Cleaning up: Removing the sample data
In Chapter 2, you've installed Joomla! with the example site data. You'll only do that once, when you're new to Joomla! and want have a first look at its possibilities. Once you start building your own site, you don't need the sample data anymore. Unfortunately, there is no "Uninstall Sample Data" button. You could install Joomla! again without sample data, but it's faster to clean things up. In the next two steps we'll do just that.
Admittedly, cleaning up Joomla! may seem about as exciting as wiping clean a wall-to-wall classroom blackboard before the lesson starts. However, it's a great way of preparing yourself for your very first Joomla! site. You'll find that stripping Joomla!'s example site will give you some useful insight in the way it's constructed. Bit by bit, it will reveal the different types of content that have been used to fill the empty CMS framework.
If you have installed Joomla! with no sample data you can skip these two steps.
Step 1: Hide the unnecessary stuff
The sample data consists of two types of content. On the one hand, you have articles (basic content), on the other hand there are modules (remember, these are prefab function blocks, such as banners, forms, and additional menus).