What you will be making
In the following screenshot, you see what you will be building throughout this chapter. It's based on Joomla!'s sample site, but it's perfectly tailored to the client's specifications:

SRUP's the word
Allow me to introduce you to your first client! It's the Society for the Reappreciation of Ugly Paintings. They just love amateur paintings that mostly end up dumped in the trash heap or turn up in charity shops. According to the SRUP philosophy, those ugly paintings represent the ordinary people's artistic view on reality, and this should be treasured. Now that a big newspaper is about to write an article about SRUP, the society needs a website to broadcast their message and tell the public what they're all about. You may not be into art, but you are into the art of building websites, so you're just the one the SRUP people need.
SRUPs wish list is as follows:
- The look and feel of the site should fit with the logo and colors found on the society's stationery
- The site should present several content pages in a well organized way, providing a solid basis for further expansion
- The home page should show a poll, to increase visitor interaction
- Visitors should be invited to get in touch; there has to be a contact form
Logging in again
If you want to follow along with the exercises in this chapter, I'll assume you're logged in to the backend of your site. Remember, it only takes two steps:
- In your browser, log in to the backend, by adding
to the URL of your website: www.mysite.com/administrator. - At the login prompt, enter your username and password and click on the Login button. Once you are logged in, you'll see the Control Panel. The Control Panel is the home page of the backend.
- In your browser, log in to the backend, by adding