object [ˈɒbdʒɪkt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
n. 宾语,目标,物体,客体
Please find the subject, predicate and object in the sentence.
【相关词】 indirect object 间接宾语 direct object 直接宾语
subject [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt] n. 主语 predicate [ˈpredɪkət] n. 谓语
predicative [prɪˈdɪkətɪv] adj. 作表语的
ocean [ˈəʊʃn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 大海,海洋
This creature lives at the bottom of the sea, so it is rare to most people.
【相关词】 oceanfront [ˈəʊʃnfrʌnt] adj. 滨海的,临海的
ocean-going [ˈəʊʃənˈgəʊɪŋ] adj. (船)远洋航行的
oceanic [ˌəʊʃɪˈænɪk] adj. 海洋的,大海的
oceanography [ˌəʊʃəˈnɒɡrəfɪ] n. 海洋学
office [ˈɒfɪs]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 办公室,局,厅,部,处,所
Tomorrow I will go to the post office to send some books to my brother.
【相关词】 office hours 办公时间
office block 办公大楼 office worker 上班族
officer [ˈɔ:fɪsə]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 军官,警官
v. 指挥,统率
As a customs officer, he has spent several decades at this place.
【相关词】 marshal [ˈmɑ:ʃəl] n. 元帅,陆军元帅 military rank 军衔
high-ranking [ˈhaɪræŋkɪŋ] adj. 职位高的,显要的
official [əˈfɪʃl]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
adj. 公务的,公职的
n. 要员,官员
The pompous official offended the mayor.
【相关词】 officially [əˈfɪʃəlɪ] adv. 正式地,官方地
officiate [əˈfɪʃɪeɪt] v. 履行职务 official secret 国家机密
oil [ɔɪl]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 油,石油
v. 给……加油
There isn't enough oil left and I will go to the supermarket to buy some.
【相关词】 oily [ˈɔɪlɪ] adj. 含油的,涂油的
salad oil 色拉油 olive oil 橄榄油
vegetable oil 植物油 castor oil 蓖麻油
oil painting…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
Talking of the oil painting, I guess it is a masterpiece.
【相关词】 watercolor [ˈwɔ:təkʌlə] n. 水彩画
gouache [ɡʊˈɑ:ʃ] n. 水粉画
collage [kəˈlɑ:ʒ] n. 拼贴画
onion [ˈʌnjən]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 洋葱
I hate the soup with too much onion, so please give me another one.
【相关词】 shallot [ʃəˈlɒt] n. 大葱 leek [li:k] n. 葱
scallion [ˈskæljən] n. 葱 spring onion 大葱
open [ˈəʊpən]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
adj. 营业着的,公开的, 敞开的, 开阔的,空闲的
Now the museum is closed and it will be open in two hours.
【相关词】 openning time 开馆时间
closing time 闭馆时间
opera [ˈɒprə]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
n. 歌剧,歌剧艺术
To tell you the truth, I prefer opera to drama.
【相关词】 operatic [ˌɒpəˈrætɪk] adj. 歌剧的,歌剧风格的
libretto [lɪˈbretəʊ] n. 歌剧剧本
aria [ˈɑ:rɪə] n. 咏叹调
operetta [ˌɒpəˈretə] n. 小歌剧
opinion [əˈpɪnjən]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
n. 意见,想法,看法,主张,评价,印象,鉴定
My suggestion is that you should think over others' opinions before you make the decision.
【同义词】 view [vju:] n. 看法,意见
viewpoint [ˈvju:pɔɪnt] n. 观点,看法
standpoint [ˈstændpɔɪnt] n. 立场,看法
perspective [pəˈspektɪv] n. 远景,看法,角度
opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtju:nətɪ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL
n. 机会,条件,适当的时机,有利的场合
We should prepare every minute, or our opportunity will run away without letting us know.
【相关词】 opportunist [ˌɒpəˈtju:nɪst] n. 机会主义者,投机者
opportunism [ˌɒpəˈtju:nɪzəm] n. 机会主义,投机主义
chance [tʃɑ:ns] n. 可能性,机会
orange [ˈɒrɪndʒ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 橙子,橙色
adj. 橙色的,柑橘的
I like to drink the concentrated orange juice, but sometimes some other ingredients are added into the juice.
【相关词】 orangery [ˈɒrɪndʒərɪ] n. 柑橘园
citrus [ˈsɪtrəs] adj. 柑橘类的
lime [laɪm] n. 酸橙 navel orange 脐橙
order [ˈɔ:də(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 订货,订购,订单
v. 命令,订购
I am very glad that I have received your order.
【相关词】 order book 订货簿 order form 订货单
indent [ɪnˈdent] n. 订单,订购
outdated [ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd]…………………………………………IELTS TOEFL
adj. 过时的,旧式的
v. 使过时
My computer in the office is outdated, and I think you should change one for me.
【同义词】 out of date 过时的 passe [ˈpæseɪ] adj. 过时的
outmoded [ˌaʊtˈməʊdɪd] adj. 过时的
antiquated [ˈæntɪkweɪtɪd] adj. 陈旧的,过时的
ox [ɒks]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 牛,公牛
According to my judges, these wild oxen come from mountainous areas.
【相关词】 bull [bul] n. 公牛 calf [kɑ:f] n. 小牛,牛犊
heifer [ˈhefə(r)] n. 小母牛 cattle [ˈkætl] n. 牛