About the Author
Bill Fitzgerald was born in 1968, and worked as a teacher for 16 years. During that time, he taught English and history, and worked as a Technology Director at the K12 level. Bill began using technology in his own teaching in the early '90s; from there, he moved on to database design and systems administration. During that time, Bill began developing strategies to support technology integration in 1:1 laptop systems, and in desktop computing environments.
In 2003, Bill and Marc Poris founded FunnyMonkey, a Drupal development shop working primarily within the education industry. Bill started, and manages the Drupal in Education group on http://groups.drupal.org, and is active in various educational and open source communities. Bill blogs about education and technology at http://funnymonkey.com/blog.
When Bill is not staring deeply into computer screens, he can be found riding his fixed gear bicycle through Portland, OR, or spending far too much time drinking coffee.