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Learning Dart Second Edition
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The spiral approach
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Chapter 1. Dart – A Modern Web Programming Language
What is Dart?
Dart is a perfect fit for HTML5
Getting started with Dart
Getting a view on the Dart tool chain
A bird's eye view on Dart
Making a to-do list with Dart
Chapter 2. Getting to Work with Dart
Variables – to type or not to type
Built-in types and their methods
Documenting your programs
Changing the execution flow of a program
Using functions in Dart
Using enums
Recognizing and catching errors and exceptions
Chapter 3. Structuring Code with Classes and Libraries
A touch of class – how to use classes and objects
Chapter 4. Modeling Web Applications with Model Concepts and Dartlero
A short introduction to Git and GitHub
What is a model and why we need it in programming
Model Concepts – a graphical design tool for our models
Dartlero – a simple domain model framework
An example of using Dartlero
The categories and links application
Chapter 5. Handling DOM in a New Way
Finding elements and changing their attributes
Creating and removing elements
Handling events
Manipulating the style of page elements
Animating a game
Chapter 6. Combining HTML5 Forms with Dart
Spiral 1 – the power of HTML5 forms
Spiral 2 – how to validate data with Dart
Spiral 3 – how to store data in a local storage
Spiral 4 – reading and showing data
Spiral 5 – changing and updating data
Spiral 6 – working with a list of bank accounts
Chapter 7. Building Games with HTML5 and Dart
The model for the memory game
Spiral 1 – drawing the board
Spiral 2 – drawing cells
Spiral 3 – coloring the cells
Spiral 4 – implementing the rules
Spiral 5 – game logic (bringing in the time element)
Spiral 6 – some finishing touches
Spiral 7 – using images
Adding audio to a web page
The Collision Clones game
Adding video to a web page
Chapter 8. Developing Business Applications with Polymer Web Components
How web components change web development
Web components with Polymer.dart
Two-way data binding in Polymer.dart
Creating the web_links project
Using Polymer for the category links project
Applying web components to the project tasks app
Chapter 9. Modeling More Complex Applications with dartling
The dartling domain modeling framework
Design of the Travel Impressions model in spirals
Generating the Travel Impressions code from the model
Initializing the Travel Impressions model with data
Testing the Travel Impressions model
Defining and using the MVC pattern
The TodoMVC app
Chapter 10. Local Data and Client-Server Communication
The options for browser storage
Asynchronous calls and Future objects
Using IndexedDB with Dart
Using Lawndart
A Dart web server
Using JSON web services
Chapter 11. Data-Driven Web Applications with MySQL and MongoDB
Database drivers for Dart
Storing todo data in MySQL
Dartlero tasks – a many-to-many model in MySQL