更新时间:2021-07-23 17:00:01
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Applied Data Visualization with R and ggplot2
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Packt Upsell
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Basic Plotting in ggplot2
Introduction to ggplot2
Similar Packages
The RStudio Workspace
Loading and Exploring a Dataset Using R Functions
The Main Concepts of ggplot2
Types of Variables
Exploring Datasets
Making Your First Plot
Plotting with qplot and R
Geometric Objects
Analyzing Different Datasets
Creating a Histogram Using qplot and ggplot
Activity: Creating a Histogram and Explaining its Features
Creating Bar Charts
Creating a One-Dimensional Bar Chart
Creating a Two-Dimensional Bar Chart
Analyzing and Creating Boxplots
Creating a Boxplot for a Given Dataset
Scatter Plots
Line Charts
Creating a Line Chart
Activity: Creating One- and Two-Dimensional Visualizations with a Given Dataset
One-Dimensional Plots
Two-Dimensional Plots
Three-Dimensional Plots
The Grammar of Graphics
Analyzing Various Histograms
Changing Boxplot Defaults Using the Grammar of Graphics
Activity: Improving the Default Visualization
Grammar of Graphics and Visual Components
More on the Grammar of Graphics
Using More Layers to Customize a Histogram
Using Scales to Analyze a Dataset
Types of Coordinates
Understanding Polar Coordinates
Activity: Applying the Grammar of Graphics to Create a Complex Visualization
Using Facets to Split Data
Activity: Using Faceting to Understand Data
Changing Styles and Colors
Using Different Colors to Group Points by a Variable
Activity: Using Color Differentiation in Plots
Themes and Changing the Appearance of Graphs
Using a Theme to Customize a Plot
Using or Setting Your Own Theme Globally
Changing the Color Scheme of the Given Theme
Activity: Using Themes and Color Differentiation in a Plot
Geoms and Statistical Summaries
Using Grouping to Create a Summarized Plot
Advanced Geoms and Statistics
Advanced Plotting Techniques
Creating a Bubble Chart
Density Plots
Using Density Plots
Superimposing Plots
Using Density Plots to Compare Distributions
Time Series
Creating a Time Series Plot
Explanation of the Code
Activity: Plot the Monthly Closing Stock Prices and the Mean Values
Displaying Information with Maps
Activity: Creating a Variable-Encoded Regional Map
Trends Correlations and Statistical Summaries
Creating a Time Series Plot with the Mean Median and Quantiles
Trends Correlations and Scatter plots
Creating a Scatter Plot and Fitting a Linear Regression Model
Creating a Correlation Plot
Activity: Studying Correlated Variables
Chapter 1: Basic Plotting in ggplot2