Learning Dart(Second Edition)

Making a to-do list with Dart

Since this has become the "Hello World" for web programmers, let's make a simple to-do list and start a new todo_v1 web application. To record our tasks, we need an input field corresponding with InputElement in Dart:

<input id="task" type="text" placeholder="What do you want to do?"/>

The HTML5 placeholder attribute lets you specify a default text that appears in the field.

We specify a list tag (UListElement), which we will fill up in our code:

<ul id="list"/>

The following is the code from todo_v1.dart:

import 'dart:html';

InputElement task;
UListElement list;

main() {
  task = querySelector('#task');             (1)
  list = querySelector('#list');             (2)
  task.onChange.listen( (e) => addItem() );  (3)

void addItem() {
  var newTask = new LIElement();             (4)
  newTask.text = task.value;                 (5)
  task.value = '';                           (6)
  list.children.add(newTask);                (7)

We bind our HTML elements to the Dart objects task and list in the lines (1) and (2). In line (3), we attach an addItem event handler to the onChange event of the textfield task: this fires, when the user enters something in the field and leaves it (either by pressing Tab or Enter). UListElement is, in fact, a collection of LIElements (these are its children). So, for each new task, we will make LIElement in (4), assign the task's value to it in (5), clear the input field in (6), and add the new LIElement to the list in (7). In the following screenshot, you can see some tasks to be performed:

Making a to-do list with Dart

A simple to-do list

Of course, this version isn't very useful (unless you want to make a print of your screen); our tasks aren't recorded and we can't indicate the tasks are finished. Don't worry, we will enhance this app in the future versions.