
Sonnet 38

ARION, when, through tempests cruel wracke,

He forth was thrown into the greedy seas:

Through the sweet musick which his harp did make

Allu'rd a dolphin him from death to ease ease:希腊传说中的诗人和竖琴演奏家阿里翁。一群水手打劫了他,并把他扔到了海里。阿里翁用竖琴弹了一只与船诀别的曲子,一头路过的海豚被他美妙的乐曲迷住,于是将他驮到岸上。这个故事说明音乐具有巨大的魔力。.

But my rude musick, which was wont to please

Some dainty eares, cannot, with any skill,

The dreadfull tempest of her wrath appease,

Nor move the dolphin from her stubborne will,

But in her pride she dooth persever still,

All carelesse carelesse:不予关注的。 how my life for her decayse:

Yet with one word she can it saue or spill spill:毁灭。.

To spill were pitty, but to save were prayse.

Chose rather to be praysd for doing good,

Then to be blam'd for spilling guiltlesse blood.