Infusionsoft Cookbook

Using note templates for workflow

A note template is like a big red AUTOMATION button. Any time we need to automate or track something and we aren't sure how to do it, we can create a note template. Applying a note template can trigger an e-mail, a task, the application of a tag, and so on.

Many of the recipes in this book leverage note templates, so understanding the experience of applying one to a contact record is a key to building a great workflow.

Getting ready

We need to look at a full contact record, not in My Day.

How to do it...

  1. Scroll down to the Tasks section of the contact record.
  2. In the Notes section, select the note we need to apply using the Note Template... dropdown and click on the Add Note button:
    How to do it...

How it works...

Applying the note will add the predefined information to the contact's note history and trigger any associated automation.

There's more...

If we click on Add Note without selecting a note template from the dropdown, a pop-up window will open. The user can manually type a note, select a template, or do both from here. Selecting a template from here will trigger the automation tool upon Save even if the user makes edits to the information that gets populated.

See also

A note template can also be submitted from the My Day view. See the recipe Working daily out of My Day later in this chapter. To learn how a task can drive an Infusionsoft user to apply a note template, see the recipe Creating great user experiences with tasks later in this chapter.