更新时间:2019-10-23 17:44:06
第2版 前言
Chapter 1 Hardware Concepts(硬件基础)
1.1 Personal Computer(个人计算机)
1.2 System Unit and Peripherals(主机及外围设备)
1.3 Computer Components(计算机组件)
1.4 Situation Dialogue(情境对话)
1.5 Reading and Compacting(对照阅读)
1.6 术语简介
附文1:Reading Material(阅读材料)
Chapter 2 Computer System Maintenance(计算机系统维护)
2.1 Booting the Computer(启动计算机)
2.2 Basic Input and Output System (基本输入输出系统)
2.3 Device Manager(设备管理器)
2.4 Common DOS Commands(DOS常用命令)
2.5 Situational Dialogue(情境对话)
2.6 Reading and Compacting(对照阅读)
2.7 术语简介
附文2:Reading Material(阅读材料)
Chapter 3 Foundation of Computer Network(计算机网络基础)
3.1 Network Concepts(网络基础)
3.2 Architecture of Computer Networks(计算机网络结构)
3.3 LAN(局域网)
3.4 WAN(广域网)
3.5 Hardware Concepts of Computer Network(计算机网络硬件设备基础)
3.6 Network Test Tools(网络测试命令)
3.7 Situation Dialogue(情景对话)
3.8 Reading and Compacting(对照阅读)
3.9 术语简介
附文3:Reading Material(阅读材料)
Chapter 4 Software(软件)
4.1 Operating System(操作系统)
4.2 Office Software(办公软件)
4.3 Graphics Software(图像软件)
4.4 Tool Software:Ghost(工具软件:Ghost)
4.5 Situation Dialogue(情境对话)
4.6 Reading and Compacting(对照阅读)
4.7 术语简介
附文4:Reading Material(阅读材料)
Chapter 5 Programming Language (程序设计语言)
5.1 Turbo C++3.0
5.2 Visual Basic 6.0
5.3 Java 8
5.4 SQL—Data Concentration Camp(数据集中营)
5.5 Python
5.6 Situation Dialogue(情境对话)
5.7 Reading and Compacting(对照阅读)
5.8 术语简介
附文5:Reading Material(阅读材料)
Chapter 6 Computer Network Technology(计算机网络技术)
6.1 5-Layer TCP/IP Model(TCP/IP模型)
6.2 7-Layer OSI Model(OSI模型)
6.3 Networks Components(网络组件)
6.4 Applications of Internet(Internet应用)
6.5 Computer Network Safety(计算机网络安全)
6.6 Situation Dialogue(情境对话)
6.7 Reading and Compacting(对照阅读)
6.8 术语简介
附文6:Reading Material(阅读材料)
Chapter 7 IT Workplace English(IT职场英语)
7.1 IT Workplace Spoken English (IT职场英语口语)
7.2 Introduce Myself(自我介绍)
7.3 Career Ability(职场能力)
7.4 Situation Dialogue(情境对话)
7.5 Reading and Compacting(对照阅读)
7.6 Professional Terms(专业术语)
附文7:Reading Material(阅读材料)