2.3 翻译示例汇总


【解析】green bean其实是指“青豆,嫩豆,四季豆”,与粮食作物“绿豆”绝非同种;living room意为“客厅”;to have a fit是“发脾气”的意思,与“试穿”风马牛不相及;eat one’s words与“食言”也是貌合神离,它用来指“收回前言,认错道歉”;tomato sauce确有其物,但与番茄酱(一般叫ketchup)不同,是吃意大利面或匹萨时使用的调味酱;sour milk是变质而发酵的牛奶,而非“一种略带酸味的、发过酵的半流体牛奶食品”;to have/wear a green bonnet与“戴绿帽子”差之千里,其意为“破产”;而yellow book与色情毫无关系,乃“政府发表的报告书,一般用黄色封皮”,俗称“黄皮书”;“高等学校”指大学,而high school则为美国的中学,差了一级。

【解析】汉语中“农民”词义中性,而peasant在英语中带贬义,有“未受教育的人;没有礼貌的人”之意,farmer则比较中性(虽然与“农民”依然有差异);“宣传”与propaganda看似同义,其实后者常带有“欺骗性宣传”之意,具有贬义色彩,一般需采用中性词语publicity;“物美价廉”的商品质量是有保证的,但cheap则往往有质量低劣之嫌,使人想起假冒伪劣商品;“红光满面”不仅仅是脸色红润,更主要是指“身体健康,精力充沛”,而red face只能表明某人因为“不好意思”而脸色发红,甚至会令人联想到病态;这里的“气管炎”不是指疾病本身,而是喻指“怕老婆的男人”。

【译文】When you come upon a peanut plant lying curled up on the ground, you can never tell whether or not it bears any nuts until you dig it up.
◇博而不精extensive in knowledge but not expert in any particular field
◇看风使舵to watch how the wind blows and steer the rudder accordingly
◇脚踏实地with one’s foot on the ground
◇狡兔三窟a cunning hare has three warrens
◇既往不咎let bygones be bygones
◇寄人篱下to live under somebody’s roof
◇灰心丧气to lose heart
◇沧海一粟a drop in the ocean
◇冷眼旁观to watch on the side-line with a cold stare
◇趁热打铁Strike while the iron is hot.
◇滴水穿石Constant dropping wears the stone.
◇留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。As long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood.
◇路遥知马力,日久见人心。As distance tests a horse’s strength, so time reveals a person’s heart.
◇他是不到黄河不死心。He would not stop until he reached the Yellow River—to give up until all his hope was gone.
【译文】Winter is the best time to study the growth of trees. Although the leaves are gone and the branches are bare, the trees themselves are beautiful.
【译文】He worked as a language teacher in that university.
【译文】He seized the pickpocket by the collar.
【解析】seize/catch somebody by the ...或hit somebody in the face/on the head是英语中的习惯用法,因此collar前的the一般不能改成his。类似的习惯用法还有play the piano等。
【译文】Smoking is prohibited in public places.
【译文】we are going to the park by bus tomorrow.
【译文】Vancouver is, in particular, one of the few metropolises with many ethnic groups in the world.
【译文】China is a great country with a vast territory and a long history.
【译文】we should gradually eliminate the differences between town and country.
【译文】Divide these pictures among the four of you.
【译文】We should institute a system to ensure that a younger, better-educated and more professional leadership is maintained.
【译文】We must learn foreign experience with an analytical and critical eye, not blindly.
【译文】In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to make a systematic and thorough investigation and study.
【译文】She covered her face with her hands as if to protect her eyes.
【译文】He entered the room, his coat covered with snow and his nose red with cold.
【译文】We feel cool when we fan ourselves.
【译文】They hide themselves.
【译文】Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected.
【译文】The more he tried to hide his warts, the more he revealed them.
【译文】The “Golden Cup” Brand air-filled bed cushions are made in advanced technology. With novel structure, beautiful shape and various patterns, they are comfortable and convenient to carry.
【译文】The typewriter is low in price and fine in quality.
【译文】For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pass one way, a road is made.
【解析】在译文如果不加上to begin with,前后文的逻辑就不清楚;如果不加上but when,句子结构上就不通顺。这与汉语是意合句而英语是形合句的特点有很大关系,汉译英时需要符合英语逻辑。
【译文】As long as the green mountains are here, one should not worry about the firewood.
【解析】译文中加上as long as,就把原文的条件关系表达清楚了。
【译文】Whenever they went, they massacred and raped, burned and looted, and stopped at nothing.
【译文】When anyone among the people breaks the law, he too should be punished, imprisoned ...
【解析】“人民”是个集体名词,在这里当然并不指集体,而是指其中的某个人,所以如果这里简单地将“人民”译成the people的话,就讹大了,只有加上anyone among才能准确表达蕴涵之义。
【译文】We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration.
【译文】A situation in which such a large number of personnel ... cannot last long and is very dangerous.
【译文】The practice of giving lavish feasts at wedding can well be dispensed with.
【译文】The Four Great Inventions in ancient China, namely, paper, printing, the compass and gunpowder, greatly advanced ancient civilization of the world.
【译文】the Brightness Day, a festival when Chinese traditionally pay homage to their ancestors.
【译文】Three cobblers with their wits combined would equal Chukeh Liang the mastermind.
【译文】He took it without my knowledge.
【译文】Commerce, foreign trade, banking, insurance, securities, telecommunications and intermediary service should be gradually opened to the outside world.
【译文】We have over ten years of experience in teaching quality English and have successfully managed schools in different parts of the world.
【译文】To promote the development of China-US relations, China needs to know the US better and vice versa.
【解析】如果把重复的部分译成China needs to know the US better and the US also needs to know China better,则难免造成罗嗦累赘的感觉,而通过使用vice versa这个功能词,就可以避免重复用词,使译文简洁。
【译文】Consequently, your joy would give way to anger; your praises to criticism or even faultfinding; and your nodding in agreement to shaking the head.
【解析】原文中出现了三个动词“转……为……”,而在英译文中,只要有一个对应的动词give way to就可以了,后面的两个可以简化为to即可。这是出于译文简洁的需要而作的结构性调整。
【译文】The foundation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 marked an unprecedented great unity of the Chinese nation.
【译文】We must adhere to the socialist road, the people’s democratic dictatorship (i.e. the dictatorship of the proletariat), the Communist Party’s leadership and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.
【解析】在英汉语中,都存在着一个及物动词同时带几个宾语的现象,但汉语为了强调,往往会重复动词(如例子中的“坚持”),而译成英语时,只需一个动词adhere to就够了。
【译文】They picked themselves up, wiped off the blood, buried their fallen comrades and went into battle again.
【译文】The Chinese government declared ...
【译文】The book divides customs of the 56 Chinese nationalities into 28 categories such as seasons, living, society, economy, religions, aesthetic, tastes, etc.
【译文】The development of a commodity economy is the only way to invigorate Our economy and prompt enterprise to raise their efficiency.
【译文】The crowd came to silence.
【译文】An ancient pagoda frowns on the mountainside.
【译文】My sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness.
【解析】上述三例中的副词“渐渐地”“阴森森地”“唠叨地”都已经包含在动词came to、frowns、preach的含义之中了,所以不必赘译。
【译文】But the depth of a novel, or the excellence of its artistry and idea, does not depend on whether it has a grand theme.
【解析】译文通过使用两个名词结构the depth of a novel和the excellence of its artistry and idea,避免了冗长的从句结构。
【译文】We should integrate the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products.
【解析】integrate的语气较强,包括combine和so as to become fully a part of something else两层意思,与“有机结合”正好相配。
◇贪官污吏——corrupt officials
◇土崩瓦解——fall apart
◇浓妆艳抹——heavily made up
◇深仇大恨——deep hatred
◇街谈巷议——street gossip
◇医德医风——medical ethics
【译文】Inspired by the spirit of 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the people of China are advancing confidently towards the 21st Century along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics.
【译文】The carpets made in our company are beautiful and magnificent.
【译文】We have made unremitting efforts for it.
【解析】“长期”与“不懈”意义相近,因此不必按照字面意思译为long lasting and unremitting,这样显得罗嗦重复,只用一个形容词即可。
◇神不知,鬼不觉stealthily / secretly
◇攻无不克,战无不胜all conquering / invincible
◇主持公道,伸张正义upholding justice
【译文】... causing an increase in unemployment and resulting in pressure.
【译文】Target priorities should be very carefully studied.
【译文】In the protracted process of the Chinese revolution, the various democratic parties shared a common fate with the Chinese Communist Party.
【解析】“同呼吸”与“共命运”意义相同,如果全部译出breathed together and shared a common fate together则不仅罗嗦,而且行文呆板,令人费解。
【译文】The study of medicine is very hard, and it takes long time to become a doctor.
【译文】I am doubtful whether he is still alive.
【译文】He kept on walking back and forth, being too excited to say a single word.
【译文】He personified the evil that was in the world.
【译文】His breaths smells of garlic.
【译文】Since the force of habit still exists in society, it can influence many governmental functionaries.
【解析】将汉语句中的名词“影响”译成动词influence sb. 更符合英文表达。
【译文】This boat is apt to overturn because it is unreasonably shaped.
【译文】There seems to be no other competitive techniques which can measure range as well or as rapidly as can a laser.
【解析】此句译文中将原句中两个名词分别用副词替代,并运用as ... as ...这个结构恰如其分地体现了出来,达到了词性的完美转换。
【译文】They keep horse and cattle, the former for riding, the latter for food.
【译文】There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.
【译文】Zhu Yannian covered up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality.
【译文】Our educational policy must enable everyone who receives an education to develop morally, intellectually and physically and become a worker with both socialist consciousness and culture.
【解析】这个例子中把“有社会主义觉悟”“有文化”的这两个形容词转译为名词socialist consciousness和culture。
【译文】I suppose boys talk differently from girls.
【译文】He asked me for a full account of myself and family.
【译文】By pure chance he found the rare book he needed in a little second-hand bookshop.
【译文】To my disappointment, he did not attend the competition.
【解析】原文中的“失望”是一个形容词,而“感到很失望”这一短句正好与英语中的介词短语to my disappointment相当,这样的译文让英语读者很容易接受。
【译文】Father looked at him in disapproval.
【解析】原文中的“不赞成地”是一个副词,用来修饰“看着”这个动作,这个副词如果也翻译成副词disapprovingly来修饰look at的话就显得很碍眼,而且也不符合英语的语言习惯,用一个介词短语就消除了这一问题。
【译文】we must utilize the achievements of modern science and technology on a wide scale.
【解析】原文中“广泛”这个副词在译文中就对应地翻译成了介词短语on a wide scale,避免了选词和表达上的尴尬,很妙!
【译文】In 2003, the average income per capita of Shanghai was 14,867 yuan and that of Beijing (was) 13,882 yuan.
【解析】如果我们翻译成and the average income per capita of Beijing就不符合英语的习惯了,这时我们就要采用换形译法,贴近译入语。that,those是常用的这类替代词。
【译文】If he is a criminal, it is his parents who have made him so.
【译文】A chemical change is one in which the structure of particles is changed and a flew substance is formed.
【译文】Slow growth equals stagnation and even retrogression. We must grasp opportunities; the present offers an excellent one.
【解析】上述两例中的one是典型的同义近义替代词,这类名词性替代词还包括前面提到的the former, the latter等。
例3:用代动词do或do so替代
【译文】“Have you called the doctor?” “I haven’t done yet, but will do.”
【译文】“Have you sent your plan to the committee?” “I did so yesterday.”
例4:用so do或nor/neither do替代
【译文】She dances well, so does her sister.
例5:用so/the same和not来替代
【译文】Are you married? If so, give your wife’s name.
【译文】Are you busy this afternoon? If not, I wish you would stay with us for a while.
【译文】The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not to.
【译文】Pan Yitang, though with no family of his own, liked the children of the poor very much.
【解析】“没儿没女”是一个中性词,但放在这个句子里,则表现了潘一堂对穷人孩子的疼惜;though with no family of his own感情色彩则趋向褒义,为较佳译文。
【译文】The father’s debt was passed on to the son. Zhang Dali was forced to work as a hired hand for the landlord to pay it off in part.
【译文】This success greatly boosted his fame.
【译文】This matter concerns our reputation.
【译文】He had a certain notoriety in his fame.
【译文】innocent child
【译文】How naive you are to be taken in by him.
【译文】Students admire her for her wide range of knowledge.
【译文】It is not wise of you to be jealous of others and to speak evil of others.
【译文】We should turn the idle bread eaters into productive workers.
【译文】To be lazy is considered a disgrace in Our society.
【译文】All the works on display are done by the farmers with their own hands that are used to farm work.
【解析】如果把“粗糙的手”译为rough hands,看似忠实,实有贬义。若译成hands that are used to farm work,则不仅没有了贬义色彩,还译出了“粗糙的手”的深层含义。
【译文】I am deeply grieved to hear that your mother passed away.
【解析】“去世”在英语中有多种表达方式。其中to kick the bucket是俚语,相当于汉语的“翘辫子”,表示出对死者不尊重,用在这里显然不合适。而to pass away表达了一些悲伤的情绪。
【译文】In wartime, he hoarded many scarce items.
【译文】I don’t like the way he tries to flatter his leader.