[词语]Clogs to clogs is only three generations.
[趣释]【言语喻指】“从木底鞋到木底鞋不过三代人”(Clogs to clogs is only three generations.)是英格兰西北部的兰开夏郡(Lancashire)流行的一句谚语。clogs意为“木底鞋”,是当时英国穷人所穿的鞋。一些穿木底鞋的穷人经过艰苦奋斗,挣来了金钱和地位,成了富豪,由木底鞋换新皮鞋。但他们儿孙腐化堕落,守不住家业,落魄后穷困潦倒,还得穿上以前穿的木底鞋。“从穿木底鞋再回到穿木底鞋不过三代人”喻指创业难,守业更难;坐吃山空,还会受穷。相当于汉语中的“富不过三代”。
[运用]From clogs to clogs is only three generations. 坐吃山空,还会受穷。
The father buys, the son builds, the grandchild sells, and his son thigs. That's why “from clogs to clogs is only three generations.” 父买,子修,孙儿卖,重孙上街当乞丐,这就是为什么“富不过三代”。
So goes an English saying. The curse of God rest on idleness and that's why “from clogs to clogs is only three generations.” 有句英语谚语这样说:上帝总是诅咒游手好闲的人,因此“富不过三代”。