Applied Data Visualization with R and ggplot2

Exploring Datasets

In this section, we will use the built-in datasets to investigate the relationships between continuous variables, such as temperature and airquality. We'll explore and understand the datasets available in R.

Let's begin by executing the following steps:

  1. Type data() in the command line to list the datasets available in R. You should see something like the following:

  1. Choose the following datasets: mtcars, air quality, rock, and sleep.

The number of levels only applies to factor data.
  1. List two variables of each type, the dataset names, and the other columns of this table.
  2. To view the data type, use the str command (for example, str(airquality) ).

    Take a look at the following output screenshot:

  1. After viewing the preceding datasets, fill in the following table. The first entry has been completed for you. The following table includes all variables of the types num and int:

The outcome should be a completed table, similar to the following:

More details about variables can be found at