更新时间:2021-07-08 11:05:53
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Chapter 1. Overview
Getting assets
Unity's 2D features
Changes to Unity 5
Chapter 2. Building Your Project and Character
Project overview and structure
Creating the project
Creating a scene
Sprite system
GameObjects and components
Planning behaviors
Coding with components
Going further
Chapter 3. Getting Animated
Fundamentals of sprite animation
Animating the main character
Chapter 4. The Town View
Backgrounds and layers
Building the scene
Working with the camera
Transitioning and bounds
Chapter 5. Working with Unitys UI System
UI Canvas
UI Text and Images
UI Layout and Rect Transform
UI Buttons
Chapter 6. NPCs and Interactions
Considering an RPG
Advanced programming techniques
Communicating between GameObjects
Background tasks and coroutines
Serialization and scripting
Adding NPCs and a conversation system to our game
Chapter 7. The World Map
The larger view
Creating our game's map
Leaving town
Returning to town
Chapter 8. Encountering Enemies and Running Away
Event systems
Exploring randomness
Basic Artificial Intelligence
State machines
Setting up your battle scene
Chapter 9. Getting Ready to Fight
Setting up our battle state manager
Efficient RPG UI overlays
Bring on the GUI
Chapter 10. The Battle Begins
Designing an interesting battle system
Preparing to attack a single enemy
Beefing up the enemy AI
Selecting an attack
Selecting a target
Attack! Attack!
Using particle effects to represent an attack
Finishing up the battle
Chapter 11. Shopping for Items
Why do we shop?
The power of an item
Building your shop
Laying out your inventory
Creating a shop and inventory
Chapter 12. Sound and Music