3.6 Project Acceptance
3.6.1 The project acceptance shall be carried out according to the design documentation,equipment technical documentation,construction technical standard,and quality control and inspection system.
3.6.2 The procedures and organization of project acceptance shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1 The sequence of project construction quality acceptance shall be check-acceptance-certificate issuing;
2 During process of project construction quality acceptance,the Form for construction quality acceptance shall be filled in by the construction party,reviewed by supervision party,approved by the investor,and signed and sealed by all parties.Form for construction quality acceptance should be filled in as per the Appendix A of this code;
3 The unit construction quality acceptance shall be evaluated by the construction party,reviewed by supervision party,and approved by the investor.
3.6.3 The quality control of waste heat power generation project shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1 The chief materials,components,tools,and equipment applied to the project shall be accepted at the site,any doubt for the quality shall be rechecked,and the acceptance shall be checked,approved and certificate issued by the supervision engineer or the technology in-charge of the investor;
2 All crafts shall carry out quality control as per construction technical standard,and carry out quality checking after every process is completed,the check records shall be available;
3 Carry out inspection and keep the records among handover of every process during the construction.The next process shall not be carried out before the certificate of last process is confirmed and issued by the supervision engineer or technology in-charge of the investor.
3.6.4 The quality acceptance of waste heat power generation project shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1 The project quality acceptance shall meet the requirement of design documentation and equipment technical documentation;
2 The check and acceptance of construction quality shall be carried out based on the checks and evaluation carried out by construction party itself;
3 Samples,test pieces,machining parts,and related materials shall be sampled and detected as per regulation;
4 For the quality inspection of the inspection batch,select inspection program of taking sample or all,single time or several times,and being proved to be effective by practice according to the characteristics of the inspected items.
3.6.5 While carrying out quality acceptance to the waste heat power generation,each professional group shall prepare the list for the quality acceptance division and confirm the main control items.The acceptance shall be carried out according to the inspection batch,subdivisional work,parts of construction,unit project,and entire project,and shell be filled in the corresponding form of Appendix A of this code.
3.6.6 The"qualified"standard for the project quality acceptance shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1 The inspection batch shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1)The main control items shall be totally qualified;
2)For the general items,the inspection result of above 80% inspection points shall be qualified,and there is no severe defects in other inspection points;
3)The quality checking records and quality certification documentation shall be completed.
2 The subdivisional work shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1)The inspection to the inspection batch involved in subdivisional work shall be qualified;
2)The quality acceptance record for the inspection batch shall be competed.
3 Parts of construction shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1)The quality of subdivisional work shall be qualified;
2)The quality control documentation shall be completed;
3)The sampling inspection related to the safety and application function of subdivisional work shall be qualified.
4 The unit project shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1)The quality of parts of construction shall be qualified;
2)The quality control documentation shall be completed;
3)The sampling inspection related to the safety and application function of parts of construction shall be qualified;
4)When it is required to carry out rechecking to the samples related to the safety and application function of parts of construction,the rechecking result shall be qualified.
5 The entire project shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1)The acceptance for the unit project shall be qualified;
2)The project file documentation shall be completed and valid;
3)Startup of entire system for 72h evaluation shall be qualified.
3.6.7 When the project quality cannot satisfy the requirements,besides carry out recording,the acceptance works shall be also in accordance with the following requirements:
1 After the inspection batch is reworked or repaired,carry out reacceptance;
2 Subdivisional project and parts of construction after being treated for reworking,repairing is evaluated to meet the requirement of safety operation and application function,even if there is difference in the appearance,dimension,performance,the acceptance can be carried out according to the technical treatment program and negotiation documentation;
3 The inspection items,which cannot be reworked or repaired,shall be evaluated,if the evaluation result doesn't influence the quality,safety operation,appliance function,and service life,the acceptance can be carried out as per technical treatment program and negotiation documentation;
4 The items accepted as per technical treatment program and negotiation documents may or may not conduct secondary acceptance,but those treatment and documents shall be noted in the acceptance conclusion.The written report and relevant evaluation documentation shall be attached to the acceptance documentation;
5 For the quality problems,which are not caused by the construction,organize all parties to analyze the reason and confirm treatment program,and after the treatment is finished,the items shall be reaccepted;
6 It must not be accepted if the reworked parts of construction still can not meet the safety application requirement.
3.6.8 The documentation for the project final acceptance shall be completed with accurate data and signatures and seals,the documentation paper and writing shall meet the requirement of long time saving and file management regulation.While carrying out project final acceptance,the following documentation shall be submitted:
1 Construction starting report;
2 As-built drawing;
3 Detailed list for equipment and technical documentation;
4 Record for all issued certificates and acceptance of the construction;
5 Supervision and inspection report for the special equipment;
6 Final report for the construction;
7 Treatment program and acceptance record for serious quality problem;
8 Other required documentation and record.