序 Preface
It is indeed my honor to write this preface to the textbook “Intravascular Ultrasound” that has been organized and edited by Professor Junbo Ge, a pioneer in this field. The timing of this bookwhich has been designed specifically for the Chinese audience-could not be better both from an historic as well from a practical viewpoint.
Historically, it is almost exactly 30 years since Paul Yock presented his poster on intravascular ultrasound at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association in November 2018 (Yock et al. Circulation 1988;78:II-21):
The history of intravascular ultrasound as well as the evolution of intravascular ultrasound in China have been elegantly covered by Professor Ge in Chapter 1.
Paul Yock’s invention of intravascular ultrasound led to the development of newer and/or alternative intracoronary diagnostic and guidance devices such as optical coherence tomography,technologies that can assess plaque composition such as near infrared spectroscopy and radiofrequency IVUS, and physiologic lesion assessment. While the major focus is intravascular ultrasound as the title suggests, all of these are covered in this book (Chapter 3 and Chapter 7).
From a practical perspective-from the perspective of the practicing interventional cardiologistand while there are many research uses (as outlined in Chapter 5), the major clinical utility of intravascular ultrasound is in guiding percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Therefore, it is notable that the textbook continues with a presentation of the basics of intravascular ultrasound(Chapter 2 and Chapter 4) and then focuses on its utility in during PCI procedures from preintervention lesion assessment, to PCI (especially stent) optimization, and to assessment of stent failures (Chapter 6).
I am especially pleased that at least 26 of the sections have been written by Chinese physicians who studied at the Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF) in New York City, USA. This oneyear program combines experience in research at CRF with in depth experience into the clinical utility of intravascular ultrasound and other intracoronary techniques at the New York Presbyterian Hospital of Columbia University Medical Center. These former CRF research fellows have been ambassadors for the adoption of these techniques-especially of intravascular ultrasound-in China.
Gary S. Mintz, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Cardiovascular Research Foundation
Gary S. Mintz博士是心血管研究基金会(CRF)的首席医学官,TCTMD. com总编,TCT执行总裁。Mintz博士于1991年加入CRF,在血管内成像领域发表了超过900多篇文章或书以及700多篇摘要,其中也包括血流动力学、心血管生理学、心脏放射学、冠脉造影、介入心脏病学,临床心脏病学和心超等多个方面。2005年,Mintz博士作为唯一作者出版了冠脉内超声专著。2014年,他在韩国首尔获得了“Master of the Masters”终身成就奖。2015年在韩国首尔的TCT-AP心血管峰会获得了旨在奖励PCI领域杰出讲师及终身成就的钱氏基金。Mintz教授也是TCTAP心血管峰会及CIT的联合主席。
Gary S. Mintz,MD,is Chief Medical Officer of the Cardiovascular Research Foundation,Editor-in-Chief of TCTMD. com,and the Managing Co-Director of Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics(TCT). Dr. Mintz joined the Cardiovascular Research Foundation in 1991. He is the author of more than 900 articles or book chapters and 700 abstracts focusing on intravascular imaging,but also including various aspects of hemodynamics,intravascular physiology,cardiac radiology,coronary arteriography,interventional cardiology,clinical cardiology,and cardiac ultrasound. In 2005,Dr. Mintz published the single-authored textbook Intracoronary Ultrasound. In 2014,he received the “Master of the Masters” career achievement award in Seoul,Korea. In 2015,he received the Chien Foundation Award for Outstanding Lectureship and Lifetime Achievement in PCI at the TCTAP-Cardiovascular Summit in Seoul,Korea. He also serves as co-director of both the annual TCTAP Cardiovascular Summit and the annual China Interventional Therapeutics in Partnership with TCT.
Dr. Mintz completed his undergraduate education at the University of Pennsylvania in 1970 and received his medical degree from Hahnemann University in 1974,both in Philadelphia,PA. He finished his internship in 1975,residency in 1976,and cardiology fellowship in 1978,each at Hahnemann University. He joined the Hahnemann University Department of Medicine faculty(with a joint appointment in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology)in 1978 and was ultimately promoted to Professor of Medicine in 1987. His administrative appointments there included Director of the Cardiac Ultrasound Laboratory,Director of the Coronary Care Unit,and Director of the Cardiology Fellowship Training Program. He received teaching awards from both the Department of Medicine Residency and Cardiology Fellowship Training Programs.