
第四节 新兴趣产生的后果

在20世纪60年代,前述的局限性大部分都被忽略。相信学生入学能够创造奇迹的新信念,迅速蔓延至世界各地。最引人注目的结果是,男女学生人数在各级学校均出现了惊人的增长,与此相伴随的是各类教育机构在数量上蔚为壮观的增长。尽管还有一些迹象表明,法国的农民和工匠对教育比较冷淡和漠不关心的情况仍然存在,但是,家长们一般都要求他们的孩子接受比他们自己更多的教育These pocket do not suffice to make France an exception to the general tendency. Some idea of the pressure building up there can be gained from a study of the results of the examinations for the baccaluréat, published in the summer of 1965. The number of candidates had increased to 159974 from 60000, in 1955. The number passed had increased to 96525 from 39000, in 1955. But the percentage passed was the lowest in ten years: it was 60.3. When almost 40 per cent of the candidates for degree as important in the life of the students as the baccaluréat fail, some kind of explosion is inevitable.。而且,他们还渴望自己的孩子能够进入那些以前不对他们开放的学校。同时,政府开始用支持的态度看待这些对教育的需求,原因是他们假定,教育和国家繁荣强大之间存在密切的关联。关于这一点,我在前面已经述及。

20世纪60年代,所有这些现象都是在全球范围内发生的。在西方发达的工业国家,重视发展教育的浪潮似乎很有可能瓦解经历数个世纪才勉强建立起来的现存社会结构。在发展中国家,快速增长的学校教育需求对资源所产生的压力,一方面迫使政府要对重点支持的教育机构的先后顺序做出决策;另一方面也迫使政府慎重权衡是否采纳带有西方国家特色的某些做法,如在不久的将来考虑实施免费中学教育等。然而,即便是在这些国家,人们对教育的热情几乎达到了毋庸置疑的地步,以至于他们宁可选择普遍贫穷落后,但所有人都享有均等机会的学校教育,也不要那种质量虽高但并不是所有人都可以享有的教育See Michel Debeauvais, “Education in Former French Africa, ”in Education and Political development, ed. James S. Coleman(Princeton, N. J. : Princeton University Press, 1965, p.88: “Up to now African leaders seem to have given priority, for political and social reasons, to the development of elementary education. Although experts and international organizations recommend concentration on secondary education, which would train instructors as well as administrative and technical personnel, African leaders reply that they must first satisfy the needs for moderniza tion and progress among the mass clamoring for schools. ”Cf. the decision of Uganda, in 1958, to limit expansion of primary education in order to release funds for secondary education, in David G. Scanlon, Education in Uganda(Washington: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, 1964), pp.14-15.
