1. 由复句改成单句
A. 将名词从句换用其他单词或短语的
① |
告诉我你出生的时间和地点。 Tell me when and where you were born.(复句) Tell me the time and place of your birth.(单句) |
② |
我们不能相信他说的话。 We can place no confidence in whatever he says.(复句) We can place no confidence in any of his words.(单句) |
③ |
我一定可以使你满足。 I am certain that I shall give you satisfaction.(复句) I am certain of giving you satisfaction.(单句) |
④ |
我很高兴听见你回来了。 I was glad to hear that you had come back.(复句) I was glad to hear of your having come back.(单句) |
⑤ |
我确信他会成功。 I am sure that he will succeed.(复句) He is sure to succeed.(单句) |
⑥ |
一般相信他是肺病死的。 It is generally believed that he has died of consumption.(复句) He is generally believed to have died of consumption.(单句) |
B. 将形容词从句换用其他单词或短语的
① |
我们现在住的这房子对我们很适合。 The house in which we live at present suits us exactly.(复句) Our present house suits us exactly.(单句) |
② |
他们的说明不可靠。 The explanation they gave cannot be true.(复句) Their explanation cannot be true.(单句) |
③ |
他给了我一张他自己画的画。 He gave me a picture which he had drawn.(复句) He gave me a picture of his own drawing.(单句) |
④ |
他不是一个说谎的人。 He is not a man who tells a lie.(复句) He is not a man to tell a lie.(单句) |
⑤ |
那是一个不可宽恕的过失。 That was a fault which should not be forgiven.(复句) That was a fault not to be forgiven.(单句) |
C. 将副词从句换用其他单词或短语的
① |
他们听到他的自白非常惊异。 They were much surprised when they heard him confess.(复句) They were much surprised to hear him confess.(单句) |
② |
因屡次失败所以他就不再试了。 As he had made many failures,he made no further attempt.(复句) Owing to repeated failures,he made no further attempt.(单句) |
③ |
那少年很诚实不肯撒谎。 The boy is so honest that he cannot tell a lie.(复句) The boy is too honest to tell a lie.(单句) |
④ |
他工作如此优秀使大家为之吃惊。 He worked so well that every one was astonished.(复句) He worked very well,to the astonishment of everyone.(单句) |
⑤ |
为求生活舒服他努力工作了。 He worked hard that he might live in comfort.(复句) He worked hard for the purpose of living in comfort.(单句) |
⑥ |
他夜里动身以免被人看见。 He started by night for fear he might be seen by any one.(复句) He started by night to escape being seen by any one.(单句) |
⑦ |
如果我能助你,我很高兴。 I should be very glad if I could help you.(复句) I should be very glad to be able to help you.(单句) |
⑧ |
如果没有了水,什么都不能生存。 If there were no water,nothing could live.(复句) Without water,nothing could live.(单句) |
⑨ |
他虽富有,但不满足。 Though he is rich,he is never contented.(复句) In spite of all his riches,he is never contented.(单句) |
⑩ |
尽管他有很多的经验,他仍然是无能。 Though he has much experience,he is still incompetent.(复句) For all his experience,he is still incompetent.(单句) |
⑪ |
那栋屋子和其紧邻一样高。 That house is as high as the next one.(复句) The height of that house equals that of the next one.(单句) |
⑫ |
地势愈高,空气愈冷。 The higher the ground,the cooler the air.(复句) The air becomes cooler in proportion to the height of the ground.(单句) |
⑬ |
他完全照着指示地做了。 He acted precisely as he was instructed.(复句) He acted precisely according to instructions.(单句) |
⑭ |
种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 As you sow,so you will mow.(复句) The harvest will depend upon the sowing.(单句) |
⑮ |
吃完了饭,他们又出发了。 When they had finished their dinner,they started off again.(复句) Having finished their dinner,they started off again.(单句) |
⑯ |
她把一切都准备好,只等他回来。 She made everything ready before he arrived.(复句) She made everything ready previous to his arrival.(单句) |
⑰ |
我将留此,等他到来。 I shall stay here till he arrives.(复句) I shall stay here till his arrival.(单句) |
2. 由并列句改成单句
A. 用 Participle 的
① |
太阳出来,雾就散了。 The sun rose and the fog dispersed.(并列句) The sun having risen,the fog dispersed.(单句) |
② |
强盗一见警察就逃走了。 The robber saw the policeman and took to his heels.(并列句) Seeing the policeman,the robber took to his heels.(单句) |
B. 用 Preposition 的
① |
他身体不好不能工作。 He was in bad health,and so he could not work.(并列句) Owing to bad health,he could not work.(单句) |
② |
他不但允诺而且实行了。 He not only made a promise,but kept it.(并列句) Besides making a promise,he kept it.(单句) |
C. 用 Infinitive 的
① |
我虽用了功,却未考取。 I worked hard,but failed.(并列句) I worked hard only to fail.(单句) |
3. 由复句改成并列句
① |
他虽穷,但很诚实。 He is honest,though poor.(复句) He is poor,but honest.(并列句) |
② |
时间一到灯就熄了。 As soon as the clock struck the hour,the lights were put out.(复句) The clock struck the hour,and the lights were put out at once.(并列句) |
③ |
揿铃即响。 If you press the button,the bell will ring.(复句) Press the button,and the bell will ring.(并列句) |
④ |
你要吵闹,我就罚你。 Unless you keep quiet,I will punish you.(复句) Keep quiet,or I will punish you.(并列句) |