干燥(Drying)
2.3 简单玻璃工操作(Glass Proces sing)
实验1 简单玻璃工操作(Glass Processing Operations)
2.4 有机化合物物理常数的测定(Physical Constant Determination of Organic Compounds)
实验2 熔点的测定(Determination of Melting Points)
实验3 葡萄糖旋光度的测定(Determination of Glucose Optical Rotation)
2.5 液体有机化合物的分离和提纯(Separation and Purifi-cation of Liquids)
实验4 工业乙醇的简单蒸馏(Simple Distillation of Industrial Ethanol)
实验5 无水乙醇的制备(Preparation of Absolute Ethyl Alcohol)
实验6 乙醇和水的分馏(Fractionation of Ethanol and Water)
实验7 呋喃甲醛的减压蒸馏(Vacuum Distillation of Furaldehydes)
实验8 从橙皮中提取柠檬烯(Isolation of Limonene from Orange Peel)
2.6 萃取(Extraction)
2.7 固体有机化合物的提纯方法(Purification of Solid Organic Compounds)
实验9 工业苯甲酸粗品的重结晶(Recrystallization of Crude Benzoic Acid)
实验10 用乙醇-水混合溶剂重结晶萘(Recrystallization of Naphthalene from Ethanol-Water Mixed Solvent)
2.8 色谱法分离提纯有机化合物(Separation and Purification of Organic Compounds by Chromatography)
实验11 薄层色谱分离偶氮苯和邻硝基苯胺(Separation of Azobenzene andortho-Nitroaniline by Thin Layer Chromatography)
实验12 柱色谱法分离偶氮苯和邻硝基苯胺(Separation of Azobenzene andortho-Nitroaniline by Colum Chromatography)
实验13 纸色谱分离氨基酸(Separation of Amino Acidsby Paper Chromatography)
2.9 有机化合物红外光谱的测定(Infrared Spectroscopy Identification of Organic Compounds)
第3章 有机化合物的制备(Synthesis of Organic Compounds)
实验14 环己烯的制备(Synthesis of Cyclohexene)
实验15 正溴丁烷的制备(Synthesis ofn-Butyl Bromide)
实验16 碘乙烷的制备(Synthesis of Iodoethane)
实验17 2-甲基-2-己醇的制备(Synthesis of 2-Methyl-2-Hexanol)
实验18 三苯甲醇的制备(Synthesis of Tripheny lmethanol)
实验19 乙醚的制备(Synthesis of Ether)
实验20 正丁醚的制备(Synthesis ofn-Butyl Ether)
实验21 苯乙醚的制备(Synthesis of Phenetole)
实验22 苯乙酮的制备(Synthesis of Acetophenone)
实验23 二苯酮的制备(Synthesis of Benzop henone)
实验24 环己酮的制备(Synthesis of Cyclo hexanone)
实验25 苯亚甲基丙酮的制备(Synthesis of Benzalacetone)
实验26 苯亚甲基苯乙酮的制备(Synthesis of Benzal Acetophenone)
实验27 4-(2-呋喃基)-3-丁烯-2-酮的制备[Synthesis of 4-(2-Furyl)-3-Butane-2-Ketone]
实验28 2-乙基-2-己烯醛的制备(Synthesis of 2-Ethyl-2-Hexenal)
实验29 己二酸的制备(Synthesis of Adipic Acid)
实验30 肉桂酸的制备(Synthesis of Cinnamic Acid)
实验31 香豆素-3-羧酸的合成(Synthesis of Courmarin-3-CarboxylicAcid)
实验32 乙酰水杨酸的制备(Synthesis of Acetylsalicylic Acid)
实验33 2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸的制备(Synthesis of 2,4-Dichlorop henoxyacetic Acid)
实验34 呋喃甲酸和呋喃甲醇的制备(Synthesis of 2-Furoic Acid and 2-Furanmet hanol)
实验35 苯甲酸与苯甲醇的制备(Synthesis of Benzoic Acid and Benzyl Alcohol)
实验36 乙酸丁酯的制备(Synthesis ofn-Butyl Acetate)
实验37 乙酸乙酯的制备(Synthesis of Ethyl Acetate)
实验38 乙酸异戊酯的制备(Synthesis of Isoamyl Acetate)
实验39 乙酰乙酸乙酯的制备(Synthesis of Ethyl Acetoacetate)
实验40 乙酰苯胺的制备(Synthesis of Acetanilide)
实验41 对溴乙酰苯胺的制备(Synthesis ofp-Bromine Acetanilide)
实验42 丁二酸酐的制备(Synthesis of Butanedioic Anhydride)
实验43 苯胺的制备(1)(Synthesis of Aniline)
实验44 对硝基苯胺的制备(Synthesis ofp-nitroaniline)
实验45 三乙基苄基氯化铵的制备(Synthesis of Triethylbenzylammonium Chloride)
实验46 (±)-苯基乙醇酸的合成(Synthesis of Mandelic Acid)
实验47 硝基苯的制备(1)(Synthesis of Nitrobenzene)
实验48 甲基橙的制备(Synthesis of Methyl Orange)
第4章 天然有机化合物的提取(Extraction of Natural Organic Compound)
实验49 从茶叶中提取咖啡因(Isolation of Caffeine from Tea Leaves)
实验50 红辣椒中色素的分离(Isolation of Pigments from Pimiento)
实验51 菠菜叶色素的分离(Isolation of Pigments from Spinach)
实验52 从黄连中提取黄连素(Extraction of Berberine from Rbizoma Coptidis)
实验53 从烟草中提取烟碱(Extraction of Nicotine from Tobacco)
实验54 从花椒籽中提取花椒油(Extraction of Pepper Oil from Pepper Seeds)
实验55 花生油的提取(Extraction of Peanut Oil)
第5章 有机化合物的性质实验(Property Experiments of Organic Compounds)
实验56 烃的性质(Properties of Hydrocarbons)
实验57 卤代烃的性质(Properties of Halohydrocarbons)
实验58 醇和酚的性质(Properties of Alcohols and Phenols)
实验59 醛和酮的性质(Properties of Aldehydes and Ketones)
实验60 羧酸及衍生物的性质(Properties of Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives)
实验61 胺的性质(Properties of Amines)
实验62 糖类物质的性质(Properties of Saccharides)
实验63 氨基酸和蛋白质的性质(Properties of Amino Acids and Proteins)
第6章 微型有机化学实验(Microscale Experiments of Organic Chemistry)
6.1 微型化学实验技术简介(Introduction of Microscale Chemical Experiment Technology)
6.2 微型有机化学实验的玻璃仪器(Glassware of Microscale Experiments in Organic Chemistry)
6.3 微型有机化学实验的常用装置和基本操作(Devices and Operations of Microscale Experiments in Organic Chemistry)
6.4 有机化合物的微型制备实验(Miniature Synthesis of Organic Compounds)
实验64 环己烯的制备(Synthesis of Cyclohexene)
实验65 二苯亚甲基丙酮的制备(Snthesis of Dibenzlidene Acetone)
实验66 苯甲醇和苯甲酸的制备(Synthesis of Benzyl Alcohol and Benzoic Acid)
实验67 甲基橙的制备(Synthesis of Methyl Orange)
第7章 文献设计性实验(Designing Experiments)
实验68 稠杂环化合物苯并呋咱的制备(Synthesis of Benzofuroxan)
实验69 o-甲基异脲醋酸盐的制备(Synthesis ofo-Methylisourea Acetate)