3.2 Development,Review and Implementation of Plan
3.2.1 Distribution network plans should be developed by electric companies,and implemented after being submitted to,reviewed and approved by competent authorities.
3.2.2 The approved distribution network plans shall be incorporated into the city's regulatory plan.The planning department of the government shall reserve land for facilities such as line corridor,substation and distribution station.
3.2.3 Revision of distribution network plans shall be performed in a rolling manner according to changes that occur to loads and network.For MV and LV distribution networks,the revision interval should be one year;for HV distribution networks,the interval should be one to three years.
3.2.4 In one of the following conditions,the distribution network plan shall be fully modified or redeveloped:
1 The city's economic and social development or regional transmission network development plan has been substantially adjusted or modified;
2 The predicted loads in the plan have changed greatly;
3 Major progress has been made in distribution network technologies.