[词语]to pass the buck to sb.
[趣释]【物事喻指】过去美国西部盛行用扑克牌(Poker)赌博,“博克”(buck)是庄家的标志,意味庄家有发牌的责任和权利。开赌后,坐庄的人面前有一个“博克”标志,表明他在履行发牌的权责。轮到下一个人坐庄时,他要把“博克”推给下一个人,表明他把发牌的权责推给下一个人。后来,这些赌场用语被广泛用于社会,“推掉博克”(to pass the buck)被用来喻指推卸责任,“把博克推给某人”(to pass the buck to sb.)喻指推卸责任给某人。
[运用]He hates making decisions. He always passes the buck on to someone else. 他最不喜欢做出决定,总是把责任推诿给别人。
When Jimmy was blamed for breaking the window, he tried to pass the buck to Joe. 当吉米因为打破玻璃窗受到责备的时候,他试图把责任推给乔。
Parents often try to pass the buck to teachers when the children misbehave in school. 小孩子在学校表现不好,家长常常把责任推给老师。
When the boss was asking who had disclosed the news, the two of them began to pass the buck to each other. 当老板问起是谁把消息说出去时,他们两个互相推卸起责任来。