Money being no consideration,[2] perhaps no-one would prefer second-hand clothes to[3] new clothes or second-hand furniture[4] to new furniture.But we must not jump at the same conclusion[5] in regard to[6]books - and women.One may seek twenty excuses[7] to break off an engagement[8] for the purpose of marrying,or "keeping",[9]a woman who has either buried[10] or divorced[11]her fifth husband.One may also fall in love with a "ragged veteran" [12] at first sight[13] and keep it for God knows how long.[14]
Not being here concerned with[15] women,let us imagine a hard[16] student parting with[17]a favourite book[18] for his next meal.the book has its pages badly thumbed,[19] and probably its binding[20] somewhat loosened,but it bears[21] its owner's signature,[22] the date of its being bought(and maybe also that of its being sold),and his copious notes and comments.[23]Another hard student(but by no means[24] so hard up[25] as the first student)sees it at a second-hand book-shop,opens it,reads it here and there,[26]finds it interesting,looks at it again and again,talks(mentally)with it,thinks of its fate,[27] takes pity on it,and falls in love with it.Having inquired the price,he buys it.Having bought it,he carries it home.Having carried it home,he reads it and caresses[28] it,and caresses it and reads it.
Have you ever had such an experience? Do you believe me when I say one may prefer a second-hand book to a brand-new[29]copy of the same book? It seems to me that while new books are mere things,second-hand books are personalities[30].
I have to add,however,that in saying so I have had only literary books in mind.[31] Dictionaries,scientific treatises,[32] grammars,[33]and all sorts of text-books cannot develop a personality.They are the best when the newest.If I sometimes buy a second-hand dictionary,it is because money is[34]a consideration with me.It is cheap,and I hold it cheap.[35]
[2]Money being no consideration:在并无金钱问题之时(意即在不必省钱之时)
[5]jump at the same conclusion:贸然得出同样之结论
[6]in regard to:关于
[7]seek twenty excuses:利用许多托词
[8]break off an engagement:解除婚约
[12]“ragged veteran”:穿破衣之老兵(指旧书)
[13]fall in love with...at first sight:与……一见钟情
[14]God knows how long:无人知多久
[15]concerned with:论及
[17]parting with:与……分离
[18]favourite book:喜读之书
[19]badly thumbed:被拇指弄污
[23]copious notes and comments:许多注解及评语
[24]by no means:决不
[25]hard up:无钱的;穷困的
[26]here and there:随处
[31]had...in mind:想到……
[35]hold it cheap:轻视之