[词语]not worth a(tinker's)damn/cuss
[趣释]【物象喻指】以前,英国的白铁匠人(tinkers)在替顾客焊铁壶、铁盒、铁锅之类日用品时,往往要先揉好一个面团粘在这些用品裂缝的下面,然后再往裂缝处倒上焊锡。焊妥之后,就把团面取下来扔掉。因为这时面团已成废物,再也没有什么价值了。连要扔掉的废面团都不值的东西,当然更毫无价值可言了。于是人们用“不值白铁匠的废面团”(not worth a tinker's damn)来喻指毫无价值、一文不值、没有用处。
[运用]That article is not worth a damn.那篇文章毫无价值。
His ideas are not worth a tinker's damn; they are all borrowed from someone else.他的想法毫无价值,都是照搬别人的话。
I found an old coin in the garden and took it to an expert for valuation, but he said it was not worth a tinker's cuss. 我在花园里发现了一枚旧钱币,然后拿给一位专家估价,可是他说这东西毫无价值。
The man who is always worrying whether or not his soul will be damned generally has a soul that is not worth a damn. 老是担心自己的灵魂是否会被打入地狱的人,其灵魂大抵不值一文。