6 Electrical Facilities
6.1 General Requirements
6.1.1 The seismic design of electrical facilities shall comply with the following requirements:
1 For electrical facilities of important electrical installations,seismic design shall be performed when the seismic precautionary intensity is 7 degree or above.
2 For electrical facilities of common electrical installations,seismic design shall be performed when the seismic precautionary intensity is 8 degree or above.
3 For electrical facilities installed on the second and above floors indoors or elevated platforms outdoors,seismic design shall be performed when the seismic precautionary intensity is 7 degree or above.
6.1.2 The electrical equipment and communication equipment shall be selected according to the seismic precautionary criterion.For electrical facilities which are located in areas of high intensity and do not meet the seismic requirements or have strict or special requirements for seismic safety and functions,seismic isolation or energy dissipation measures may be taken.