更新时间:2021-06-11 18:42:11
About Packt
Building Your Game
Technical requirements
Setting up the project
Creating the player
Moving the player through a C# script
Improving our scripts with attributes and XML comments
Having the camera following our player
Creating a basic tile
Making it endless
Creating obstacles
Project Setup for Android and iOS Development
An introduction to build settings
Building a project for PC
Exporting a project for Android
Putting the project on your Android device
Unity for iOS setup and Xcode installation
Building a project for iOS
Mobile Input/Touch Controls
Using mouse input
Moving using touch controls
Implementing a gesture
Scaling the player using pinches
Using the accelerometer
Detecting touch on game objects
Resolution-Independent UI
Creating a title screen
Working with buttons
Adding a pause menu
Pausing the game
Adapting GUI for notch devices
Advertising Using Unity Ads
Setting up Unity Ads
Displaying a simple ad
Utilizing ad callback methods
Opt-in advertisements with rewards
Adding in a cooldown timer
Implementing In-App Purchases
Setting up Unity IAP
Creating our first purchase
Adding a button to restore purchases
Further reading
Getting Social
Adding a scoring system
Sharing high scores via Twitter
Downloading and installing Facebook's SDK
Logging in to our game via Facebook
Displaying a Facebook name and profile picture
Keeping Players Involved with Notifications
Setting up notifications
Scheduling notifications ahead of time
Customizing notifications
Using Unity Analytics
Setting up Analytics
Tracking Custom Events
Working with Funnel Analyzer
Tweaking properties with Remote Settings
Making Your Title Juicy
Animation using LeanTween
Adding tweens to the pause menu
Working with materials
Using post-processing effects
Adding particle effects
Game Build and Submission
Building a release copy of our game
Putting your game on the Google Play Store
Putting your game on the Apple iOS App Store
Augmented Reality
Setting up a project for AR
Basic setup
Detecting surfaces
Interacting with the AR environment
Spawning objects in AR