
第三节 梅勒小说与20世纪美国

一 梅勒的道德意识与其小说创作





二 梅勒小说与20世纪美国



三 本书研究的目的、对象与方法


[1] See J.Michael Lennon,Norman Mailer:A Double Life,New York,London,Toronto,Sydney,and New Delhi:Simon & Schuster,2013,p.15;see also Mary V.Dearborn,Mailer:A Biography,Boston and New York:Houghton Mifflin Company,1999,p.18.

[2] See J.Michael Lennon,Norman Mailer:A Double Life,New York,London,Toronto,Sydney,and New Delhi:Simon & Schuster,2013,p.27.

[3] 1941年4月,梅勒的短篇小说《世界上最伟大的事情》在《哈佛倡导者》发表并获《故事》杂志“第八届年度大学生竞赛一等奖”。对于获奖的具体时间,不同的梅勒传记有不同的说法。See Peter Manso,Mailer:His Life and Times,New York:Simon and Schuster,1985,p.63;J.Michael Lennon and Donna Pedro Lennon,Norman Mailer:Works and Days,Shavertown,Pennsylvania:Sligo Press,2000,p.210;and Carl Rollyson,The Lives of Norman Mailer:A Biography,New York:Paragon House,1991,p.20.

[4] Mary V.Dearborn,Mailer:A Biography,Boston and New York:Houghton Mifflin Company,1999,p.63.

[5] J.Michael Lennon,Norman Mailer:A Double Life,New York,London,Toronto,Sydney,and New Delhi:Simon & Schuster,2013,p.165.

[6] J.Michael Lennon,Norman Mailer:A Double Life,New York,London,Toronto,Sydney,and New Delhi:Simon & Schuster,2013,p.246.

[7] See J.Michael Lennon,Norman Mailer:A Double Life,New York,London,Toronto,Sydney,and New Delhi:Simon & Schuster,2013,p.584.

[8] Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,New York and Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,1986,p.5;see also Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,2003,p.5.

[9] J.Michael Lennon and Donna Pedro Lennon,Norman Mailer:Works and Days,Shavertown,Pennsylvania:Sligo Press,2000,p.xi.

[10] See The Norman Mailer Soceity,https://normanmailersociety.org/about.

[11] Hilary Mills,Mailer:A Biography,New York,et al.:McGraw-Hill Book Company,1982,p.27.

[12] Leo Braudy,ed.,Norman Mailer:A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1972,p.2.

[13] Qtd.in J.Michael Lennon,Norman Mailer:A Double Life,New York,London,Toronto,Sydney,and New Delhi:Simon & Schuster,2013,p.260.

[14] Robert Solotaroff,Down Mailer's Way,Urbana,Chicago and London:University of Illinois Press,1974,p.viii.

[15] Donald L.Kaufmann,“The Long Happy Life of Norman Mailer”,Modern Fiction Studies,Vol.17,No.3,Autumn 1971,p.351;see also Laura Adams,Existential Battles:The Growth of Norman Mailer,Athens,Ohio:Ohio University Press,1976,p.18.

[16] Robert J.Begiebing,Acts of Regeneration:Allegory and Archetype in the Works of Norman Mailer,Columbia & London:University of Missouri Press,1980,p.5.

[17] Nathan A.Scott,Jr.,Three American Moralists:Mailer,Bellow,Trilling,Notre Dame & London:University of Notre Dame Press,1973,p.23.

[18] Qtd.in J.Michael Lennon,Critical Essays on Norman Mailer,Boston,Massachusetts:G.K.Hall & Co.,1986,p.26.

[19] Sam B.Girgus,The New Covenant:Jewish Writers and the American Idea,Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,1984,p.13.

[20] Qtd.in Michael K.Glenday,Norman Mailer,New York:St.Martin's Press,1995,p.13.

[21] Michael K.Glenday,Norman Mailer,New York:St.Martin's Press,1995,p.35.

[22] Qtd.in J.Michael Lennon,Norman Mailer:A Double Life,New York,London,Toronto,Sydney,and New Delhi:Simon & Schuster,2013,p.460.

[23] Qtd.in Mary V.Dearborn,Mailer:A Biography,Boston and New York:Houghton Mifflin Company,1999,p.8.

[24] Mary V.Dearborn,Mailer:A Biography,Boston and New York:Houghton Mifflin Company,1999,p.148.

[25] Qtd.in Peter Manso,Mailer:His Life and Times,New York:Simon and Schuster,1985,p.178.

[26] Qtd.in Peter Manso,Mailer:His Life and Times,New York:Simon and Schuster,1985,p.420.

[27] Qtd.in Peter Manso,Mailer:His Life and Times,New York:Simon and Schuster,1985,p.558.

[28] Qtd.in Peter Manso,Mailer:His Life and Times,New York:Simon and Schuster,1985,p.656.

[29] Qtd.in Peter Manso,Mailer:His Life and Times,New York:Simon and Schuster,1985,p.667.

[30] Qtd.in Peter Manso,Mailer:His Life and Times,New York:Simon and Schuster,1985,p.673.

[31] Qtd.in Peter Manso,Mailer:His Life and Times,New York:Simon and Schuster,1985,p.2.

[32] J.Michael Lennon,Critical Essays on Norman Mailer,Boston,Massachusetts:G.K.Hall & Co.,1986,p.2.

[33] J.Michael Lennon,Norman Mailer:A Double Life,New York,London,Toronto,Sydney,and New Delhi:Simon & Schuster,2013,p.344.

[34] J.Michael Lennon,Norman Mailer:A Double Life,New York,London,Toronto,Sydney,and New Delhi:Simon & Schuster,2013,p.351.

[35] Phillip Sipiora,Mind of an Outlaw,New York:Random House Trade Paperbacks,2013,p.xvii.

[36] Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,New York and Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,1986,p.1.See also Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,2003,p 1.本书在译文中补充的必要信息,都用中括号表示。

[37] Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,New York and Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,1986,p.2.See also Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,2003,p.2.

[38] Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,New York and Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,1986,pp.3-4.See also Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,2003,p.4.

[39] Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,New York and Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,1986,pp.5-6.See also Harold Bloom:“Introduction”,in Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,2003,p.6.

[40] Laura Adams,Existential Battles:The Growth of Norman Mailer,Athens,Ohio:Ohio University Press,1976,p.11.

[41] See Norman Mailer,Cannibals and Christians,New York:The Dial Press,1966,p.5.

[42] See Norman Mailer,The Spooky Art:Some Thoughts on Writing,New York:Random House Inc.,2003,pp.161-162.

[43] Hilary Mills,Mailer:A Biography,New York,et al.:McGraw-Hill Book Company,1982,p.24.

[44] J.Michael Lennon and Donna Pedro Lennon,Norman Mailer:Works and Days,Shavertown,Pennsylvania:Sligo Press,2000,p.183.

[45] Qtd.in Mary V.Dearborn,Mailer:A Biography,Boston and New York:Houghton Mifflin Company,1999,p.8.

[46] Qtd.in Peter Manso,Mailer:His Life and Times,New York:Simon and Schuster,1985,p.667.

[47] Howard M.Harper,Concepts of Human Destiny in Five American Novelists:Bellow,Salinger,Mailer,Baldwin,Updike(Ph.D.dissertation,Pennsylvania State University,1964).

[48] Donald L.Kaufmann,Norman Mailer from 1948-1963:The Sixth Mission(Ph.D.dissertation,University of Iowa,1966).

[49] Barry H.Leeds,An Architecture to Eternity:The Structured Vision of Norman Mailer's Fiction(Ph.D.dissertation,Ohio University,1967).

[50] Richard Jackson Foster,Norman Mailer,Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1968.

[51] Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,p.vii.

[52] J.Michael Lennon and Donna Pedro Lennon,Norman Mailer:Works and Days,Shavertown,Pennsylvania:Sligo Press,2000,p.1.

[53] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.34-36.

[54] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.34-35.

[55] Richard Match,“Souls of Men Stripped by Battle and Boredom”,New York Herald Tribune Book Review,May 9,1948,p.3.

[56] John Lardner,“Pacific Battle,Good and Big”,New Yorker,May 15,1948,pp.115-117.

[57] Ira Wolfert,“War Novelist”,Nation,June 26,1948,p.722.

[58] Maxwell Geismar,“Nightmare on Anopopei”,Saturday Review,January 8,1949,pp.10-11.

[59] Charles B.Macdonald,“Novels of World War Ⅱ:The First Round”,Military Affairs,Vol.13,No.1,Spring 1949,pp.42-46.

[60] Burton Moore,“Three War Novels”,Chicago Review,Vol.3,No.1,March 1949,p.3.

[61] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.36-37.

[62] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.38-39.

[63] Sidney Alexander,“Not Even Good Pornography”,Reporter,October 20,1955,pp.46-48.

[64] Malcolm Cowley,“Mr.Mailer Tells a Tale of Love,Art,Corruption”,New York Herald Tribune Book Review,October 23,1955,p.5.

[65] Brendan Gill,“Small Trumpet”,New Yorker,October 25,1955,pp.161-162,165.

[66] Charles J.Rolo,“The Sex Haunted Wasteland”,Atlantic,November 1955,pp.97-98.

[67] William Pfaff,“The Writer as Vengeful Moralist”,Commonweal,December 2,1955,p.230.

[68] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,p.38.

[69] Chester E.Eisinger,“The American War Novel:An Affirming Flame”,Pacific Spectator,No.9,Summer 1955,pp.272-287.

[70] John T.Frederick,“Fiction of the Second World War”,The English Journal,Vol.44,No.8,November 1955,pp.451-458.

[71] Walter B.Rideout,The Radical Novel in the United States:1900-1954,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1956,pp.270-273.

[72] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.41-42.

[73] Irving Howe,“Mass Society and Post-modern Fiction”,Partisan Review,Vol.26,No.3,Summer 1959,pp.420-436.

[74] Granville Hicks,“The Vision of Life Is His Own”,Saturday Review,November 7,1959,p.18.

[75] Alfred Kazin,“How Good Is Norman Mailer?”,Reporter,November 26,1959,pp.40-41.

[76] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.79-104.

[77] Herbert Goldstone,“The Novels of Norman Mailer”,The English Journal,Vol.45,No.3,March 1956,pp.113-121.

[78] Norman Podhoretz,“Norman Mailer:The Embattled Vision”,Partisan Review,Vol.26,No.3,Summer 1959,pp.371-391.

[79] Alfred Kazin,“The Alone Generation:A Comment on the Fiction of the Fifties”,Harper's,October 1959,pp.127-131.

[80] H.L.Leffelaar,“Norman Mailer in Chicago”,Litterair Paspoort,November 1959,pp.79-81.

[81] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.33-35.

[82] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.37-39.

[83] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.39-43.

[84] Gore Vidal,“The Norman Mailer Syndrome”,Nation,January 2,1960,pp.13-16.

[85] Paul Breslow,“The Hipster and the Radical”,Studies on the Left,Vol.1,Spring 1960,pp.102-105.

[86] F.W.Dupée,“The American Norman Mailer”,Commentary,February 1960,pp.128-132.

[87] James Finn,“The Virtues,Failures and Triumphs of an American Writer”,Commonweal,February 12,1960,pp.551-552.

[88] Leslie A.Fiedler,“Antic Mailer—Portrait of a Middle-aged Artist”,New Leader,June 25,1960,pp.23-24.

[89] Robert A.Bone,“Private Mailer RE-enlists”,Dissent,Autumn 1960,pp.389-394.

[90] Charles I.Glicksberg,“Norman Mailer:The Angry Young Novelist in America”,Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature,Vol.1,No.1,Winter 1960,pp.25-34.

[91] Irving Howe,“A Quest for Peril”,Partisan Review,Vol.27,No.1,Winter 1960,pp.143-148.

[92] James Baldwin,“The Black Boy Looks at the White Boy”,Esquire,May 1961,pp.102-106.

[93] Stuart Hampshire,“Mailer United”,New Statesman,October 13,1961,pp.515-516.

[94] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.44-45.

[95] Garry Wills,“The Art of Not Writing Novels”,National Review,January 14,1964,pp.31-33.

[96] Jonathan Miller,“Black-Mailer”,Partisan Review,Vol.31,No.1,Winter 1964,pp.103-107.

[97] Midge Decter,“Mailer's Campaign”,Commentary,February 1964,pp.83-85.

[98] Richard Gilman,“Why Mailer Wants to Be President”,New Republic,February 8,1964,pp.17-20,24.

[99] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.51-53.

[100] Raymond Rosenthal,“Mailer's Mafia:The Journalism of a Writer Who Is in Danger of Becoming His Audience”,Book Week,September 4,1966,pp.1,14.

[101] William E.Giles,“Mailer's Manner:Charm in a Raging Style”,National Observer,September 19,1966,p.25.

[102] John Wain,“Mailer's America”,New Republic,October 1,1966,pp.19-20.

[103] John W.Aldridge,“Victim and Analyst”,Commentary,October 1966,pp.131-133.

[104] T.B.Gilmore,“Fury of a Hebrew Prophet:Cannibals and Christians by Norman Mailer”,North American Review,No.251,No.6,November 1966,pp.43-44.

[105] Seymour Krim,“An Open Letter to Norman Mailer”,Evergreen Review,February 1967,pp.89-96.

[106] John Thompson,“Catching Up on Mailer”,New York Review of Books,April 20,1967,pp.14-16.

[107] William H.Pritchard,“Norman Mailer's Extravagances:Cannibals and Christians by Norman Mailer”,Massachusetts Review,Vol.8,Summer 1967,pp.562-568.

[108] Tony Tanner,“In the Lion's Den”,Partisan Review,No.34,Summer 1967,pp.465-471.

[109] Denise Donoghue,“O Mailer,O America”,The Listener,October 1,1967,pp.505-506.

[110] A.Alvarez,“Dr.Mailer,I Presume”,Observer,October 15,1967,p.27.

[111] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.53-54.

[112] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.62-63.

[113] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.46-50.

[114] John M.Muste,“Nightmarish Mailer”,Progressive,February 1965,pp.49-51.

[115] David Boroff,“‘American Dream’,A Demonic Fantasy,Shows Norman Mailer at His Worst”,National Observer,March 15,1965,p.20.

[116] Stanley Edgar Hyman,“Norman Mailer's Yummy Rump”,New Leader,March 15,1965,pp.16-17.

[117] John W.Aldridge,“The Big Comeback of Norman Mailer”,Life,March 19,1965,p.12.

[118] Joseph Epstein,“Norman X:The Literary Man's Cassius Clay”,New Republic,April 17,1965,pp.22-25.

[119] John William Corrington,“An American Dreamer”,Chicago Review,Vol.18,No.1,Summer 1965,pp.58-66.

[120] Richard Poirier,“Morbid-mindedness”,Commentary,June 1965,pp.91-94.

[121] Robert Dana,“The Harbors of the Moon:An American Dream by Norman Mailer”,North American Review,Vol.250,No.3,Fall 1965,pp.56-57.

[122] Mordecai Richler,“Norman Mailer”,Encounter,July 1965,pp.61-64.

[123] Alan Coren,“Portrait of the Artist as a Young Executive”,Atlas,August 1965,pp.110-112.

[124] Stephen Spender,“Mailer's American Melodrama”,in Robert M.Hutchins and Mortimer J.Adler,eds.,The Great Ideas Today,Chicago:Encyclopedia Brittanica,1965,pp.166-177.

[125] Tony Tanner,“The Great American Nightmare”,Spectator,April 29,1966,pp.530-531.

[126] Samuel Hux,“Mailer's Dream of Violence”,Minnesota Review,Vol.8,No.2,1968,pp.152-157.

[127] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.55-58.

[128] Raymond Rosenthal,“America's No.1 Disc Jockey”,New Leader,September 25,1967,pp.16-17.

[129] Sarel Eimerl,“Loaded for Bear”,Reporter,October 19,1967,pp.42-44.

[130] Charles T.Samuels,“The Novel,U.S.A.:Mailerrhea”,Nation,October 23,1967,pp.405-406.

[131] Christopher Lehmann-Haupt,“Norman Mailer as Joycean Punster and Manipulator of Language”,Commonweal,December 8,1967,pp.338-339.

[132] John W.Aldridge,“From Vietnam to Obscenity”,Harper's,February 1968,pp.91-97.

[133] Richard Lehan,“Fiction 1967”,Contemporary Literature,Vol.9,No.4,Autumn 1968,pp.538-553.

[134] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.58-62.

[135] Eliot Fremont-Smith,“Mailer on the March”,New York Times,April 26,1968,p.41.

[136] Harry S.Resnik,“Hand on the Pulse of America”,Saturday Review,May 4,1968,pp.25-26.

[137] Douglas M.Davis,“Mr.Mailer as a Comic Hero of Pentagon March”,National Observer,May 6,1968,p.21.

[138] Alfred Kazin,“The Trouble He's Seen”,New York Times Book Review,May 9,1968,pp.1-2,26.

[139] Leo Braudy,“Advertisements for a Dwarf Alter-ego”,New Journal,Vol.1,No.13,May 12,1968,pp.7-9.

[140] Lawrence Lipton,“Norman Mailer:Genius,Novelist,Critic,Playwright,Politico,Journalist,and General all-round shit”,Los Angeles Free Press,May 31,1968,pp.27-28.

[141] Josh Greenfield,“Lines Between Journalism and Literature Thin,Perhaps,But Distinct”,Commonweal,June 7,1968,pp.754-755.

[142] Richard Gilman,“What Mailer Has Gone”,New Republic,June 8,1968,pp.27-31.

[143] Richard Boston,“Heroes and Villains”,New Society,September 19,1968,pp.419-420.

[144] D.A.N.Jones,“Embattled Image”,The Listener,September 26,1968,pp.405-406.

[145] John Simon,“Mailer on the March:The Armies of the Night by Norman Mailer”,Hudson Review,Vol.21,Autumn 1968,pp.541-545.

[146] William Janeway,“Mailer's America”,Cambridge Review,November 26,1968,pp.183-185.

[147] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.80-104.

[148] Robert Gorham Davis,“Norman Mailer and the Trap of Egoism”,Story,Vol.33,Spring 1960,pp.117-119.

[149] Frederick J.Hoffman,“Norman Mailer and the Revolt of the Ego:Some Observations in Recent American Literature”,Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature,Vol.1,No.3,Autumn 1960,pp.5-12.

[150] Dwight Macdonald,“Our Far-flung Correspondents:Massachusetts vs.Mailer”,New Yorker,October 1960,pp.154-156,158,160-166.

[151] Charles I.Glicksberg,“Norman Mailer:The Angry Young Novelist in America”,Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature,Vol.1,No.1,Winter 1960,pp.25-34.

[152] George A.Schrader,“Norman Mailer and the Despair of Defiance”,Yale Review,No.51,December 1961,pp.267-280.

[153] H.Yamamoto,“The Realistic Consciousness of Norman Mailer”,American Literature Review(Tokyo),April 1961,pp.10-11.

[154] Bruce Cook,“Norman Mailer:The Temptation to Power”,Renaissance,No.14,Summer 1962,pp.206-215,222.

[155] Diana Trilling,“Norman Mailer”,Encounter,November 1962,pp.45-56;rpt.as “The Moral Radicalism of Norman Mailer”,in Diana Trilling,Claremont Essays,New York:Jarcourt Brace & World,1964,pp.175-202.

[156] Robert Anton Wilson,“An Open Letter to Norman Mailer”,Way Out,February 1963,pp.50-57.

[157] Myrick Land,“Mr.Norman Mailer Challenges All the Talent in the Room”,in Myrick Land,The Fine Art of Literary Mayhem,New York:Holt,Rinehart & Winston,1963,pp.216-238.

[158] Leslie A.Fiedler,“The Jew as Mythic American”,Ramparts,Fall 1963,pp.32-48.

[159] Shigenobu Sadoya,“Norman Mailer's Existentialism”,Studies in English Language and Literature(Seinan Gakuin University,Japan),July 1963,pp.39-58.

[160] Calder Willingham,“The Way It Isn't Done:Notes on the Distress of Norman Mailer”,Esquire,December 1963,pp.306-308.

[161] Harris Dienstfrey,“The Fiction of Norman Mailer”,in Richard Kostelanetz,ed.,On Contemporary Literature,New York:Hearst,1964,pp.422-436.

[162] Sidney Finklestein,“Norman Mailer and Edward Albee”,American Dialog,Vol.1,October-November 1964,pp.23-28.

[163] Lawrence Goldman,“The Political Vision of Norman Mailer”,Studies on the Left,Vol.4,Summer 1964,pp.129-141.

[164] Edmund L.Volpe,“James Jones-Norman Mailer”,in Harry T.Moore,ed.,Contemporary American Novelists,Carbondale:Southern Illinois University Press,1964,pp.106-119.

[165] Marvin Mudrick,“Mailer and Styron:Guests of the Establishment”,The Hudson Review,Vol.17,No.3,Autumn 1964,pp.346-366.

[166] Allen Guttmann,“The Conversion of the Jew”,Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature,Vol.6,No.2,Summer 1965,pp.161-176.

[167] Mario Corona,“Norman Mailer”,Studi Americani,No.11,1965,pp.359-407.

[168] Ihab Hassan,“The Novel of Outrage:A Minority Voice in Postwar American Fiction”,American Scholar,Vol.34,Spring 1965,pp.239-253.

[169] Paul B.Newman,“Mailer:The Jew as Existentialist”,North American Review,Vol.250,No.3,Fall 1965,pp.48-55.

[170] Renee Winegarten,“Norman Mailer—Genuine or Counterfeit?”,Midstream,September 1965,pp.91-95.

[171] John W.Aldridge,“Norman Mailer:The Energy of New Success”,in his Time to Murder and Create:The Contemporary Novel in Crisis,New York:David McKay Company,1966,pp.149-163.

[172] Alfred Kazin,“The Jew as Modern Writer”,Commentary,April 1966,pp.37-41.

[173] Margery Wood,“Norman Mailer and Nathalie Sarraute:A Comparison of Existential Novels”,Minnesota Review,Vol.6,1966,pp.67-72.

[174] Robert Solotaroff,“Down Mailer's Way”,Chicago Review,Vol.19,June 1967,pp.11-25.

[175] James Toback,“Norman Mailer Today”,Commentary,October 1967,pp.68-76.

[176] Richard Foster,“Mailer and the Fitzgerald Tradition”,NOVEL:A Forum on Fiction,Vol.1,No.3,Spring 1968,pp.219-230.

[177] John Peter,“The Self-effacement of the Novelist”,Malahat Review,Vol.8,October 1968,pp.119-128.

[178] Robert Langbaum,“Mailer's New Style”,NOVEL:A Forum on Fiction,Vol.2,No.1,Fall 1968,pp.69-78.

[179] David Helsa,“The Two Roles of Norman Mailer”,in Nathan A.Scott,ed.,Adversity and Grace,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1968,pp.211-238.

[180] Max F.Schulz,“Mailer's Divine Comedy”,Contemporary Literature,Vol.9,No.1,Winter,1968.pp.36-57.

[181] Robert Alter,“The Real and Imaginary Worlds of Norman Mailer”,Midstream,January 1969,pp.24-35.

[182] Seymour Krim,“Norman Mailer,Get Out of My Head!”,New York,April 21,1969,pp.35-42.

[183] Martin Green,“Mailer and Amis:The New Conservatism”,Nation,May 5,1969,pp.573-575.

[184] Raymond A.Schroth,“Mailer and His Gods”,Commonweal,May 9,1969,pp.226-229.

[185] David Lodge,“The Novelist at the Crossroads”,Critical Quarterly,No.11,Summer 1969,pp.105-132.

[186] Richard Gilman,“Norman Mailer:Art as Life,Life as Art”,in his The Confusion of Realms,New York:Random House,1969,pp.81-153.

[187] Grace Witt,“The Bad Man as Hipster:Norman Mailer's Use of the Frontier Metaphor”,Western American Literature,No.4,Fall 1969,pp.203-217.

[188] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.33,34,36.

[189] David F.Burg,“The Hero of The Naked and the Dead”,Modern Fiction Studies,Vol.17,No.3,Autumn 1971,pp.387-401.

[190] Randall H.Waldron,“The Naked,the Dead,and the Machine:A New Look at Norman Mailer's First Novel”,PMLA,Vol.87,No.2,March 1972,pp.271-277.

[191] Paul N.Siegel,“The Malign Deity of The Naked and the Dead”,Twentieth Century Literature,Vol.20,No.4,October 1974,pp.291-297.

[192] John Stark,“Barbary Shore:The Basis of Mailer's Best Work”,Modern Fiction Studies,Vol.17,No.3,Autumn 1971,pp.403-408.

[193] Ruth Prigozy,“The Liberal Novelist in the McCarthy Era”,Twentieth Century Literature,Vol.21,No.3,October 1975,pp.253-264.

[194] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,p.38.

[195] James Rother,“Mailer's ‘O’Shaugnessy Chronicle:A Speculative Autopsy”,Critique,Vol.19,No.3,1978,pp.21-39.

[196] Helon Howell Raines,“Norman Mailer's Sergius O'Shaugnessy:Villain and Victim”,Frontiers:A Journal of Women Studies,Vol.2,No.1,Spring 1977,pp.71-75.

[197] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.46,49,50.

[198] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.55-57.

[199] Ihab Hassan,“Focus on Norman Mailer's Why Are We in Vietnam?”,in David Madden,ed.,American Dreams,American Nightmares,Carbondale:Southern Illinois University Press,1970,pp.197-203.

[200] Ralph Maud,“Faulkner,Mailer,and Yogi Bear”,Canadian Review of American Studies,Vol.2,No.2,Fall 1971,pp.69-75.

[201] Richard Pearce,“Norman Mailer's Why Are We in Vietnam?:A Radical Critique of Frontier Values”,Modern Fiction Studies,Vol.17,No.3,Autumn 1971,pp.409-414.

[202] Rubin Rabinovitz,“Myth and Animalism in Why Are We in Vietnam?”,Twentieth Century Literature,Vol.20,No.4,October 1974,pp.298-305.

[203] Fredric Jameson,“The Great American Hunter,or,Ideological Content in the Novel”,College English,Vol.34,No.2(Marxist Interpretations of Mailer,Woolf,Wright and Others),November 1972,pp.180-197.

[204] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.58-60.

[205] John D.Champoll,“Norman Mailer and The Armies of the Night”,Massachusetts Studies in English,Vol.3,1971,pp.17-21.

[206] Robert Merideth,“The 45-second Piss:A Left Critique of Norman Mailer and The Armies of the Night”,Modern Fiction Studies,Vol.17,No.3,Autumn 1971,pp.433-449.

[207] Charles H.Brown,“Journalism versus Art”,Current,June 1972,pp.31-38.

[208] Jack Behar,“History and Fiction:The Armies of the Night by Norman Mailer;The Confessions of Nat Turner by William Styron”,NOVEL:A Forum on Fiction,Vol.3,No.3,Spring 1970,pp.260-265.

[209] James E.Breslin,“Style in Norman Mailer's The Armies of the Night”,The Yearbook of English Studies,Vol.8(American Literature Special Number),1978,pp.157-170.

[210] Kenneth A.Seib,“Mailer's March:The Epic Structure of The Armies of the Night”,Essays in Literature,Vol.1,No.1,Spring 1974,pp.89-95.

[211] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.40-41.

[212] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.63-65.

[213] Benjamin De Mott,“Inside Apollo II with Aquarius Mailer”,Saturday Review,January 16,1971,pp.25-27,57-58.

[214] Richard Poirier,“Ups and Downs of Mailer”,New Republic,January 23,1971,pp.23-26.

[215] Alfred Kazin,“Capote's Kansas and Mailer's Moon”,New York Review of Books,April 8,1971,pp.26-30.

[216] Raymond A.Schroth,“Mailer on the Moon”,Commonweal,May 7,1971,pp.216-218.

[217] Donald L.Kaufmann,“Mailer's Lunar Bits and Pieces”,Modern Fiction Studies,Vol.17,Autumn 1971,pp.451-454.

[218] Thomas Werge,“An Apocalyptic Voyage:God,Satan,and the American Tradition in Norman Mailer's Of a Fire on the Moon”,The Review of Politics,Vol.34,No.4,October 1972,pp.108-128.

[219] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.66-67.

[220] “Women's Lib:Mailer vs.Millet”,Time,February 22,1971,p.71.

[221] Sister Nan,“Norman,prisoner of sex”,Off Our Backs,Vol.1,No.20,April 15,1971,p.14.

[222] Brigid Brophy,“The Prisoner of Sex”,New York Times Book Review,May 23,1971,pp.1,14,16.

[223] Brigid Brophy,“What Katy Did to Norman”,Sunday Times Magazine(London),September 12,1971,p.53.

[224] Joyce Carol Oates,“Out of the Machine”,Atlantic,July 1971,pp.42-45.

[225] V.S.Pritchett,“With Norman Mailer at the Sex Circus:Into the Cage”,Atlantic,July 1971,pp.40-42.

[226] Jonathan Raban,“Huck Mailer and the Widow Millet”,New Statesman,September 3,1971,pp.303-304.

[227] Juliet Mitchell,“Mailer:‘So the revolution called again’”,Modern Occasions,Vol.1,Fall 1971,pp.611-618.

[228] David Lodge,“Male,Mailer,Female”,New Black Friars,Vol.52,December 1971,pp.558-561.

[229] Annette Barnes,“Norman Mailer:A Prisoner of Sex”,Massachusetts Review,Vol.13,No.1/2,Winter 1972,pp.269-274.

[230] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,p.68.

[231] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,p.69.

[232] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.69-71.

[233] Marsh Clark and Stefan Kanfer,“Two Myths Converge:NM Discovers MM”,Time,July 16,1973,pp.60-64,69-70.

[234] Edmund Fuller,“Mailer's Sexploitation of Marilyn”,Wall Street Journal,September 24,1973,p.14.

[235] Louis Berg,“When She Was Good...”,Saturday Review/World,September 25,1973,pp.32-34.

[236] John Stafford,“Mailer's Marilyn Monroe”,Vogue,September 1973,pp.288-289.

[237] Saul Maloff,“Mailer's Marilyn”,Commonweal,September 21,1973,pp.503-505.

[238] Lila Frelicher,“Mailer Celebrates Monroe for Grosset and Dunlap”,Publishers’ Weekly,November 13,1972,p.36.

[239] Philip French,“Norman and Norma Jean”,New Statesman,November 9,1973,pp.688-689.

[240] Gerald Weales,“The Naked and the Dead:Marilyn:A Biography by Norman Mailer”,The Hudson Review,Vol.26,No.4,Winter 1973-1974,pp.769-772.

[241] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,p.71.

[242] See Laura Adams,Norman Mailer:A Comprehensive Bibliography,Metuchen,N.J.:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1974,pp.79-102.

[243] Granville Hicks,“Norman Mailer:Foreword”,in his Literary Horizons:A Quarter Century of American Fiction,New York:New York University Press,1970,pp.273-274.

[244] Helen Weinberg,“The Heroes of Norman Mailer's Novels”,in his The New Novel in America:The Kafkan Mode in Contemporary Fiction,Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1970,pp.108-140.

[245] J.Bakker,“Literature,Politics,and Norman Mailer”,Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo-American Letters,Vol.1,No.3-4,1971,pp.129-145.

[246] Matthew Grace,“Norman Mailer at the End of the Decade”,Étudea Anglaises,No.24,January-March 1971,pp.50-58.

[247] Wilfred Sheed,“Norman Mailer:Genius or Nothing”,Encounter,June 1971,pp.66-71.

[248] John M.Muste,“Norman Mailer and John Dos Passos:The Question of Influence”,Modern Fiction Studies,Vol.17,No.3,Autumn 1971,pp.361-374.

[249] Richard D.Finholt,“‘Otherwise How Explain?’ Norman Mailer's New Cosmology”,Modern Fiction Studies,Vol.17,No.3,Autumn 1971,pp.375-386.

[250] Donald L.Kaufmann,“The Long Happy Life of Norman Mailer”,Modern Fiction Studies,Vol.17,No.3,Autumn 1971,pp.347-359.

[251] James Gindin,“Megalotopia and the WASP Backlash:The Fiction of Mailer and Updike”,Critical Review,Vol.15,Winter 1971,pp.38-52.

[252] Morton L.Ross,“Thoreau and Mailer:The Mission of the Rooster”,Western Humanities Review,Vol.25,Winter 1971,pp.47-56.

[253] Theodore L.Gross,“Norman Mailer:The Quest for Heroism”,in his The Heroic Ideal in American Literature,New York:Free Press,1971,pp.272-295.

[254] Charles I.Glicksberg,“Norman Mailer:Salvation and the Apocalyptic Orgasm”,in his The Sexual Revolutions in Modern American Literature,The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1971,pp.171-181.

[255] Richard Poirier,“Mailer:Good Form and Bad”,Saturday Review,April 22,1972,pp.42-46.

[256] Richard Poirier,“Norman Mailer's Necessary Mess”,Listener,November 8,1973,pp.626-627.

[257] Leo Braudy,“Norman Mailer:The Pride of Vulnerability”,in Leo Braudy,ed.,Norman Mailer:A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1972,pp.1-20.

[258] Michael Cowan,“The Americanness of Norman Mailer”,in Leo Braudy,ed.,Norman Mailer:A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1972,pp.143-151.

[259] Dane Proxpeale Ostriker,“Norman Mailer and the Mystery Women or,The Rape of the C-K”,Esquire,November 1972,pp.122-125.

[260] Richard Foster,“Norman Mailer”,in George T.Wright,ed.,Seven American Literary Stylists from Poe to Mailer:An Introduction,Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1973,pp.238-273.

[261] Richard Daniel Lehan,“The Other Limits:Norman Mailer and Richard Wright”,in his A Dangerous Crossing:French Literary Existentialism and the Modern American Novel,Carbondale and Edwardsville:Southern Illinois University Press,1973,pp.80-95.

[262] J.H.Raleigh,“History and Its Burdens:The Example of Norman Mailer”,in Monroe Engel,ed.,Uses of Literature,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1973,pp.163-186.

[263] Robert F.Lucid,“Norman Mailer:The Artist as Fantasy Figure”,The Massachusetts Review,Vol.15,No.4,Autumn 1974,pp.581-595.

[264] Seldon Rodman,“Norman Mailer”,in his Tongues of Fallen Angels,New York:New Directions,1974,pp.163-181.

[265] J.Michael Lennon,“Mailer's Sarcophagus:The Artist,The Media,and The ‘Wad’”,Modern Fiction Studies,Vol.23,No.2,Summer 1977,pp.179-187.

[266] Bernard Horn,“Ahab and Ishmael at War:The Presence of Moby-Dick in The Naked and the Dead”,American Quarterly,Vol.34,No.4,Autumn 1982,pp.379-395.

[267] Nigel Leigh,“Spirit of Place in Mailer's ‘The Naked and the Dead’”,Journal of American Studies,Vol.21,No.3,December 1987,pp.426-429.

[268] Carl Rollyson,“Of a Fire on the Moon”,Masterlpots Ⅱ:Nonfiction Series,1989,pp.1-4.

[269] Dean MacCannell,“Marilyn Monroe Was Not a Man:Marilyn:A Biography by Norman Mailer...”,Diacritics,Vol.17,No.2,Summer 1987,pp.114-127.

[270] Carl E.Rollyson,Jr.,“Biography in a New Key:The Executioner's Song by Norman Mailer”,Chicago Review,Vol.31,No.4,Spring 1980,pp.31-38.

[271] Barbara Allen Babcock,“Gary Gilmore's Lawyers:The Executioner's Song by Norman Mailer”,Stanford Law Review,Vol.32,No.4,April 1980,pp.865-878.

[272] Ronald Weber,“Murder as Subject:The Executioner's Song by Norman Mailer;Serpentine by Thomas Thompson”,The Sewanee Review,Vol.88,No.4,Fall 1980,pp.659-664.

[273] Frederick E.Hoxie,“The Executioner's Song by Norman Mailer”,The Antioch Review,Vol.38,No.3,Summer 1980,pp.383-384.

[274] L.W.Payne,“The Executioner's Song”,Magill's Literary Annual 1980,1980,pp.1-3.

[275] Hilary Mills,“Creators on Creating:Norman Mailer”,Saturday Review,Vol.8,No.1,January 1981,pp.46-53.

[276] J.Michael Lennon,“Mailer's Cosmology”,Modern Language Studies,Vol.12,No.3,Summer 1982,pp.18-29.

[277] Jessica Gerson,“Norman Mailer:Sex,Creativity and God”,Mosaic,Vol.15,No.2,June 1982,pp.1-16.

[278] Christian K.Messenger,“Norman Mailer:Boxing and the Art of His Narrative”,Modern Fiction Studies,Vol.33,No.1,Spring 1987,pp.85-104.

[279] Catharine Savage Brosman,“The Functions of War Literature”,South Central Review,Vol.9,No.1(Historicizing Literary Contexts),Spring 1992,pp.85-98.

[280] Carl Rollyson,“The Naked and the Dead”,in David R.Peck and Eric Howard,eds.,Identities & Issues in Literature,New York:Salem Press Inc.,1997,p.1.

[281] John M.Muste,“The Naked and the Dead”,Cyclopedia of Literary Places,1998,pp.1-2.

[282]The Naked and the Dead”,Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature,1995,N.PAG.

[283] Carl Rollyson,“An American Dream”,in David R.Peck and Eric Howard,eds.,Identities & Issues in Literature,New York:Salem Press Inc.,1997,p.1.

[284]An American Dream”,Cyclopedia of Literary Characters,rev.3rd ed.,1998,p.1.

[285] Joshua Miller,“No Success like Failure:Existential Politics in Norman Mailer's The Armies of the Night”,Polity,Vol.22,No.3,Spring 1990,pp.379-396.

[286] Michael Zeitlin,“The Armies of the Night”,Cyclopedia of Literary Characters,rev.3rd ed.,1998,p.1.

[287] “Armies of the Night”,Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia,1996,p.51.

[288] Mark Edmundson,“Romantic Self-Creations:Mailer and Gilmore in The Executioner's Song”,Contemporary Literature,Vol.31,No.4,Winter 1990,pp.434-447.

[289] Robert Merrill,“Mailer's Tough Guys Don't Dance and the Detective Traditions”,Critique,Vol.34,No.4,Summer 1993,pp.232-246.

[290] William H.Pritchard,“Mailer's Main Events”,The Hudson Review,Vol.45,No.1,Spring 1992,pp.149-157.

[291] John W.Aldridge,“Documents as Narrative”,The Atlantic Monthly,May 1995,pp.120-125.

[292] Joseph Tabbi,“Mailer's Psychology of Machines”,PMLA,Vol.106,No.2,March 1991,pp.238-250.

[293] Steve Shoemaker,“Norman Mailer's ‘White Negro’:Historical Myth or Mythical History?”,Twentieth Century Literature,Vol.37,No.3,Autumn 1991,pp.343-360.

[294] Steve Shoemaker,“Norman Mailer and Richard Wilbur”,The Paris Review,Spring 1999,pp.270-284.

[295] John M.Kinder,“The Good War's ‘Raw Chunks’:Norman Mailer's The Naked and the Dead and James Gould Cozzens's Guard of Honor”,The Midwest Quarterly,2005,pp.187-202.

[296] Leah Garrett,“Young Lions:Jewish American War Fiction of 1948”,Jewish Social Studies,Vol.18,No.2,Winter 2012,pp.70-99.

[297] Andrew Wilson,“Pentagon Pictures:The Civil Divide in Norman Mailer's The Armies of the Night”,Journal of American Studies,Vol.44,No.4,2010,pp.725-740.

[298] Alvin B.Kernan,“The Taking of the Moon:The Struggle of the Poetic and Scientific Myths in Norman Mailer's Of a Fire on the Moon”,in Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,2003,pp.7-31.

[299] Geoff Dyer,“Mailer's Moon Shot”,The Threepenny Review,No.139,Fall 2014,pp.8-9.

[300] Ashton Howley,“Mailer Again:Heterophobia in Tough Guys Don't Dance”,Journal of Modern Literature,Vol.30,No.1,Autumn 2006,pp.31-46.

[301] James Emmett Ryan,“‘Insatiable as Good Old America’:Tough Guys Don't Dance and Popular Criminality”,Journal of Modern Literature,Vol.30,No.1,Autumn 2006,pp.17-22.

[302] Scott Duguid,“The Addiction of Masculinity:Norman Mailer's Tough Guys Don't Dance and the Cultural Politics of Reaganism”,Journal of Modern Literature,Vol.30,No.1,Autumn 2006,pp.23-30.

[303] David Rampton,“Plexed Artistry:The Formal Case for Mailer's Harlot's Ghost”,Journal of Modern Literature,Vol.30,No.1,Autumn 2006,pp.47-63.

[304] Brian McDonald,“Post-Holocaust Theodicy,American Imperialism,and the ‘Very Jewish Jesus’ of Norman Mailer's The Gospel According to the Son”,Journal of Modern Literature,Vol.30,No.1,Autumn 2006,pp.78-90.

[305] Jeffrey F.L.Partridge,“The Gospel According to the Son and Christian Belief”,Journal of Modern Literature,Vol.30,No.1,Autumn 2006,pp.64-77.

[306] Brown Kevin,“A Foil and a Forerunner:The Portrayal of John the Baptist in Contemporary Fiction”,The Midwest Quarterly,Vol.50,No.2,2009,pp.149-160.

[307] Fred Leebron,“The Spooky Art:Some Thoughts on Writing,by Norman Mailer”,Provincetown Arts,2003,pp.118-119.

[308] Thomas E.Kennedy,“Norman Mailer,The Spooky Art:Some Thoughts on Writing”,Literary Review,Vol.46,No.4,Summer 2003,pp.759-761.

[309] Leonard Kriegel,“Mailer's Hitler:Round One”,Sewanee Review,Vol.115,No.4,Fall 2007,pp.615-620.

[310] Steven Poole,“Sympathy for the Devil”,New Statesman,February 19,2007,pp.54-55.

[311] John Gross,“Young Adolf:The Castle in the Forest by Norman Mailer”,Commentary,March 2007,pp.59-63.

[312] Cliff Prewencki,“The Castle in the Forest”,Magill's Literary Annual 2008,2008,pp.1-3.

[313] Sean McCann,“The Imperiled Republic:Norman Mailer and the Poetics of Anti-Liberalism”,ELH,Vol.67,No.1,Spring 2000,pp.293-336.

[314] Kathryn Hume,“Books of the Dead:Postmodern Politics in Novels by Mailer,Burroughs,Acker,and Pynchon”,Modern Philology,Vol.97,No.3,February 2000,pp.417-444.

[315] J.Michael Lennon,“Norman Mailer:Novelist or Nonfiction Writer”,Provincetown Arts,No.17,2002-2003,pp.42-45.

[316] J.Michael Lennon,“Norman Mailer and Provincetown:The Wild West of the East”,Provincetown Arts,No.19,2005,pp.97-101.

[317] J.Michael Lennon,“Norman Mailer:Novelist,Journalist,or Historian?”,Journal of Modern Literature,Vol.30,No.1,Autumn 2006,pp.91-103.

[318] J.Michael Lennon,“Why Mailer Matters:Three Reasons”,Heritage Biography,November 16,2011;presented at the Mailer-Jones Conference,Harry Ransom Center,University of Texas-Austin,November 10,2011.

[319] Michael Mewshaw,“Vidal and Mailer”,South Central Review,Vol.19,No.1,Spring 2002,pp.4-14.

[320] Peter Balbert,“From Lady Chatterley's Lover to The Deer Park:Lawrence,Mailer and the Dialectic of Erotic Risk”,Studies in the Novel,Vol.22,No.1,Spring 1990,pp.67-81.

[321] Andrea Levine,“The(Jewish)White Negro:Norman Mailer's Racial Bodies”,MELUS,Vol.28,No.2,Summer 2003,pp.59-81.

[322] Jonathan W.Gray,“The Apocalyptic Hipster:‘The White Negro’ and Norman Mailer's Achievement of Style”,in his Civil Rights in the White Literary Imagination:Innocence by Association,Jackson:University Press of Mississippi,2013,pp.44-71.

[323] David Castronovo,“Norman Mailer as Midcentury Advertisement”,New England Review,Vol.24,No.4,2004,pp.179-186.

[324] Frederick Whiting,“Stronger,Smarter,and Less Queer:‘The White Negro’ and Mailer's Third Man”,Women's Studies Quarterly,Vol.33,No.3/4,Fall/Winter 2005,pp.189-214.

[325] Andrew Hoberek,“Liberal Antiliberalism:Mailer,O'Connor,and the Gender Politics of Middle-class Resentiment”,Women's Studies Quarterly,Vol.33,No.3/4,Fall 2005,pp.24-47.

[326] T.H.Adamowski,“Demoralizing Liberalism:Lionel Trilling,Leslie Fiedler,and Norman Mailer”,University of Toronto Quarterly,Vol.75,No.3,2006,pp.883-904.

[327] John Whalen-Bridge,“The Karma of Words:Mailer since The Executioner's Song”,Journal of Modern Literature,Vol.30,No.1,Autumn 2006,pp.1-16.

[328] Michael Snyder,“Crisis of Masculinity:Homosocial Desire and Homosexual Panic in the Critical Cold War Narratives of Mailer and Coover”,Critique,Vol.48,No.3,Spring 2007,pp.250-277.

[329] Cyrus Ernesto Zirakzadeh,“Political Prophecy in Contemporary American Literature:The Left-Conservative Vision of Norman Mailer”,The Review of Politics,Vol.69,No.4,Fall 2007,pp.625-649.

[330] Joe Scotchie,“Thomas Wolfe and Norman Mailer:Kinsmen of the Land”,The Thomas Wolfe Review,2009,pp.114-116.

[331] Algis Valiunas,“The Naked Novelist and the Dead Reputation:Re-evaluating the stories career of Norman Mailer”,Culture & Civilization,September 2009,pp.69-75.

[332] Benjamin Lee,“Avant-Garde Poetry as Subcultural Practice:Mailer and Di Prima's Hipsters”,New Literary History,Vol.41,No.4,Autumn 2010,pp.775-794.

[333] Douglas Taylor,“Three Lean Cats in a Hall of Mirrors:James Baldwin,Norman Mailer,and Eldridge Cleaver on Race and Masculinity”,Texas Studies in Literature and Language,Vol.52,No.1,Spring 2010,pp.70-101.

[334] Erik Nakjavani,“A Visionary Hermeneutic Appropriation:Meditations on Hemingway's Influence on Mailer”,The Mailer Review,Vol.4,No.1,Fall 2010,pp.1-42.

[335] David Cowart,“Norman Mailer:Like a Wrecking Ball from Outer Space”,Critique,Vol.51,No.2,2010,pp.159-167.

[336] Edward Mendelson,“Mythmaker:Norman Mailer”,in his Moral Agents:Eight Twentieth-Century American Writers,New York:New York Review of Books,2015,pp.124-144.

[337] Lawrence R.Broer,“Mailer Unbound”,Resources for American Literary Study,Vol.38,2015,pp.293-302.

[338] John G.Rodwan,Jr.,“The Fighting Life:Boxing and Identity in Novels by Philip Roth and Norman Mailer”,Philip Roth Studies,Vol.7,No.1,Spring 2011,pp.83-96.

[339] Diana Sheets and Michael F.Shaughnessy,“An Interview with Diana Sheets:Norman Mailer and Tom Wolfe,Two Leaders of ‘New Journalism’ or Writers Striving to Create the ‘Great American Novel’?”,in their The Doubling:Those Influential Writers That Shape Our Contemporary Perceptions of Identity and Consciousness in the New Millennium,Nova Science Publishers,Inc.,2016,pp.109-124.

[340] Marjorie Worthington,“The New Journalism as the New Fiction:Tom Wolfe,Norman Mailer,Hunter S.Thompson,Joan Didion,Mark Leyner,and Bret Easton Ellis”,in his The Story of “Me”:Contemporary American Autofiction,Lincoln & London:University of Nebraska Press,2018,pp.92-124.

[341] J.J.Murphy,“Experiments in Psychodrama:Mekas,Warhol,Clarke,and Mailer”,in his Rewriting Indie Cinema:Improvisation,Psychodrama,and the Screenplay,New York:Columbia University Press,2019,pp.95-118.

[342] 本书中梅勒作品的译名与以下译著不完全相同。

[343] See Robert Merrill,Norman Mailer,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1978,p.10.

[344] See Robert Merrill,Norman Mailer,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1978,p.12.

[345] Robert Merrill,Norman Mailer,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1992,p.ix.

[346] 这12部作品是:The Naked and the Dead(New York:Rinehart,1948),Barbary Shore(New York:Rinehart,1951),The Deer Park(New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1955),Advertisements for Myself(New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1959),The Presidential Papers(New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1963),An American Dream(New York:The Dial Press,1965),Cannibals and Christians(New York:The Dial Press,1966),Why Are We in Vietnam?(New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1967),The Armies of the Night(New York:New American Library,1968),Miami and the Siege of Chicago(New York:New American Library,1968),Of a Fire on the Moon(Boston:Little,Brown,1970),and The Prisoner of Sex(Boston:Little,Brown,1971).

[347] Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,New York and Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,1986,p.ix.

[348] Norman Mailer,Advertisements for Myself,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1959,p.379.

[349] Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,New York and Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,1986,p.2.See also Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,2003,p.2.

[350] J.Michael Lennon,Critical Essays on Norman Mailer,Boston,Massachusetts:G.K.Hall & Co.,1986,p.3.

[351] J.Michael Lennon,Critical Essays on Norman Mailer,Boston,Massachusetts:G.K.Hall & Co.,1986,p.1.

[352] Norman Mailer,The Presidential Papers,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1963,pp.136-137.

[353] Nathan A.Scott,Jr.,Three American Moralists:Mailer,Bellow,Trilling,Notre Dame & London:University of Notre Dame Press,1973,pp.50-51.

[354] Norman Mailer,The Presidential Papers,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1963,p.5.

[355] Norman Mailer,The Presidential Papers,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1963,p.4.

[356] Norman Mailer,The Presidential Papers,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1963,p.152.

[357] See J.Michael Lennon,Critical Essays on Norman Mailer,Boston,Massachusetts:G.K.Hall & Co.,1986,p.1.See also Robert Merrill,Norman Mailer,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1992,p.xii.

[358] Richard Foster,“Early Novels”,in Harold Bloom,ed.,Norman Mailer,New York and Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,1986,p.17.

[359] See Robert Ehrlich,Norman Mailer:The Radical as Hipster,Metuchen,N.J.& London:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1978,p.1.

[360] Sandy Cohen,Norman Mailer's Novels,Amsterdam:Editions Rodopi,1979,p.10.

[361] Sandy Cohen,Norman Mailer's Novels,Amsterdam:Editions Rodopi,1979,p.14.

[362] Norman Mailer,Advertisements for Myself,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1959,p.314.

[363] Norman Mailer,Cannibals and Christians,New York:The Dial Press,1966,p.252.

[364] Norman Mailer,Cannibals and Christians,New York:The Dial Press,1966,p.253.

[365] Norman Mailer,“Pontifications”,in Pieces and Pontifications,Kent:New English Library,1982,p.21.

[366] Robert Ehrlich,Norman Mailer:The Radical as Hipster,Metuchen,N.J.& London:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1978,p.2.

[367] Robert Ehrlich,Norman Mailer:The Radical as Hipster,Metuchen,N.J.& London:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1978,p.8.

[368] Robert Ehrlich,Norman Mailer:The Radical as Hipster,Metuchen,N.J.& London:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1978,p.14.

[369] Robert Ehrlich,Norman Mailer:The Radical as Hipster,Metuchen,N.J.& London:The Scarecrow Press,Inc.,1978,p.vii.

[370] Laura Adams,Existential Battles:The Growth of Norman Mailer,Athens,Ohio:Ohio University Press,1976,p.8.

[371] Laura Adams,Existential Battles:The Growth of Norman Mailer,Athens,Ohio:Ohio University Press,1976,p.9.

[372] Laura Adams,Existential Battles:The Growth of Norman Mailer,Athens,Ohio:Ohio University Press,1976,pp.21-22.

[373] Laura Adams,Existential Battles:The Growth of Norman Mailer,Athens,Ohio:Ohio University Press,1976,p.24.

[374] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:Unversity Press of New England,1987,p.4.

[375] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:Unversity Press of New England,1987,p.5.

[376] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:Unversity Press of New England,1987,p.5.

[377] Norman Mailer,Advertisements for Myself,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1959,p.17.

[378] Robert J.Begiebing,Acts of Regeneration:Allegory and Archetype in the Works of Norman Mailer,Columbia & London:University of Missouri Press,1980,p.1.

[379] Robert J.Begiebing,Acts of Regeneration:Allegory and Archetype in the Works of Norman Mailer,Columbia & London:University of Missouri Press,1980,p.3.

[380] Norman Mailer,The Presidential Papers,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1963,pp.175-176.

[381] Norman Mailer,The Presidential Papers,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1963,p.184.

[382] Robert J.Begiebing,Acts of Regeneration:Allegory and Archetype in the Works of Norman Mailer,Columbia & London:University of Missouri Press,1980,p.5.

[383] See Robert J.Begiebing,Acts of Regeneration:Allegory and Archetype in the Works of Norman Mailer,Columbia & London:University of Missouri Press,1980,pp.8-9.

[384] See Robert J.Begiebing,Acts of Regeneration:Allegory and Archetype in the Works of Norman Mailer,Columbia & London:University of Missouri Press,1980,pp.10-11.

[385] Norman Mailer,The Presidential Papers,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1963,pp.39-40.

[386] Norman Mailer,The Presidential Papers,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1963,pp.41-42.

[387] Norman Mailer,The Spooky Art:Some Thoughts on Writing,London:Little,Brown,2003,p.163.

[388] Michael K.Glenday,Norman Mailer,New York:St.Martin's Press,1995,p.44.

[389] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:University Press of New England,1987,p.3.

[390] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:University Press of New England,1987,p.3.

[391] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:University Press of New England,1987,p.3.

[392] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:University Press of New England,1987,p.3.

[393] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:University Press of New England,1987,p.3.

[394] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:University Press of New England,1987,p.5.

[395] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:University Press of New England,1987,p.5.

[396] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:University Press of New England,1987,p.6.

[397] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:University Press of New England,1987,p.7.

[398] Michael K.Glenday,Norman Mailer,New York:St.Martin's Press,1995,p.2.

[399] Michael K.Glenday,Norman Mailer,New York:St.Martin's Press,1995,p.38.

[400] Michael K.Glenday,Norman Mailer,New York:St.Martin's Press,1995,p.45.

[401] Michael K.Glenday,Norman Mailer,New York:St.Martin's Press,1995,p.2.

[402] Robert Begiebing,“Twelfth Round:An Interview with Norman Mailer”,in J.Michael Lennon,ed.,Conversations with Norman Mailer,Jackson,Miss.,1988,p.317.

[403] Nigel Leigh,Radical Fictions and the Novels of Norman Mailer,Basingstoke,Hampshire and London:Macmillan,1990,p.viii.

[404] Nigel Leigh,Radical Fictions and the Novels of Norman Mailer,Basingstoke,Hampshire and London:Macmillan,1990,p.ix.

[405] J.Michael Lennon,Critical Essays on Norman Mailer,Boston,Massachusetts:G.K.Hall & Co.,1986,p.2.

[406] J.Michael Lennon,Critical Essays on Norman Mailer,Boston,Massachusetts:G.K.Hall & Co.,1986,p.3.

[407] Michael K.Glenday,Norman Mailer,New York:St.Martin's Press,1995,p.26.

[408] Robert Merrill,Norman Mailer,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1992,p.ix.

[409] See Robert Merrill,Norman Mailer,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1992,p.xii.

[410] Robert Merrill,Norman Mailer,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1978,p.13.

[411] Jennifer Bailey,Norman Mailer:Quick-Change Artist,London and Basingstoke:The Macmillan Press Ltd.,1979,p.1.

[412] J.Michael Lennon,Critical Essays on Norman Mailer,Boston,Massachusetts:G.K.Hall & Co.,1986,p.2.

[413] Joseph Wenke,Mailer's America,Hanover and London:University Press of New England,1987,p.4.

[414] Norman Mailer,Advertisements for Myself,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1959,p.17.

[415] Norman Mailer,Advertisements for Myself,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1959,p.384;Norman Mailer,The Spooky Art:Some Thoughts on Writing,London:Little,Brown,p.161.

[416] Norman Mailer,Advertisements for Myself,New York:G.P.Putnam's Sons,1959,p.385.

[417] Norman Mailer,Cannibals and Christians,New York:The Dial Press,1966,pp.98-99;Norman Mailer,The Spooky Art:Some Thoughts on Writing,London:Little,Brown,p.300.

[418] Leo Braudy,ed.,Norman Mailer:A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1972,p.14.

[419] Leo Braudy,ed.,Norman Mailer:A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1972,p.18.

[420] Laura Adams,Existential Battles:The Growth of Norman Mailer,Athens,Ohio:Ohio University Press,1976,p.3.

[421] Robert Solotaroff,Down Mailer's Way,Urbana,Chicago and London:University of Illinois Press,1974,p.viii.

[422] Diana Trilling,“The Radical Moralism of Norman Mailer”,in Leo Braudy,ed.,Norman Mailer:A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1972,pp.43-44.

[423] Diana Trilling,“The Radical Moralism of Norman Mailer”,in Leo Braudy,ed.,Norman Mailer:A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1972,p.47.

[424] Diana Trilling,“The Radical Moralism of Norman Mailer”,in Leo Braudy,ed.,Norman Mailer:A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1972,p.47.

[425] Diana Trilling,“The Radical Moralism of Norman Mailer”,in Leo Braudy,ed.,Norman Mailer:A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1972,p.50.

[426] Diana Trilling,“The Radical Moralism of Norman Mailer”,in Leo Braudy,ed.,Norman Mailer:A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1972,p.53.

[427] Diana Trilling,“The Radical Moralism of Norman Mailer”,in Leo Braudy,ed.,Norman Mailer:A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1972,p.56.

[428] Laura Adams,Existential Battles:The Growth of Norman Mailer,Athens,Ohio:Ohio University Press,1976,p.20.