[词语]to wait for dead man's shoes
to step into dead man's shoes
to fill dead man's shoes
[趣释]【物事喻指】英国民间故事传说,有个穷得连鞋都穿不上的人,一听说有人快死了,就连忙赶过去守候在一旁,等候那人咽气之后,脱下他的鞋子穿在自己的脚上。后来,人们就用“等死人的鞋子”(to wait for dead man's shoes)或“穿死人的鞋子”(to fill/step into dead man's shoes)来喻指继承遗产、接替工作。
[运用]The idle young scamp is waiting for dead man's shoes, but his father won't die yet, he is too hale and hearty. 那个游手好闲的小流氓在等着继承财产,但他父亲还不想死,而且非常矍铄。
The only way of promotion in this company is by waiting for dead man's shoes. 这个公司里升职的唯一办法就是等待补别人的缺。
The junior executive was impatient for promotion but knew that he would only get it by stepping into a dead man's shoes. 这位下级行政官员急不可待地想晋升,但他知道只有等待别人死后或退休,才能步其后尘谋取其职。
She filled dead man's shoes to own the restaurant.她是继承了遗产才开了这家餐馆的。
注:这条成语与成语“穿某人的鞋子”意思接近。但“等死人的鞋子”(to wait for dead man's shoes)有“继承遗产”的意思;“穿某人的鞋子”(to step into sb's shoes)含“步某人的后尘”“继承某人的衣钵” 的意思。