关键词:DSGE模型 货币供给量 利率 “混合货币政策”规则
中图分类号:F113.3 文献标识码:A
Applicability of Mixed Monetary Policy Rules in China from the Perspective of Open Economy
Zhang Du
Abstract:By constructing a DSGE model in an open economy environment,this paper explores the applicability of the central bank’s “Mixed Monetary Policy” rules in China. And we compared the advantages and disadvantages of three different monetary rules in China’s macroeconomic regulation and control,which are quantitative monetary policy rule,the price monetary policy rule and the “Mixed Monetary Policy” rules. The results show that quantitative monetary policy is easily to be controlled and it has the ability to regulate economic trends,while interest rate policy rule has strong effects on macro-control response speed,response range and volatility regulation. The “Mixed Monetary Policy” rules has the characteristics of both quantitative regulation and price regulation in the process of implementation. The policy complementarity between quantity and price can further avoid the defects in the process of single policy regulation and control,and has obvious advantages in dealing with the external shocks of the economy.
Keywords:DSGE Model Money Supply Interest Rate “Mixed Monetary Policy” Rules