Stereoscopic 3D viewing
Split-screen stereography was discovered not long after the invention of photography, like the popular stereograph viewer from 1876 shown in the following picture (B.W. Kilborn & Co, Littleton, New Hampshire; see A stereo photograph has separate views for the left and right eyes, which are slightly offset to create parallax. This fools the brain into thinking that it's a truly three-dimensional view. The device contains separate lenses for each eye, which let you easily focus on the photo close up:
Similarly, rendering these side-by-side stereo views is the first job of the VR-enabled camera in Unity.
Let's say that you're wearing a VR headset and you're holding your head very still so that the image looks frozen. It still appears better than a simple stereograph. Why?
The old-fashioned stereograph has relatively small twin images rectangularly bound. When your eye is focused on the center of the view, the 3D effect is convincing, but you will see the boundaries of the view. Move your eyes around (even with your head still), and any remaining sense of immersion is totally lost. You're just an observer on the outside peering into a diorama.
Now, consider what a VR screen looks like without the headset (see the following screenshot):
The first thing that you will notice is that each eye has a barrel-shaped view. Why is that? The headset lens is a very wide-angle lens. So, when you look through it, you have a nice wide field of view. In fact, it is so wide (and tall), it distorts the image (pincushion effect). The graphics software SDK does an inverse of that distortion (barrel distortion) so that it looks correct to us through the lenses. This is referred to as an ocular distortion correction. The result is an apparent field of view (FOV) that is wide enough to include a lot more of your peripheral vision. For example, the Oculus Rift has a FOV of about 100 degrees. (We talk more about FOV in Chapter 10, Using All 360 Degrees.)
Also, of course, the view angle from each eye is slightly offset, comparable to the distance between your eyes or the Inter Pupillary Distance (IPD). IPD is used to calculate the parallax and can vary from one person to the next. (The Oculus Configuration Utility comes with a utility to measure and configure your IPD. Alternatively, you can ask your eye doctor for an accurate measurement.)
It might be less obvious, but if you look closer at the VR screen, you will see color separations, like you'd get from a color printer whose print head is not aligned properly. This is intentional. Light passing through a lens is refracted at different angles based on the wavelength of the light. Again, the rendering software does an inverse of the color separation so that it looks correct to us. This is referred to as a chromatic aberration correction. It helps make the image look really crisp.
The resolution of the screen is also important to get a convincing view. If it's too low-res, you'll see the pixels, or what some refer to as a screen-door effect. The pixel width and height of the display is an oft-quoted specification when comparing the HMDs, but the pixels per inch (PPI) value may be more important. Other innovations in display technology such as pixel smearing and foveated rendering (showing higher-resolution details exactly where the eyeball is looking) will also help reduce the screen-door effect.
When experiencing a 3D scene in VR, you must also consider the frames per second (FPS). If the FPS is too slow, the animation will look choppy. Things that affect FPS include the GPU performance and the complexity of the Unity scene (the number of polygons and lighting calculations), among other factors. This is compounded in VR because you need to draw the scene twice, once for each eye. Technology innovations, such as GPUs optimized for VR, frame interpolation, and other techniques will improve the frame rates. For us, developers, performance-tuning techniques in Unity, such as those used by mobile game developers, can be applied in VR. (We will talk more about performance optimization in Chapter 13, Optimizing for Performance and Comfort.) These techniques and optics help make the 3D scene appear realistic.
Sound is also very important—more important than many people realize. VR should be experienced while wearing stereo headphones. In fact, when the audio is done well but the graphics are pretty crappy, you can still have a great experience. We see this a lot in TV and cinema. The same holds true in VR. Binaural audio gives each ear its own stereo view of a sound source in such a way that your brain imagines its location in 3D space. No special listening devices are needed. Regular headphones will work (speakers will not). For example, put on your headphones and visit the Virtual Barber Shop at True 3D audio provides an even more realistic spatial audio rendering, where sounds bounce off nearby walls and can be occluded by obstacles in the scene to enhance the first-person experience and realism.
Lastly, the VR headset should fit your head and face comfortably so that it's easy to forget that you're wearing it, and it should block out light from the real environment around you.