更新时间:2020-03-13 16:08:21
生活必备200短句 200 Sentences for Everyday Use
见面寒暄 Greeting
表达好心情 Good mood
表达坏心情 Bad mood
赞扬和鼓励 Compliment and encouragement
同意和反对 Agree and disagree
喜欢和不喜欢 Like and dislike
说明决定 Intention
澄清观点 Clarification
谈论天气 Weather
上班下班 To and from work
餐厅 Restaurant
钱财 Money
银行和邮局 Bank and post office
开车 Driving
交通 Transportation
购物 Shopping
药店和医院 Drugstore and hospital
说说你自己 Talking about Yourself
01 你是哪里人? Where are you from?
02 你的星座是什么? What's your star sign?
03 智商和情商 IQ and EQ
04 谈论个人经历 Talking about personal experiences
05 谈论家庭 Talking about families
06 谈论宗教 Talking about religions
恋爱和结婚 Love and Marriage
07 享受单身生活 Enjoying the single life
08 跨国恋 Intercultural relationships
09 情人节 Celebrating Valentine's Day
10 订婚和婚礼 Engagements and weddings
11 婚姻之道 How to get and stay married?
居家度日 Around a Family
12 在家做饭 Cooking at home
13 家居装饰 Home decoration
14 居住环境 Around your home
15 我的爱车 My car
16 绿色生活 Living the green life
17 小病小灾 Common health problems
18 服用补品 Taking supplements
19 戒烟戒酒 Giving up cigarettes and alcohol
时尚生活 Fashionable Life
20 保持苗条和健康 Becoming slim and healthy
21 中性男和假小子 Metrosexuals and tomboys
22 名人出街服饰 Celebrity street style
23 一个新发型 A new hairstyle
24 珠宝和其他首饰 Jewellery and other accessories
25 在美容院 At a beauty salon
26 在化妆品店 In a cosmetics shop
27 整容之后 Post-op
业余时间 Free Time
28 酒吧、酒馆和俱乐部 Bars pubs and clubs
29 参加派对 Attending a party
30 参加运动 Taking part in sports
31 看比赛 Watching a sports game
32 电子游戏 Computer games
33 艺术特长 Artistic skills
34 栽花种草 Gardening
35 养宠物 Keeping pets
36 加入俱乐部 Joining a club
我的心头好 My Favorites
37 我喜欢的食物 My favorite food
38 我喜欢的电影 My favourite movies
39 我喜欢的电视节目 My favorite TV programs
40 奥斯卡奖得主 The winners of the Oscar Awards
41 我喜欢的歌手 My favourite singers
42 我喜爱的运动队 My favourite sports teams
43 我喜爱的运动员 My favourite athletes
44 我梦想中的高科技产品 A dream high-tech gadget
45 狮子家族 A lion family
旅行见闻 Travelling
46 美妙的假期 A fantastic vacation
47 谈论酒店 Talking about hotels
48 露营之行 On a camping trip
49 自驾游 On a road trip
50 去海边 Going to the seaside
51 旅游纪念品 Souvenirs
工作和事业 Job and Career
52 电子商务 E-commerce
53 你挣多少? How much do you earn?
54 工作表现 Job performance
55 办公室闲话 Office gossip
56 社交网络 Networking
花钱有道 Getting a Good Buy
57 明智的投资 A wise investment
58 买房 Buying a house
59 网上购物 Shopping online
60 海外购物 Shopping abroad
61 智能手机 Smart phones
62 问题产品 Faulty products
文化生活 Cultural Life
63 舞台演出 Stage performance
64 古典音乐 Classical music
65 作家及其作品 Writers and their works
66 历史 History
67 伟大的哲学家 Great philosophers
校园生活 Campus Life