Unity Virtual Reality Projects

Installing your device toolkit

Next, install your device-specific Unity package. If the toolkit is available in the Unity Asset Store, use the following steps:

  1. Within Unity, open the Asset Store window (Window | Asset Store)
  2. Search for the package you want to install
  3. On the asset's page, press Download, and then click on Install to install the files in your Project Assets/ folder

If you downloaded the package from the web separately, use the following steps:

  1. Within Unity, select Assets | Import Package | Custom Package
  2. Navigate to the folder containing the .unitypackage file you downloaded
  3. Press Open and then click on Install to install the files into your Project Assets/ folder

Feel free to explore the package contents files. Try opening and trying out any sample scenes included. And become familiar with any prefab objects (in a Prefabs/ folder) that might be useful to you later in the book.