[词语]from the horse's mouth
[趣释]【物事喻指】在欧洲,赛马(horse racing)是一项历史悠久的运动。早在12世纪,赛马就成了英国“国王的运动”。赛马前挑选马匹要查看马的牙齿,要掰开马的嘴巴,从马的牙齿中推算马的年龄,选出年轻力壮的马参赛。后来“从马嘴中得来的”(from the horse's mouth)就被人们用来喻指来自可靠消息或根据第一手资料。这个成语在运用的时候,可以加上straight/right(直接地)以加强语气。
[运用]She would not believe what the neighbours said her husband had done. She wanted to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. 她不相信邻居说的有关她丈夫所做的事,她想亲耳听听她丈夫是怎样说的。
They doubted the imformation, but I told them I had gotten it from the horse's mouth. 他们怀疑这消息的可靠性,但是我告诉他们,我是从可靠的方面得来的。
Here is the reply. straight from the horse's mouth.这就是答复了,直接从权威方面得来。
Believe it or not! I didn't believe either. But I got it right from the horse's mouth. David called me this morning. 信不信由你,我当时不信,但这个消息千真万确,大卫今天早上打电话给我。