Web and JavaScript-based VR
Important JavaScript APIs are being built directly into major web browsers, including special builds of Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and other browsers like those from Oculus and Samsung for GearVR.
WebVR, for example, is like WebGL (the 2D and 3D graphics markup API for the web), adding VR rendering and hardware support. While Unity presently has support for WebGL, it does not support building VR apps for WebVR (yet). But we hope to see this happen one day soon.
The promise of Internet-based WebVR is exciting. The internet is the greatest content distribution system in the history of the world. The ability to build and distribute VR content just as easily as web pages will be revolutionary.
As we know, browsers run on just about any platform. So, if you target your game to WebVR or similar framework, you don't even need to know the user's operating system, let alone which VR hardware they're using! That's the idea anyway. Some of the tools and frameworks to watch include:
- WebVR (http://webvr.info/)
- A-Frame (https://aframe.io/)
- Primrose (https://www.primrosevr.com/)
- ReactVR (https://facebook.github.io/react-vr/)