[词语]to wait for the other shoe to drop
[趣释]【物事喻指】“等候另一只鞋子落下”(to wait for the other shoe to drop)出自英国民间的一则幽默故事。一位小职员每晚都加班到很晚,回到家疲惫不堪,总是脱下靴子“哐”的一声扔到地板上之后便倒头大睡。久而久之,楼下的房客每晚都受到干扰不得不向他交涉,希望他改正。第二天晚上,这个职员照例脱了一只靴子又“哐”的一声扔在地板上之后,忽然想起自己改正的承诺,便小心翼翼地脱下另一只靴子后睡去。一个小时之后,职员被一阵敲门声吵醒了,只听见楼下的房客喊道:“求求你,请把另一只鞋子也扔下来吧,我已经等候一个多小时了。”后来,人们用“等候另一只鞋子落下”(to wait for the other shoe to drop)喻指等着下个事件发生,提心吊胆地等候最后结果。同出一源的还有另一条成语“扔下另一只鞋”(to throw the other shoe)①。
[运用]But there are rumours that he has some shady things in his past, so everybody is waiting for the other shoe to drop. 但是,有传说讲他过去不光彩的事,所以大家都在等待最后结局。
They look so worried because they are waiting for the other shoe to drop. 他们看起来很焦急,因为他们正等候公布结果。
Business is bad, so the firm bas to fire 100 employees. They've already announced the first 50, and the rest of us are waiting for the other shoe to drop. 业务不景气,公司不得不辞退100多名雇员。他们已经宣布了首批五十名解雇人员名单,目前我们留下来的人,都在提心吊胆地等待最后结果。