Mastering Unity 2D Game Development(Second Edition)

Creating a scene

Every level or distinct area you create within Unity will be an individual scene. So, the start screen will be a scene, the town will be a scene, the map will be a scene, and so on.

We will have the following scenes in our game:

  • Start Screen
  • Town
  • Shop
  • Overworld
  • Battle Scene

When you start a new project in Unity, you will be given a blank scene that contains only a camera, as shown in the Hierarchy in the following screenshot:


The Hierarchy displays a list of all the objects within a scene.

The initial scene will be unsaved, as you can see by the word Untitled in the area above the toolbar preceding the name of the project:

To save the scene, select File | Save Scene. The first location we will design will be the town, so let's save the scene as Town.unity in the Scenes folder we created, as shown in the following screenshot:

You should now see the scene showing up in your Assets folder and you will see the word Untitled replaced with Town, as shown in the following screenshot:


Save your scenes regularly by using the shortcut keys Ctrl + S. You will see an asterisk in the area above the toolbar when you have made changes to your scene and have not saved, as shown in the following screenshot.

Let's go ahead and create empty scenes for the other five scenes we will have in our game. Select File | Save Scene as... and save the other five scenes as shown in the following screenshot:

Now that we have the project folders set up appropriately and our scenes created, let's start exploring how to work with 2D objects within Unity.