Question 35: How can pregnant women relieve their psychological pressure during the epidemic?
Pregnant women face an increased risk of anxiety and depression during the epidemic. The following methods may be adopted to ease the psychological pressure during this period.
(1) Keep informed of the epidemic in a rational manner,obtain information about COVlD-19 and precautionary measures from credible sources, so as to reduce panic, worry and anxiety caused by the bombardment of information from various channels.
(2) Communicate with families, friends, colleagues,etc. via telephone or the lnternet, to talk about your feelings, comfort and encourage each other and seek psychosocial support.
(3) Keep your daily routines and working activities with proper precautions, ensure adequate nutrient intake and regular exercise to keep a good mood; relieve your pressure through listening to music, painting or reading, etc.
(4) lf you are in self-isolation, assess your situation in a rational manner, live with your negative feelings and the isolation environment.
(5) When you encounter difficulties in adjusting your mindset, you may wish to seek professional help such as psychological interventions or counselling via telephone or online platform.