pain [peɪn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 痛,痛苦
v. 使痛苦,使烦恼
The old man was driven crazy by the extremity of pain.
【相关词】 painful [ˈpeɪnfl] adj. 令人疼痛的
painfully [ˈpeɪnfəlɪ] adv. 令人痛苦地
painless [ˈpeɪnləs] adj. 无痛的
miserable [ˈmɪzrəbl] adj. 痛苦的,非常难受的
【同义词】 misery [ˈmɪzərɪ] n. 痛苦,悲惨
paint [peɪnt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 在……上刷油漆,涂色于,绘画,描绘
n. 油漆,颜料,涂料
Before applying the paint, you'd better clean off the corrosion on it.
【相关词】 paintwork [ˈpeɪntwɜ:k] n. 漆面,油漆层
painting [ˈpeɪntɪŋ] n. 油漆,刷油漆
paint stripper 脱漆剂,除漆剂
whitewash [ˈwaɪtwɒʃ] v. 粉刷(墙壁等);n. 石灰水,白涂料
painter [ˈpeɪntə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 画家,油漆工
Do you think that girl who loves drawing can turn into a painter in the future?
【相关词】 artist [ˈɑ:tɪst] n. 艺术家 drawer [drɔ:(r)] n. 画家
limner [ˈlɪmnə] n. 画家,画匠 penman [ˈpenmən] n. 画家
pal [pæl]…………………………………………CET6
n. 朋友,伙伴
v. 结伴,共度
Being selfish and irritable, he has no pal now.
【相关词】 partner [ˈpɑ:tnə(r)] n. 合伙人
partnership [ˈpɑ:tnəʃɪp] n. 伙伴关系
【同义词】 buddy [ˈbʌdɪ] n. 朋友,同伴
confidant [ˈkɒnfɪdænt] n. 知己,密友
cobber [ˈkɒbə(r)] n. 朋友
pan [pæn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
n. 平底锅,盘子,盆,盘状器皿
Knowing that you like pasta, she specially cooked a large pan of that for you.
【相关词】 pan-fry [pænfraɪ] v. 用平底锅煎 wok [wɒk] n. 锅,炒锅
saucepan [ˈsɔ:spən] n. 煮锅
griddle [ˈɡrɪdl] n. 煎锅
pants [pænts]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
n. 短裤,裤子
People who are wearing pants or slippers are not allowed in.
【相关词】 waistband [ˈweɪstbænd] n. 腰带
jumpsuit [ˈdʒʌmpˌsju:t] n.(女式)连衣裤
crease [kri:s] n. 褶皱
paper [ˈpeɪpə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 纸,纸张
v. 贴纸,包装
adj. 纸制的
Can you write them down on a piece of paper?
【相关词】 paper knife 拆信刀 paperweight [ˈpeɪpəweɪt] n. 镇纸
paper clip 回形针,纸夹 craft knife 美术刀
paradise [ˈpærədaɪs]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 IELTS
n. 天堂,乐园,乐土,(养有鸟兽的)公园
Where you are, there is a love paradise.
【同义词】 heaven [ˈhevn] n. 天堂 Garden of Eden 伊甸园
【反义词】 hell [hel] n. 地狱
parent [ˈpeərənt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 父亲(或母亲),双亲, 保护人, 祖先,母公司
The teacher told the naughty boy to ask his parent to come to school on Monday.
【相关词】 parentage [ˈpeərəntɪdʒ] n. 出身,家世
parental [pəˈrentl] adj. 父母的,双亲的
parenthood [ˈpeərənthʊd] n. 父母的身份
parenting [ˈpeərəntɪŋ] n. 养育,抚养
park [pɑ:k]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 停车,泊车
n. 公园,公共场所,停车场
If you park your car on the wrong side of the street, you will be fined.
【相关词】 parking [ˈpɑ:kɪŋ] n. 停车,泊车 car park 停车场
parking lot 停车场 parking meter 停车收费器
parking ticket 违章停车罚款单
parrot [ˈpærət]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 鹦鹉
We have to admit that a parrot is an amazing mimic.
【相关词】 parrot-fashion [ˈpærətˈfæʃən] adv. 鹦鹉学舌般地,盲从地
budgerigar [ˈbʌdʒərɪɡɑ:(r)] n. 虎皮鹦鹉
canary [kəˈneərɪ] n. 金丝雀
partner [ˈpɑ:tnə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 合伙人,伙伴,同伙,股东,配偶
v. 使合作,合伙,使有搭档
At last my partner went back on me, and I spent a hard period myself.
【相关词】 partnership [ˈpɑ:tnəʃɪp] n. 合作关系
copartner [ˈkəʊˈpɑ:tnə] n. 合伙人
sleeping partner 隐名合伙人
party [ˈpɑ:tɪ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 政党,党派,党派活动
adj. 政党的,党派的
The two rival parties seemed to begin a power struggle.
【相关词】 party line 政党路线 party political 党派政治的
party politics 政党政治
party [ˈpɑ:tɪ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 当事人
Contract parties should know their rights and duties.
【相关词】 principal [ˈprɪnsəpl] n. 委托人,被代理人
contractor [kənˈtræktə(r)] n. 承包商
litigant [ˈlɪtɪɡənt] n. 诉讼当事人
pass [pɑ:s]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
v. 传球, 传递, 穿过,经过,通过
He passed the ball to his teammate when he was going to fall.
【相关词】 dribble [ˈdrɪbl] v. 运球,带球
strike [straɪk] v. 击打,踢球
block [blɒk] v. 阻挡,拦截
path [pɑ: θ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 小路,小径,道路,路线,途径
Follow this path, and you will find his house at the end.
【相关词】 pathfinder [ˈpɑ:θfaɪndə(r)] n. 探路者,开路人
【同义词】 track [træk] n. 小道,小径
byway [ˈbaɪweɪ] n. 偏僻小路
pathway [ˈpɑ:θweɪ] n. 小路,小径
footpath [ˈfʊtpɑ:θ] n.(乡间的)人行小道
patient [ˈpeɪʃnt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
adj. 有耐心的,容忍的,沉着的,勤快的
You must be patient, because the cure works slowly.
【相关词】 patiently [ˈpeɪʃntlɪ] adv. 耐心地
patience [ˈpeɪʃns] n. 耐心,忍耐力
patient [ˈpeɪʃnt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 病人,承受者
The patient was in a coma for days, and refused to eat anything when he woke up.
【相关词】 inpatient [ˈɪnpeɪʃnt] n. 住院病人
outpatient [ˈaʊtpeɪʃnt] n. 门诊病人
invalid [ɪnˈvælɪd] n. 病人, 残疾者
pave [peɪv]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 铺(地),铺设,安排
The road from the garden to the gate is paved with bricks.
【相关词】 paving [ˈpeɪvɪŋ] n. 铺地的材料 paving stone 铺路石
gravel [ˈɡrævl] n. 沙砾 pebble [ˈpebl] n. 鹅卵石
pavement [ˈpeɪvmənt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL
n. 人行道
The car was forced to stop by the traffic policemen after knocking over four pedestrians on the pavement.
【相关词】 pedestrian [pəˈdestrɪən] n. 行人,步行者
pedestrian precinct 步行区
【同义词】 sidewalk [ˈsaɪdwɔ:k] n. 人行道
payphone [ˈpeɪfəʊn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
n. 付费电话,公用电话,投币电话
My mobile phone is running out of power, so I want to find a payphone now.
【相关词】 phone booth 电话亭 pay station 自动收费的公用电话
pea [pi:]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 豌豆,豌豆状植物,大小、形状似豌豆的东西
The princess couldn't fall asleep because of the pea on the bed.
【相关词】 lentil [ˈlentɪl] n. 小扁豆 pod [pɒd] n. 豆荚
bean sprout 豆芽 kidney bean 菜豆
peace [pi:s]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 和平,平静,安心,和睦,安静
People all over the world should make contributions to the world peace.
【相关词】 peaceable [ˈpi:səbl] adj. 不争吵的, 和平的
peaceful [ˈpi:sfəl] adj. 和平的, 安宁的
peacekeeping [ˈpi:ski:pɪŋ] n. 维护和平;adj. 维护和平的
peacemaker [ˈpi:smeɪkə(r)] n. 调解者,和事佬
peacetime [ˈpi:staɪm] n. 和平时期
peach [pi:tʃ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 桃子,桃树,桃花,桃红色
When the peach trees begin bearing fruit, they are mature.
【相关词】 peachy [ˈpi:tʃɪ] adj. 像桃子的 juicy peach 水蜜桃
kiwi fruit 猕猴桃 peach blossom 桃花
pear [peə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 梨,梨树,梨木,梨形物
The poor boy has never known the taste of a pear.
【相关词】 avocado [ˌævəˈkɑ:dəʊ] n. 鳄梨
pome [pəʊm] n. 梨果
pen [pen]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 笔,钢笔,笔尖,笔力,作家,书法家
He is writing a letter with his new pen, which is a birthday present from his friend.
【相关词】 nib [nɪb] n. 钢笔尖 ball-point pen 圆珠笔,圆珠尖
fountain pen 钢笔 penfriend [ˈpenfrend] n. 笔友
pencil [ˈpensl]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 铅笔,画笔,笔状物,笔法
My son is doing his homework with a pencil in his hand.
【相关词】 pencil case 铅笔盒
pencil sharpener 转笔刀
pepper [ˈpepə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 胡椒,胡椒粉
v. 在……上撒胡椒粉
Don't add any pepper to the dishes, since she is hypersensitive to it.
【相关词】 peppercorn [ˈpepəkɔ:n] n. 胡椒粒,干胡椒籽
chili [ˈtʃɪlɪ] n. 辣椒 pepper pot 胡椒瓶
mustard [ˈmʌstəd] n. 芥末
perform [pəˈfɔ:m]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL
v. 演出, 表演, 执行,工作,运行
The girls per formed a ver y graceful dance for their classmates.
【相关词】 performance [pəˈfɔ:məns] n. 履行,表演
performer [pəˈfɔ:mə(r)] n. 表演者
performing arts 表演艺术
perform onstage 登台表演
person [ˈpɜ:sn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 人,人们,身体,人物,自然人
No person would dawdle in the street on such a cold winter night.
【相关词】 personal [ˈpɜ:sənl] adj. 个人的,私人的
personally [ˈpɜːs(ə)n(ə)lɪ] adv. 就个人而言
【同义词】 people [ˈpi:pl] n.(泛指)人,人们
pet [pet]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 宠物,宠儿,宠坏的孩子
adj. 玩赏动物的,宝贝的,特别的
The old lady thrust herself through the crowd to look for her pet dog.
【相关词】 pet shop 宠物店 pet name 爱称,昵称
phone [fəʊn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 电话,电话机
Nowadays, almost everyone owns a phone, but it seems that the distance between people have widen.
【相关词】 car phone 车载电话
cellular phone 移动电话
cellphone [ˈselfəʊn] n. 手机
phonecard [ˈfəʊnkɑ:d]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 电话卡
Could I borrow your phonecard? I have to make a call to my
parents right now.
【相关词】 phone box 公共电话亭 directory toll 长途电话费
photo [ˈfəʊtəʊ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 照片,相片,逼真的描绘
v. 为……拍照,逼真地描绘
I can't recognize which one is you from the photo, which is too vague.
【相关词】 snapshot [ˈsnæpʃɒt] n. 快照,快相
imagery [ˈɪmɪdʒərɪ] n. 画像,照片
photograph [ˈfəʊtəɡrɑ:f] n. 照片 photo sticker 大头贴
phrase [ˈfreɪz]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 短语,词组
Pick out the phrases in these sentences.
【相关词】 phrasal [ˈfreɪzl] adj. 成语的,习惯用语的
noun phrase 名词词组
physics [ˈfɪzɪks]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 物理,物理学,物理性质,物理过程
My favorite subject in middle school was physics, because it could explain many problems in our life.
【相关词】 physicist [ˈfɪzɪsɪst] n. 物理学家
physical [ˈfɪzɪkl] adj. 物质的,身体的,体力的,物理的
physical laws 自然法则
astrophysics [ˌæstrəʊˈfɪzɪks] n. 天体物理学
piano [pɪˈænəʊ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 GRE
n. 钢琴
I will look for a teacher to teach my daughter to play the piano.
【相关词】 pianist [ˈpɪənɪst] n. 钢琴演奏者,钢琴家
grand piano 三角钢琴
keyboard [ˈki:bɔ:d] n. 键盘 string [strɪŋ] n. 弦
picnic [ˈpɪknɪk]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 野餐,郊游,自带食品的聚餐
v. 去野餐
The Browns intended to have a picnic in the woods yesterday,but the weather ruled it out.
【相关词】 picnicker [ˈpɪknɪkə(r)] n. 野餐者
cookout [ˈkʊkaʊt] n. 露天烤肉
barbecue [ˈbɑ:bɪkju:] n. 烧烤
clambake [ˈklæmbeɪk] n. 海滨野餐
picture [ˈpɪktʃə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 图画,绘画
v. 描绘
Please help me put up these pictures on the wall.
【相关词】 picture book 画册,图画书
pictorial [pɪkˈtɔ:rɪəl] adj. 画片的,图画的
pie [paɪ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 馅饼,馅饼状的东西,堆
That pie your mother cooked tastes very good.
【相关词】 pastry [ˈpeɪstrɪ] n. 酥皮 filling [ˈfɪlɪŋ] n. 馅
pancake [ˈpænkeɪk] n. 薄煎饼 scone [skɒn] n. 烤饼
muffin [ˈmʌfɪn] n. 松饼
burrito [bʊˈri:təʊ] n. 玉米煎饼
pig [pɪɡ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 猪,猪肉
v. 吃得过量
Which animal do you like best, dog, cat or pig?
【相关词】 piggery [ˈpɪɡərɪ] n. 猪圈,养猪场
piggy [ˈpɪɡɪ] n.(儿语)小猪
pigsty [ˈpɪɡstaɪ] n. 猪圈,猪场 swine [swaɪn] n. 猪
piglet [ˈpɪɡlət] n. 猪崽 snout [snaʊt] n.(猪等动物的)口鼻部
pill [pɪl]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
n. 药丸,药片,片剂,丸状物
It will ease your symptom after you take the pill.
【相关词】 tablet [ˈtæblət] n. 药片,片剂
pastille [ˈpæstəl] n. 含片,含片状药物
after-effect [ˈɑ:ftəɪˈfekt] n.(药物的)后效
side effect 副作用
pilot [ˈpaɪlət]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
n. 飞行员
v. 驾驶(飞机等)
Tommy's dad was once a pilot in the Royal Air Force.
【相关词】 co-pilot [ˌkəʊˈpaɪlət] n.(飞机的)副驾驶员
captain [ˈkæptɪn] n. 机长
【同义词】 aviator [ˈeɪvɪeɪtə(r)] n. 飞行员,飞机驾驶员
flier [ˈflaɪə] n. 飞行员
pioneer [ˌpaɪəˈnɪə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
n. 先驱,先锋,倡导者,创始人
Who is the pioneer in the auto industry?
【同义词】 vanguard [ˈvænɡɑ:d] n. 领导者,先锋
precursor [pri:ˈkɜ:sə(r)] n. 先驱者
forerunner [ˈfɔ:rʌnə(r)] n. 先驱者
harbinger [ˈhɑ:bɪndʒə(r)] n. 先驱,先锋
pity [ˈpɪtɪ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾
v. 同情,怜悯
He took pity on the baby girl who was deserted and decided to adopt her.
【相关词】 pitiable [ˈpɪtɪəbl] adj. 值得同情的,可怜的
pitiful [ˈpɪtɪfl] adj. 令人同情的,可怜的
pitiless [ˈpɪtɪləs] adj. 冷酷的,无情的
piteous [ˈpɪtɪəs] adj. 可怜的,令人怜悯的
plan [plæn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 设计,计划
It's a good habit to make a plan before we decide to do something.
【相关词】 planner [ˈplænə(r)] n. 计划者,设计者
planning [ˈplænɪŋ] n. 计划,规划
scheme [ski:m] n. 计划,方案
plane [pleɪn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 飞机,平面
adj. 平的,平坦的
The pilot's plane takes off and then he begins to write letters in the sky.
【同义词】 harbour [ˈhɑ:bə(r)] n. 港口,港湾 airplane [ˈeəpleɪn] n. 飞机
aeroplane [ˈeərəpleɪn] n. 飞机
aircraft [ˈeəkrɑ:ft] n. 飞机,航空器
plant [plɑ:nt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 植物,幼苗,工厂,发电厂
v. 栽种, 种植, 安置,灌输
She plans to plant some of her favorite flowers in her garden.
【相关词】 plantation [plɑ:nˈteɪʃn] n. 种植园
planter [ˈplɑ:ntə(r)] n. 播种机,插秧机
planting [ˈplɑ:ntɪŋ] n. 种植,栽种
sow [səʊ] v. 播种,种 sower [ˈsəʊə(r)] n. 播种机,播种者
play [pleɪ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 玩耍, 进行体育(或文娱)比赛
Let's go to the playground to play basketball this afternoon.
【相关词】 playing card 纸牌,扑克牌 playroom [ˈpleɪru:m] n. 游戏室
playtime [ˈpleɪtaɪm] n.(学校的)游戏时间
playground [ˈpleɪɡraʊnd]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 操场
If you are sure that he is on the playground, I will go there to find him soon.
【相关词】 football field 足球场 basketball court 篮球场
【同义词】 playing field 操场
pleasure [ˈpleʒə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
n. 高兴,快乐,愉快,愿望,乐事
v. 使高兴,使满足
The father took great pleasure in playing with his children.
【相关词】 pleasurable [ˈpleʒərəbl] adj. 令人愉快的
pleasurably [ˈpleʒərəblɪ] adv. 愉快地
pleasant [ˈpleznt] adj. 令人愉快的
【同义词】 enjoyment [ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt] n. 愉快,快乐
police [pəˈli:s]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 警察,警方
v. 巡查,管制
The police are investigating the robbery that happened several days ago.
【相关词】 police station 警察局 police officer 警察
policeman [pəˈli:smən] n. 警察
policewoman [pəˈli:swʊmən] n. 女警察
polite [pəˈlaɪt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
adj. 有礼貌的,客气的,斯文的,有教养的,上流的
He is always polite to others, but I think that he just pretends to do so.
【相关词】 impolite [ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt] adj. 无礼的,粗鲁的
politely [pəˈlaɪtlɪ] adv. 有礼貌地
politeness [pəˈlaɪtnəs] n. 礼貌,文雅
【同义词】 courteous [ˈkɜ:tɪəs] adj. 有礼貌的,客气的
politics [ˈpɒlətɪks]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
n. 政治,政治学,政治事务,政治活动
It is no doubt that his ideas on politics are not well founded.
【相关词】 party politics 党派政治
politician [ˌpɒləˈtɪʃn] n. 政治家,从政者
political [pəˈlɪtɪkl] adj. 政治的,政权的
politically [pəˈlɪtɪklɪ] adv. 政治上
pollute [pəˈlu:t]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
v. 污染, 弄脏, 玷污,亵渎
The factory pollutes the air and water, which has aroused public indignation.
【相关词】 pollutant [pəˈlu:tənt] n. 污染物
polluter [pəˈlu:tə(r)] n. 污染者
pollution [pəˈlu:ʃn] n. 污染
pond [pɒnd]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 池塘
v. 筑成池塘
My father likes to go fishing at that pond after retiring from the university.
【相关词】 pool [pu:l] n. 水池 reservoir [ˈrezəvwɑ:] n. 水库
poor [pɔː(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 贫民,穷人
adj. 贫穷的,可怜的
The dying man wanted the bequest to be divided among the poor, instead of leaving it to his children.
【相关词】 poverty [ˈpɒvətɪ] n. 贫穷
impoverished [ɪmˈpɒvərɪʃt] adj. 穷困的
destitute [ˈdestɪtjuːt] adj. 赤贫的
pop [pɒp]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 流行音乐
adj. 通俗的,现代的
I began to take a fancy of pop music when I was listening to it the first time.
【相关词】 rap [ræp] n. 说唱音乐 rapper [ˈræpə(r)] n. 说唱歌手
jazz [dʒæz] n. 爵士乐 jazzy [ˈdʒæzɪ] adj. 爵士乐的,花哨的
popular [ˈpɒpjələ(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
adj. 受欢迎的,当红的, 人民的, 大众的,普通的,普及的
This teacher is popular with students.
【相关词】 popularity [ˌpɒpjʊˈlærətɪ] n. 普及,流行,名望
hot [hɒt] adj. 走红的 movie fan 影迷
pork [pɔ:k]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 猪肉
Mutton can substitute for pork in this recipe.
【相关词】 ham [hæm] n. 火腿 bacon [ˈbeɪkən] n. 培根,熏肉
sausage [ˈsɒsɪdʒ] n. 香肠,腊肠 chop [tʃɒp] n. 排骨
griskin [ˈɡrɪskɪn] n. 猪里脊肉
port [pɔ:t]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
n. 港口,避风港
v. 举枪,转舵
The former village has become an important port now and the
economy here is very prosperous.
【相关词】 free port 自由港 seaport [ˈsi:pɔ:t] n. 海港城市
docks [dɒks] n. 港区 bay [beɪ] n. 海湾
【同义词】 harbour [ˈhɑ:bə(r)] n. 港口,港湾
post [pəʊst]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
n. 邮政,邮件
v. 张贴,宣布
I have checked again. There is still no post for you.
【相关词】 postcode [ˈpəʊstkəʊd] n. 邮政编码 post office 邮局
postbag [ˈpəʊstbæɡ] n. 邮袋
postbox [ˈpəʊstbɒks] n. 邮筒,邮箱
postal [ˈpəʊstl]…………………………………………CET6 TOEFL
adj. 邮递的,邮政的
I want to establish an account in the bank.
【相关词】 postal order 邮政汇票 postal service 邮政服务
postmaster [ˈpəʊstmɑ:stə(r)] n. 邮政局长
postage [ˈpəʊstɪdʒ] n. 邮资,邮费
post-free [pəʊst fri:] adj. 免付邮费的
pot [pɒt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
n. 锅,瓶,壶,花盆,一罐的容量
v. 把……栽入盆中
The baby upset the pot on the table and the hot soup burned his hand.
【相关词】 teapot [ˈti:pɒt] n. 茶壶 pottery [ˈpɒtərɪ] n. 陶器
jug [dʒʌɡ] n. 水壶 kettle [ˈketl] n. 茶壶,罐
cruse [kru:z] n. 小坛子
potato [pəˈteɪtəʊ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 马铃薯,土豆
Potatoes are planted in every vegetable garden in this area.
【相关词】 yam [jæm] n. 山药 sweet potato 甘薯,红薯
power [ˈpaʊə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 政权,权力,能力,力量,兵力
v. 运转,快速行进
Don't abuse your official power or you will be punished.
【相关词】 power base 权力基础,后盾
powerhouse [ˈpaʊəhaʊs] n. 强大的集团(或组织)
powerless [ˈpaʊələs] adj. 无权的
power-sharing [ˈpaʊəˈʃeərɪŋ] n. 权力分享
practice [ˈpræktɪs]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 训练,练习
v. 实行,练习
Without a lot of practice you can't speak English very fluently.
【相关词】 practise [ˈpræktɪs] v. 练习
practiced [ˈpræktɪst] adj. 熟练的,经验丰富的
workbook [ˈwɜ:kbʊk] n. 练习本
praise [preɪz]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 赞美,称赞
n. 赞扬,表扬,崇拜,赞美诗
Everyone praised the little girl for the painting she drew.
【相关词】 praiseworthy [ˈpreɪzwɜ:ðɪ] adj. 值得称赞的,值得表扬的
compliment [ˈkɒmplɪmənt] n. 赞扬,称赞
extol [ɪkˈstəʊl] v. 赞扬,颂扬,称赞
prevent [prɪˈvent]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
v. 预防,防止,阻挠
This kind of fruit is supposed to prevent colds.
【相关词】 prevention [prɪˈvenʃn] n. 预防
preventive [prɪˈventɪv] adj. 预防性的
precaution [prɪˈkɔ:ʃn] n. 预防,预防措施
prophylaxis [ˌprɒfɪˈlæksɪs] n. 预防
price [praɪs]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 价格,价钱,代价,费用
v. 标价,定价,估计价格
We bought the merchandise at reduced prices from foreign markets.
【相关词】 asking price 要价,索价
cut-price [kʌt praɪs] adj. 减价出售的 list price 定价
price-fixing [praɪsˈfɪksɪŋ] n. 价格规定
print [prɪnt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 印刷,用印刷体写
n. 印痕,印章,印刷,印刷业
The boss asked us to print the posters before Saturday this week.
【相关词】 printing [ˈprɪntɪŋ] n. 印刷,印刷术
printable [ˈprɪntəbl] adj. 适宜刊印的
printing press 印刷机
unprintable [ʌnˈprɪntəbl] adj. 不能付印的
printer [ˈprɪntə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 打印机,印刷机
The papers you want are on the printer at the left corner.
【相关词】 printout [ˈprɪntaʊt] n. 打印件,打印资料
copy machine 复印机
mimeograph [ˈmɪmɪəɡrɑ:f] n. 复写板
prison [ˈprɪzn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 监狱,牢笼
Can you tell me why he was put into prison?
【相关词】 prisoner [ˈprɪznə(r)] n. 囚犯
prisoner of conscience 政治犯,宗教犯
prisoner of war 战俘,俘虏
prize [praɪz]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 奖品,奖金
v. 珍视,珍惜
adj. 获奖的
This woman was awarded the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine.
【相关词】 prizewinner [ˈpraɪzwɪnə(r)] n. 获奖者,优胜者
prizewinning [ˈpraɪzwɪnɪŋ] adj. 得奖的
prize-giving [ˈpraɪzɡɪvɪŋ] n. 颁奖
award [əˈwɔ:d] n. 奖
award-winning [əˈwɔ:d 'wɪnɪŋ] adj. 得奖的
problem [ˈprɒbləm]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 难题,问题,题目
adj. 难处理的,意图不明的
Even the scholars can't solve such a hard problem.
【相关词】 problem-solving [ˈprɒbləmsɒlvɪŋ] adj. 解决问题的
puzzle [ˈpʌzl] v. (使)迷惑,(使)苦思
difficult [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] adj. 困难的,艰难的
difficulty [ˈdɪfɪkəltɪ] n. 困难,费劲,难事
process [ˈprəʊses]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL
v. (计算机)处理,加工,审核,审阅
n. 过程
My computer can't process so many tasks at the same time.
【相关词】 processing [prəʊˈsesɪŋ] n. 进程,步骤
processor [ˈprəʊsesə(r)] n. 处理器
data processing 数据处理
CPU = Central Processing Unit 中央处理器
produce [prəˈdju:s]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL GRE
v. 生产,制造,出示,引起
n. 产品,产量,成果,农产品
It is estimated that the factory produces 3,000 air-conditioners a month.
【相关词】 producer [prəˈdju:sə(r)] n. 生产商
product [ˈprɒdʌkt] n. 产品,制品
production [prəˈdʌkʃn] n. 生产,制造
production line 生产线,流水线
productive [prəˈdʌktɪv]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
adj. 生产的, 多产的,肥沃的,引起的
As far as I know, he is a productive writer of detective stories.
【相关词】 unproductive [ˌʌnprəˈdʌktɪv] adj. 非生产性的
productively [prəˈdʌktɪvlɪ] adv. 有成果地
productivity [ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvətɪ] n. 生产效率
program [ˈprəʊɡræm]…………………………………………CET4 CET6
n. 程序,计划,编码指令
v. 编写程序
In our school every science student should learn how to program which is very important to them.
【相关词】 programmer [ˈprəʊɡræmə(r)] n.(计算机)程序设计员
programming [ˈprəʊɡræmɪŋ] n.(计算机)程序设计
programmable [ˈprəʊɡræməbl] adj. 可编程的
project [ˈprɒdʒekt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL
n. 方案,计划
v. 规划,计划
The project seemed to be infeasible, so the boss advanced another one.
【相关词】 projection [prəˈdʒekʃən] n. 计划
blueprint [ˈblu:prɪnt] n. 行动方案,蓝图
program [ˈprəʊɡræm] v. 规划
promote [prəˈməʊt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE TOEFL
v. 晋升,促进,推进,促销
My brother is promoted as the general manager of his
company due to his excellent performance.
【相关词】 promotion [prəˈməʊʃn] n. 提升,促进,晋升,促销
preferment [prɪˈfɜ:mənt] n. 升迁,升任
promoting system 升迁制度
promotional [prəˈməʊʃənl]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL GRE
adj. 广告宣传的,推销的,增进的
He has played an important role in this promotional event.
【相关词】 merchandising [ˈmɜ:tʃəndaɪzɪŋ] n. 推销
merchandise [ˈmɜ:tʃəndaɪs] n. 商品,货品;v. 推销,销售
proper [ˈprɒpə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
adj. 合适的,正当的,相当的,正常的
I don't think it is a proper method.
【相关词】 improper [ɪmˈprɒpə(r)] adj. 不合适的,不正当的
properly [ˈprɒpəlɪ] adv. 正确地,正当地
improperly [ɪmˈprɒpəlɪ] adv. 不正当地
【同义词】 aboveboard [əˈbʌvˈbɔ:d] adj. 光明正大的
protect [prəˈtekt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 保护,保卫
When you are vulnerable, I want to protect you.
【同义词】 protection [prəˈtekʃən] n. 保护
protected [prəˈtektɪd] adj. 受保护的
protective [prəˈtektɪv] adj. 防护的
protector [prəˈtektə(r)] n. 保护者
public school…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL
Do you want to go to public school or private school?
【相关词】 private school 私立学校 headmaster [hedˈmɑ:stə(r)] n. 校长
headmistress [ˌhedˈmɪstrəs] n. 女校长 head teacher 校长
publish [ˈpʌblɪʃ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 公布,发表,散布,出版,发行
This book will be published soon.
【相关词】 publisher [ˈpʌblɪʃə(r)] n. 出版者,发行人
publishing [ˈpʌblɪʃɪŋ] n. 出版社,出版业
publication [ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 出版,发行
pull [pʊl]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
v. 拉,拽,扯,拖
Having heard that somebody was knocking, she pulled the door open but found that nobody was outside.
【相关词】 pull-down [pʊl daʊn] adj. 下拉式的 push [pʊʃ] v. 推动
press [pres] v. 按,压 knock [nɒk] v. 敲,击