Drupal for Education and E/Learning

About the Reviewers

An avid user of the Drupal framework since 2006, Joel "Senpai" Farris is highly active in the Drupal Community as a Document Maintainer, Patch Tester, core and contributed modules Patch Creator, and an expert in the support of and care for new Drupalites.

Under the monicker Senpai (http://groups.drupal.org/user/4009), Joel co-led the charge for the Drupal Dojo training sessions (http://drupaldojo.net) for over a year, and was joined in that endeavor by some of the community's most famous personas, including Josh Koenig (http://groups.drupal.org/user/429) of Chapter 3, LLC (http://www.chapterthree.com), Addison Berry (http://groups.drupal.org/user/1607) of Lullabot (http://www.lullabot.com), Squidster (http://groups.drupal.org/user/3763), Dmitri Gaskin (http://groups.drupal.org/user/1322), and many, many others who gave freely of their time so that all people could learn ninja Drupal tactics in a cutting-edge and edifying environment.

Joel currently functions as the Chief Operations Officer for the new San Diego WorkHabit offices, and is passionate about any opportunity to get the company's staff involved in outreach operations. He is responsible for implementing and maintaining the WorkHabit Community Fridays, in which qualified individuals take an entire payday to work on one selected core or contrib patch in order to further Drupal's progress.

Michael Peacock (http://www.michaelpeacock.co.uk) is a web developer from Newcastle, UK, and has a degree in Software Engineering from the University of Durham. After meeting his business partner whilst studying at Durham, he co-founded Peacock Carter (http://www.peacockcarter.co.uk) a Newcastle-based creative consultancy specializing in web design, web development, and corporate identity.

Michael loves working on web-related projects, and when he isn't working on client projects he is often tinkering in a web application of his own invention. He has been involved with a number of books, having written two books himself (and is working on his third!): Selling online with Drupal e-Commerce (Packt), Building websites with TYPO3 (Packt), and acted as a technical reviewer for Mobile Web Development (Packt) and Drupal Education & E-Learning (Packt).

You can follow Michael on Twitter: www.twitter.com/michaelpeacock.

Peter Wolanin has been programming since elementary school. He attended Princeton University and went on to earn his Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Michigan. Following his biophysics thesis work, Peter returned to Princeton University and conducted post-doctoral work in the Department of Molecular Biology. At Michigan and Princeton, Peter taught lab and seminar courses for undergraduate students.

Peter became interested in using Drupal through a friend who learned of it through its use by the Howard Dean Presidential campaign. He started contributing to Drupal core development in 2006, helped to rewrite the menu system, rewrote the book module for Drupal 6, is actively participating in Drupal 7 development, is a member of the Drupal security and documentation teams, and maintains several contributed modules.

Peter started working for Acquia, Inc., in the summer of 2008, as a senior engineer.