第四章 7选5
Passage 1 字数:528 题材:商业经济
Fast growing, entrepreneurial organizations need employees who regularly demonstrate entrepreneurial characteristics and work habits. Management of entrepreneurial companies must work diligently to recognize, identify and attract this type of employee during the recruitment process to assure a steady stream of the people with the "Right Stuff" to fuel growth of the venture. So what are the characteristics of highly effective "Right Stuff" entrepreneurial employees? Here are a few to keep in mind as you interview potential new hires.
The Right Stuff Employee takes ownership to get the task done. She is a "can do" person who demonstrates common sense in her decision and actions and is able to cut through and resolve problems that divert others. Her business judgment is sound and becomes stronger with each experience, decision or recommendation. While supervisors and managers may disagree with her ultimate recommendation, they usually agree that the alternatives she presents are reasonable for the situation at hand.
mployee consistently generates output that is higher than could be reasonably expected. He is fully committed to the organization, its goals and overall success. Not only does he desire to make a contribution to results, he needs to see the results of his contributions quickly, not measured in years! He will seek out an organization that solicits and acts upon his ideas, gives credit where credit is due and points out errors and poor decisions quickly and clearly. He performs effectively with limited supervision and is able to self-motivate and set priorities with minimal guidance.
The Right Stuff Employee is flexible to accept new duties, assignments and responsibilities. He can perform more than one role until the incremental duties and functions assumed can be assigned to co-workers in newly defined roles. He is also willing to dig in and do grunt work tasks which eventually will be performed by lower level employees.
The Right Stuff Employee's reach exceeds her grasp today. Today's Right Stuff Employee is often next year's supervisor and a department manager soon thereafter. She is willing to accept much higher levels of responsibility that is the norm for her position, title, experience level or salary, She acts as a strong role model, trains and coaches others, and soon begins to assume supervisory responsibilities, again much earlier than would be expected in a normal corporate environment.
The Right Stuff Employee is more than willing to challenge in a constructive way existing procedures and systems; to her the status quo is temporary. She suggests changes and improvements frequently and encourages others to do so also. Right Stuff Employees are easier to manage in some ways but require a higher level of management involvement in others. Ordinary (average) employees will not produce extraordinary results over time; Right Stuff Employees will generally produce extraordinary results consistently over time. Unfortunately, unless properly motivated, managed and rewarded, Right Stuff Employees could perform at lower levels and only produce ordinary results.
So when you interview each new employee or manager, look beyond the mere facts of the resume and ask yourself is this a "Right Stuff" person? You are most likely interviewing the person because of the resume. Now is the time to put the resume aside and focus on the "Right Questions".
1.A 文章第一段点明了全文的主旨:企业需要表现出企业家特性和工作习惯的员工,接下来的内容都是围绕这一主题展开的。第二段首句提到,理想的员工能自主完成任务,能力强,能够在决策和执行过程中发现并解决问题,并且上级对其建议有异议的情况下能让上级接受自己的建议,可见该段主要在说明理想的员工是结果导向型的,故选A。
2.D 本段提到,理想的员工能持续创造比预期高的价值,对公司极为忠诚,为公司的目标和全面成功而努力,再结合关键词quickly、effectively和self-motivate可知,该段想要说明理想的员工具有高度的热情和精力。故选D。
3.B 本段提到,理想的员工灵活接受新的职责、任务和责任,是多面手,可担任不止一种角色,可见理想的员工有承担多种任务的能力,故选B。
4.F 该段提到,现在的理想员工很有可能成为未来的主管或部门经理,他们愿意接受更高层次的责任,可见该段在说明这类雇员有很大的发展潜力,故答案应为F(发展潜力)。
5.C 该段提到,雇员更愿意以建设性的方式对现存的制度和体制提出挑战,他们总是不断改变,提高自己,并鼓励他人也这样做,结合其间的关键词changes、improvements、require a higher level等可以看出,此类雇员是以改善、发展为导向的,故答案应为C。
·recruitment n.吸收新成员;补充
·divert vt.使转向,转移某人的注意力;使欢娱
·solicit vt.征求;征集;请求;乞求
·incremental adj.增加(量、值)的,递增的
·grunt work使人感到非常疲劳的繁重的劳动,简单的、枯燥乏味的工作
Passage 2 字数:569 题材:科普科技
Whenever a person enters or leaves the island nation of Freedonia, he or she must fill out an arrival or departure card. The data collected from the cards are entered into a computer database, known as the Inflow/Outflow Record (IOR). The Immigration Bureau uses the IOR to monitor changes in the population of Freedonia, which was estimated in 1994 to be 14.4 million people.
The cards do more than just help count the number of people coming and going. The people who cross Freedonia's borders are put into one of several categories depending on how they fill out their card. The first category, labelled "Category M" by the Immigration Bureau, is made up of people, usually tourists and business travellers from abroad, whose stay in Freedonia is less than 6 months. In "Category N" are citizens and residents of Freedonia who go abroad for a similar period of time. "Category P" includes foreigners who stay in Freedonia for a period longer than 6 months, while Freedonians who leave the country for more than 6 months are put in "Category Q". Then there are the people who migrate permanently to Freedonia, known as "Category R", and those who permanently emigrate from the island state, who are placed in "Category S". Emigrants, it should be noted, are sometimes former immigrants to Freedonia.
One problem with maintaining the IOR is that the departure and arrival cards ask for people's intentions, and intentions do not always become reality. Freedonia's population includes many people who originally entered the country on a temporary visa but who later applied for and were given permanent status; in this way, someone who was Category M becomes Category R. This is not too great a problem as changes in migration status inside the country can easily be tracked and entered into the IOR. It becomes difficult to make accurate categorizations, though, when Freedonians move overseas with plans to return—whether in less than 6 months or after a longer period—but do not, in fact, come back. Similarly, Freedonians who claim to be emigrating to other countries may change their minds and return to Freedonia.
People may also make mistakes when filling out the cards. In 1994, a study was made of 21,730 arrival and departure cards filled out by people leaving from Freedonia's major airports and seaports. The study showed that one in five cards had errors. A total of 4,008 passengers who were citizens of Freedonia mistakenly said that they were temporary entrants to Freedonia. Of these,18 percent were, in fact, emigrating or Category Q leavers. The study's most important finding was the lack of certainty expressed by departing Freedonians about when they planned to return to Freedonia. The arrival and departure cards were redesigned by the Immigration Bureau after the 1994 study, but while the new cards have been in use for over a decade, no new research has been done.
The unrecorded movements of people from one category to another make it hard to measure the flow of population, but it should be said that Freedonia is the only nation with high overall immigration that keeps reliable records of departures. In this way, the Immigration Bureau is able to keep track of departing native Freedonians as well as former settlers. By monitoring both immigration and emigration, the Bureau is able to maintain a record of net migration, the total gain or loss of people over a period of time. In other countries with high level of immigration, the issue of net migration has often been neglected.
One final benefit of the IOR is the help it gives in determining the level of illegal immigration to Freedonia. People who enter Freedonia saying they will stay in the country for under six months will appear automatically in the database as "Category T" if they have not left the country after the end of that period. Unlike countries such as the United States that have little idea of the true extent of illegal immigration entering their borders, Freedonia's Immigration Bureau has shown it is able to keep a fairly accurate count.
1.C 本段层次比较分明,主题句为第二句。选项[C]中border-crossers是对The people who cross Fredonia’s borders的同义转述,Classification对应句中的categories。
2.D 本段主题句是第一句。主要讲了IOR管理方法存在的问题。句中“One problem'’,“do not always…”及下文中的Category M becomes Category R等词,都说明了归类的不确定性这一问题,选项[D]Uncertainty in categorization概括了这一点。
3.B 本段主题句为第一句。选项[B]中的error对应该段第一句的mistakes,“card completion”实际为“filling out the cards”的同义转述,应选[B]。
4.G 本段关键信息词为“reliable records of departures”及“net migration”,对照各选项,只有[G]与该段内容相关。
5.E 本段主要讲了IOR的优点,即可以“determining the level of illegal immigration”,第一句是主题句。选项[E]中“measurement of illegal immigration”与此对应,该段后文提到“database”,对照第一段可知是指“a computer database”,选项中的Computer-assisted正对应了这一点。
·bureau n.局,处;衣柜;办公桌
·migrate v.移动;随季节而移居;移往;使移植
·unrecorded adj.未记录下来的
·database n.[计]数据库;资料库
Passage 3 字数:563 题材:文化教育
Data from the National Science Foundation indicate that over the last 25 years, there has been a fairly consistent 1- to 2-year time variance in the interval between an undergraduate degree and a Ph.D. So where does the extra time go?
Part of it is the “postbac”: recent graduates often take between the bachelor’s degree and graduate school. “Postbac” time allows recent graduates to mature, gain some perspective, and learn new skills before starting out on a long graduate program. A short hiatus before the long road, students and faculty members say, is almost always good.
Most faculty members agree that if students have a clear idea of what they want to study and what their goals are, they can make a successful direct transition to graduate school. “For the great majority of students, some time off is a good idea,” says Deborah Goldberg, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Michigan. Students with more life experience often have the maturity it takes to persevere through a Ph.D., she says. She has observed that students without that experience are more likely to feel burned out and to drop out of their Ph. D. programs than are students who take time off.
Faculty members agree that 1 to 2 years away does not hurt a student in the graduate-admissions process. But relevant work—especially research experience—often has a better-than-neutral effect on admissions prospects. As he considered graduate programs, Gries was able to discuss his research in one-on-one interviews with faculty members, and all of them, he says, considered his year of work an advantage. Maturity and life experience are the main selling points for “postbac” time, but the details of what you learn can matter, too. In addition, many faculty members appreciate the perspectives students with added life experience bring to their classrooms and laboratories.
Individuals we spoke to who had completed a “postbac” expressed no regrets about their decisions. Sarah Walker sees only advantages to the time that she spent in the Peace Corps and working in Africa. After she finished her undergraduate degree at Smith College in Northatmpton, Massachusetts, in 1994, she worked as a biology and mathematics teacher for 2 years in Lesotho. When she returned to graduate school at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, in 1998, Walker found that her experience in the Peace Cows made teaching assignments easier. Her experience in Africa shaped her career goals: Her thesis research in environmental science examined the impact of land-use changes on ecological systems. Walker says her relationships with faculty members were also improved by her time away.
Finding a postgraduate position outside of organized programs such as the Peace Cows requires undergraduates to mine a diverse network of resources. Talk to as many people as possible, Goldberg says; faculty members might know of colleagues who are looking for research assistants. Regional and national meetings present great chances for undergraduates to scout for positions.
After completing the core requirements for her Ph.D. in 2005, Walker took a job at Winrock International, a nonprofit international development organization in Arlington, Virginia. Her job —advising projects that help limit carbon emissions and deforestation in the developing world-builds on both her Peace Corps experience and scientific expertise. Unsurprisingly, she’s a strong advocate of the postbac. “Taking 2 years off has zero negative impact on your ability to continue on in school,” she advises. It allows you to grow as a person and have a better sense of what it is that you want to do.
1.B 本段前文讲到,大学毕业后先工作再继续进修研究生是有好处的,第三段讲到faculty members的支持该观点,并引用教授的原话加以论证,从学校教授们的言论中可见他们是看重“Postbac” time的,承接上文,故答案为B项Faculty Weigh in。
2. C 由本段首句Faculty members agree that 1 to 2 years away does not hurt a student in the graduate-admissions process可知,该段是讲“Postbac” time对研究生入学的影响。后文接着解释了大学毕业后先工作一段时间对研究生入学有更大帮助,且用事例加以论证这样做的好处。C项是对主题句的同义转述,概括后文内容,故为答案。
3. D 由本段首句中关键词expressed no regrets可初步判断答案为D项No Regrets。后文继续用事例证明Sarah Walker sees only advantages,讲其在工作阶段所获得的宝贵经验对她以后研究生生活非常有利,以此来表达她这样选择无怨无悔。故D项为答案。
4. F 本段主要讲大学毕业生毕业后需通过各种手段和途径寻求研究助理的职位去工作,并给出了几种寻找方法,文段中出现requires,looking for,present great chances for undergraduates to scout for positions等词,说明大学毕业生需要F项中的Finding Opportunities,故答案为F。
5. A 本段首先讲Walker在毕业后到一个nonprofit组织去工作,后文Her job…builds on both her Peace Corps experience and scientific expertise说明其研究生之前的工作经历对她的职业规划有着深刻的影响,后文继续讲到这两年的工作经历allows you to grow as a person and have a better sense of what it is that you want to do,即强调对职业规划的作用,故正确答案为A项。
·burn out烧坏;烧尽;不再热衷
·scout for搜索,寻找
Passage 4 字数:577 题材:社会生活
Getting other people to do what you want them to do is an art and a science that you must master if you want to succeed in this era of rapid change, teaming, decentralized controls and doing more with less. And it does not really matter if you are a manager, sales professional or home executive. The following are some powerful principles, or you can call them laws, that will help you persuade and influence other people.
People who are liked generate affection and good feeling. And people who feel good about themselves are more likely to comply with your wishes. The epitome of this law is our 26-year-old daughter Nicole, who has this innate charisma, personal magnetism, or whatever you want to call it, that gets people to like her—even fall in love with her—after just a short time. For example, when we picked Nicole uniform the airport other day. She was saving farewell to another passenger as if it was one of her life-long friends. In fact, Nicole had spent less than two hours sitting next to someone she had never met before. As a result Nicole has the largest most powerful network of any person have ever met. And that network is always eager to help Nicole in any way they can.
It seems so simple, yet so powerful. If you want more of something—may it be love, money, or trust—you have to give it before you get it. Charities figured this out a long time ago. They found that by including a little gift with their solicitation letter—such as personalized address labels—they could almost double the response rates. What works for charities will also work for you. For example, I have found the way to get more trust, love and joy, is to give it first. The result, I’ve enjoyed an exceptionally positive marriage to Marcela for over 33 years.
Getting someone to voluntarily commit to a course of action, getting him/her to put that commitment in writing and making it public will dramatically increase your ability to not only persuade someone, but also actually have them follow through. Teachers who establish learning contracts with their students, as well as managers and parents who ask for volunteers instead making assignments, all reap the benefit from this law.
People who are perceived as experts have a greater ability to persuade others. Robert Cialdini, Professor of Psychology at Arizona State University, reported in an October 2001 Harvard Business Review article that most hospital stroke patients tended to abandon the exercise routines prescribed by physical therapists. Interviews revealed that patients were familiar with the credentials of their physicians-whose instructions they tended to comply with—but they knew very little about the qualifications of the physical therapists. The remedy: display academic diplomas and certificates of the physical therapists in the exercise room. The result: exercise compliance increased by 34%.
Any time you see a “limited time”, “one-of-a kind”, “act now” offer, you are face to face with this law. Study after study has demonstrated that which is less available is perceived as more valuable. Recall how you felt when you negotiated—let’s say it was to purchase a car-and the sales person invoked the “take-away” gambit by telling you that the quoted price is only available today. All of a sudden the price seemed so much lower than it really was. You can take advantage of this law by highlighting the exclusivity of an offer or opportunity. For example if you are a manager, you can let people know that only five top achievers will be selected to be on a certain team, or that only those who demonstrate a certain level of performance during the next six months will be selected for training.
According to the article in the October 2001 issue of the Harvard Business Review by Robert Cialdini, these laws are based on "deeply rooted human drives and needs", which have been substantiated in over five decades of scientific investigations. And most importantly—based on my own consulting and coaching experiences—they work.
1.E 本段开头讲,得到别人喜爱的人容易示人以友好并感觉良好。对于那些本来就自我感觉良好的人来说,他们更容易遵从你的意愿。紧接着作者用自己女儿做例子进一步对此观点 进行说明。由此可判断,本段关键词是“喜欢”,因此E“人们愿意和喜欢自己的人交往”适合做本段的小标题。
2.B 本段关键的一句话为:如果你想获得更多的东西——爱情也好,金钱也好,信任也 好——在得到之前你必须先付出。后面以“慈善机构”的做法作为例子:先给出礼物,然后得到更多的回报。最后作者又讲:我得到更多信任、爱和欢乐的方法就是先将其给予他人。由此可知,本段主题为:付出和得到的互惠法则。因此B“你付出什么便意味着你将得到什么” 适合做本段的小标题。
3.F 本段第一句讲:使某人自愿参与行动的过程,让他或她将承诺写下来并公之于众,这么做将不仅大大增加你说服他人的能力,而且还能让他们追随你。由此可知,本段的关键的词 是“自愿和承诺”,因此可确定F“人们对承诺过的事更容易付诸实行”适合做本段的小标题。
4.A 本段开头就指出:被认为是专家的人更容易说服他人。接着用例子说明这一点:中风病人不听从物理治疗师的建议做常规的恢复训练,反而往往听从内科医生的医嘱,原因是病人非常熟悉内科医生的证件,而对物理治疗师的资格证件却知之甚少。通过在病人训练室里摆放物理治疗师的文凭及证书,顺从训练的病人增加了34%。由此可知,本段主要是在讲“人们更容易关注专家的建议”,故本段的小标题应选A。
5.D 本段开头指出:任何时候当你看到“过期不候”、“独此一家”、“现在就行动”等招牌时,你便是在面对这一法则了。这表明:越是少的东西被认为越有价值。后面又用进一步的例子说明这一点,并建议:你可以用这条法则宣传某某条件或机会是多么珍稀宝贵。假如你是经理,你可以告诉人们在所有人中只选出前五名业绩最突出者加入某个团队,或者是,那些能在未来六个月内业绩达到某种水平的人才能被选去参加培训。由此可知:本段是在讲稀缺法则,故D“越是得不到的东西人们越想得到”适合做本段的小标题。
·innate adj.先天的;固有的;与生俱来的
·charisma n.魅力;神授的能力;非凡的领导力
·personal magnetism个人魅力
·solicitation n.恳求;教唆;诱惑
Passage 5 字数:550 题材:商业经济
In most people’s mind, growth is associated with prosperity. 1)___________. Equally axiomatic, however, is the notion that increased pressure on dwindling natural resources must inevitably lead to a decline in prosperity, especially when accompanied by a growth in population. so, which is correct?
What growth advocates mean, primarily, when they say growth is necessary for prosperity is that growth is necessary for the smooth functioning of the economic system. In one arena the argument in favor of growth is particularly compelling and that is with regard to the Third World. 2)___________. But is it? Could it be that growth, especially the growth of the wealthier countries, has contributed to the impoverishment, not the advancement, of Third World countries? If not, how do we account for the desperate straits these countries find themselves in today after a century of dedication to growth?
3)___________. What good is growth to the people of the Third World if it means the conversion of peasant farms into mechanized agribusinesses producing commodities not for local consumption but for export, if it means the stripping of their land of its mineral and other natural treasures to the benefit of foreign investors and a handful of their local collaborators, if it means the assumption of a crushing foreign indebtedness, the proceeds of which goes not into the development of the country but into the purchase of expensive cars and the buying of luxurious residence in Miami?
Admittedly, this is an oversimplification. But the point, I believe, remains valid: that growth in underdeveloped countries cannot simply be judged in the abstract; it must be judged based on the true nature of growth in these societies, on who benefits and who is harmed, on where growth is leading these people and where it has left them. 4)___________.
So, do we need growth for prosperity? Only the adoption of zero growth can provide the answer. But that is a test not easily undertaken. Modern economies are incredibly complex phenomena, a tribute to man's ability to organize and a challenge to his ability to understand. 5)___________. But if the prospect of leaping into the economic unknown is fear-inspiring, equally so is the prospect of letting that fear prevent us from acting when the failure to act could mean untold misery for future generations and perhaps environmental catastrophes which threaten our very existence.
1.D 该空格前提到,大多数人认为经济增长与繁荣相关联;结合空格后表转折的连词however可知,空格处所选内容应与the notion that…构成转折关系,是对前一句的进一步说明,且与“增长”(growth)或“繁荣”(prosperity)有关,选项中只有D与此相符。
2.E 该空格前提到繁荣离不开经济增长,并引入了第三世界这一话题;空格后借助表转折关系的连词but指出,相对富裕国家的经济增长可能会导致第三世界的贫穷而不是进步,由此推断,空格处所选内容应与第三世界的经济增长和贫困有关,且与but后的内容相对,结合选项可知应选E。
3.B 该空格之前的一段指出,发达国家的经济增长可能是导致第三世界国家贫穷的原因;空格后具体说明了发达国家的经济增长给第三世界人民造成的不利影响,由此推断,空格处所选内容应该是对下文提到的具体影响的概括,且起到承接上文的作用,结合选项可知B符合文意。
4.A 作者在该空格前具体指出了欠发达国家经济增长的评判标准,结合空格后的so(那么)可知,空格处所选内容应该与下文提到的“growth”(经济增长)有关,且应该是依据作者在上文中提到的评判标准而得出的结论,A项刚好与之相符,其中considered in this way指的就是依照上文的评判标准考虑经济增长。
5.F 该空格前提到,现代经济极为复杂;空格后借助表转折关系的连词but说明了跨入未知经济状况的不良后果,由此推断,空格处所选内容应该与人们对待经济的谨慎态度有关,选项中只有F与之相符,其中their functioning指代modem economies’ functioning。
·dwindle v.缩小
·strait adj.艰难的;苦恼的;窘迫的 n.地峡;[straits] 海峡
·conversion n.变换,转化
·assumption n.假定;设想;担任;承当;假装;作态
·crushing adj.压倒的;决定性的
·catastrophe n.大灾难,大祸