Question 34: How should pregnant women take precautions if they need to seek medical care in a health facility?
Make an prior appointment, avoid crowded time slots and waiting areas, and minimize the time you spend in a hospital. Both you and your companions should wear masks in a proper manner on the way to and during your stay in the hospital.
Cooperate with temperature check and epidemiological investigation at the hospital. lf you have fever, visit the fever clinic first and follow doctors’ advice for following examinations.
Take adequate precautions. Avoid using public transport to visit a health facility. Both you and your companions should wear disposable masks throughout your entire stay outside. lf you are accompanied by your families, they should also wear masks. Keep warm to avoid catching a cold; carry hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes with you to keep your hands clean.
Use hand sanitizer after touching doorknobs, curtains,doctors’ coats or other items in the hospital. Do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes before disinfecting your hands.Keep a distance from others of at least one meter when outside your home. Minimize the time spent in hospital.
Wash your hands at the earliest possible time after leaving the hospital. Dispose of masks properly, change your clothes and wash your hands and face immediately when returning home.