Guide to Prevention and Control in Specific Places I
Prevention and Control Guidelines for Kindergartens(or Schools)
1. Those who have a history of living or traveling in a high epidemic area(such as Wuhan)are suggested to have a 14 days period of home quarantine before returning to kindergartens(schools).
2. After back to kindergartens(schools), monitor the body temperature and health status every day, minimize unnecessary going-out and avoid contact with other people.
3. Wear a medical surgical mask or a N95 mask correctly when closely contacting with other teachers and students, and minimize the scope of activities.
4. Kindergartens(schools)authority should monitor the health of students closely, measuring body temperature twice a day, recording absences, early departures, and leave application. If suspicious symptoms are found among students, school authority should immediately report to the epidemic management staff and cooperate with local CDC to conduct contacts management and disinfection.
5. Schools should avoid o rganizing large scale gathering, s trengthen ventilation and cleaning of classrooms, dormitories, libraries, activity centers, canteens, auditoriums, teachers’ offices, toilets and other activity areas, where hand sanitizers and hand disinfectants should be provided.
6. School authority conducts online tea ching and remedial classes for students who miss classes due to illness. For those who have delayed their exams due to illness, make-up exams should be arranged.