[词语]to bury one's head in the sand
to have one's head in the sand
to hide one's head in the sand
[趣释]【物象喻指】鸵鸟(ostrich)是一种体形硕大不会飞的鸟,产于非洲。公鸵鸟高达2.5米,重达300斤,雌鸵鸟体形稍小,鸟蛋每个也有2斤多。中世纪时欧洲骑士用鸵鸟毛装饰头盔,19世纪时欧洲贵妇用其装饰华服。传说鸵鸟在危险临近时会将头埋在沙堆中,认为看不见就没有危险。于是,人们用“鸵鸟似的把头埋进沙堆里”(to bury one's head ostrich-like in the sand/to bury one's head in the sand like an ostrich)喻指采取鸵鸟政策,顽固地拒绝承认事实,闭眼不看即将来临的危险。
[运用]If there is a war, you cannot just bury your head in the sand. 如果有战争,你不能光采取鸵鸟政策。
You cannot continue to have your head in the sand—you must learn to face the facts. 你不能老是躲避现实——你必须学会面对现实。
Rudy, you are hiding your head in the sand!鲁迪,你在逃避现实。
It is no use burying our head in the sand, we must face the difficulty and try to overcome it. 回避是没用的,我们必须面对困难并且努力克服困难。