
detect /dɪˈtekt/ 听读写译
释义 vt. 发现,查明,侦查出
助记 de(=away,离开)+tect(=cover,覆盖)→去掉覆盖,查明真相→发现,查明
示例 ① "An animal that can't detect danger can't stay alive," says Joseph Ledoux. 约瑟夫•勒杜说:“不能觉察到危险的动物无法生存。”(2006. 12)② Scientists invented a kind of instrument which can detect the disease early. 科学家发明了一种能在早期检查出疾病的仪器。
派生 detective (n. 警探;私人侦探)‖detectable (a. 可觉察的,可发现的)
同义 discover, find
slide /slaɪd/ 听读写译
释义 v. & n. 滑行;衰落‖n. 滑梯;崩塌;幻灯片
搭配 slide from/to 逐渐降低;贬值‖slide down/into/towards 逐渐衰落;逐渐陷入
示例 ① The economic slide also rules out any privatisations this year or next. 经济衰退也排除了今年或明年任何私有化的可能性。(The Economist)② A snake slides into his bed and bites his leg. 蛇不声不响地钻进被子,咬伤了他的腿。
corrupt /kəˈrʌpt/ 听读写译
释义 a. 贪污的,腐败的;不诚实的,不道德的‖vt. 使腐化堕落;破坏,损坏
助记 cor(=completely,完全地,彻底地)+rupt(=break,断掉)→彻底断掉→破坏
示例 ① Assuming that your teacher is neither biased nor corrupt and that her system conforms school rules, you can't fault her ethics. 假如你的老师既不持偏见也未贪污受贿,而且她的评分方法符合学校的规章制度,那么你就不能指责她的职业道德。(2010. 6) ② This senior official was corrupted by power and money. 权力和金钱使这位政府高官腐败堕落了。
派生 corruptible(a. 易堕落的;易腐败的)‖corruption(n. 贪污,腐败;堕落)
substance /ˈsʌbstəns/ 听读写译
熟义 n. 物质,东西;根据;要点 生义 n. 重要性
搭配 a man/woman of substance 有钱有势的男人/女人
示例 ① But the infinitely adaptable substance has its dark side. 但这种适应性无限的物质也有不好的一面。(2011. 12) ② There is no substance in any of those allegations. 这些指控都毫无根据。
criminal /ˈkrɪmɪnl/ 听读写译
释义 a. 犯罪的;刑事的;不道德的‖n. 罪犯
助记 由crime(n. 犯罪)派生而来
搭配 hardened criminals 惯犯
示例 ① I'm interested in the criminal justice system of our country. 我对我们国家的刑事司法系统很感兴趣。(2008. 6) ② The National People's Congress adopted a motion of new criminal law. 全国人民代表大会通过了新刑法的提案。
派生 criminality (n. 犯罪;有罪;犯罪行为)‖criminalise (vt. 使不合法,使非法)
testify /ˈtestɪfaɪ/ 听读写译
释义 v. 作证;证实,证明
助记 test(=witness,证据)+ify(=make,使)→使成为证据→作证
搭配 testify to... 表明…
示例 ① Armstrong's former teammates testify against him, making a compelling case that he doped. 阿姆斯特朗的前队友出庭指控他,这让人相信他曾服用兴奋剂。(Time) ② She testifies against her brother as a witness. 她作为证人出庭作证指控她的哥哥。
tend /tend/ 听读写译
释义 v. 往往会;倾向;照料;招待
搭配 tend to/towards sth. 趋向,倾向‖tend (to) sb./sth. 照管,护理
示例 ① Most of us tend to look at today's price tag more than tomorrow's potential savings. 我们中的大部分人都倾向于更多地关注眼前可能产生的花销而不是未来(这些花销)可能节约的费用。(2007. 12) ② Mothers always tend their babies. 妈妈们总是在悉心照顾她们的孩子。
派生 tendency (n. 倾向;趋势)
sub /sʌb/ 听读写译
释义 n. 潜水艇(=submarine);替补队员(=substitute);会员费(=subscription);助理编辑(=subeditor)
示例 ① Some futurists envision nanotechnology also being used to explore the deep sea in small submarines, or even to launch finger-sized rockets packed with microminiature instruments. 一些未来学家设想纳米技术还被应用于小型潜水艇的深海探测,甚至被应用于发射塞满微型设备的手指大小的火箭。(2011. 12) ② He is a sub of this football team. 他是这支足球队的替补队员。
tuition /tjuˈɪʃn/ 听读写译
释义 n. 教学,指导;学费
搭配 tuition in... 讲授…
示例 ① Since 1982 tuitions have been rising at roughly twice the rate of inflation. 从1982年开始,学费上涨的速度大约是通货膨胀率的两倍。(2011. 6) ② The kids received private tuition in English. 孩子们由私人教师教授英语。
stability /stəˈbɪləti/ 听读写译
释义 n. 稳定(性);稳固(性)
助记 st(=stand,站立)+ability(能力)→拥有站立的能力→稳定性
示例 ① People regard job stability as part of their standard of living. 人们将工作稳定性作为衡量他们生活标准的一部分。(2007. 6) ② Social stability is very important for a country. 对于一个国家来说,社会稳定非常重要。
反义 instability
conquest /ˈkɒŋkwest/ 听读写译
释义 n. 征服,占领;占领的地区;控制
助记 con(=together,共同)+quest(=seek,追求,探索)→共同追求,探索→征服
示例 ① With current funding, a U.S. return to the moon—not to mention the conquest of Mars—is pie in the sky. 以目前的资金来看,美国重回月球都已是空想,更不用说征服火星了。(New Scientist)② During the Anti-Japanese War, the Northeast of China was one of Japanese conquests. 抗战时期,中国东北地区曾是日本的一个占领区。
tremendous /trəˈmendəs/ 听读写译
释义 a. 巨大的;精彩的,了不起的
助记 trem(=fear,害怕;敬畏)+end+ous(形容词后缀,充满或缺乏)→巨大的东西都会让人充满敬畏→巨大的
示例 ① Obviously, there's a tremendous difference between getting rid of possessions and losing them through a natural disaster without having a say in the matter. 显然,主动扔掉一些物品和在一场毫无预兆的自然灾害中失去它们有着巨大的区别。(2006. 12) ② He gives me a tremendous surprise on our wedding anniversary day. 在我们结婚周年纪念日那天,他给了我一个巨大的惊喜。
派生 tremendously (ad. 巨大地;极其地)
同义 enormous, huge, vast
辨析 tremendous, enormous, huge和vast都有“极大的”的含义。tremendous指大得惊人;enormous既可以表示个头和数量方面的大,也可以表示范围和程度方面的大,通常含有“反常”的意味;huge强调体积方面的巨大;vast多指幅员辽阔。
temporary /ˈtemprəri/ 听读写译
释义 a. 暂时的,临时的
助记 tempo(节奏)+rary(联想成rare稀少的)→节奏很短暂→暂时的
示例 ① The company will also be able to avoid the expense of having to relocate staff to temporary offices for several weeks when it begins disruptive office renovations soon. 公司还能够避免由于即将进行办公室彻底翻新,有数周的时间必须重新安排员工在临时办公室办公所产生的费用。(2009. 12) ② The medicine provided temporary relief from the pain. 这种药暂时缓解了疼痛。
派生 temporarily (ad. 暂时地,短暂地)
同义 momentary, transient
反义 permanent
analyse /ˈænəlaɪz/ 听读写译
释义 vt. 分析
助记 ana(=intensive,集中的)+lys(=to loosen,解开)+e→把集中的东西分解开来→分析
示例 ① A recent study analysed the providers who treat Medicare beneficiaries. 最近一项研究分析了给老年医疗保险受益人提供治疗的供应商。(2009. 12) ② He tried to analyse what went wrong. 他试图分析是哪里出了差错。
派生 analysis (n. 分析;分析结果)‖analyser (n. 分析器;分析者)
eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ 听读写译
释义 vt. 排除;淘汰;消灭
助记 e(=out,去除)+limin(=threshold,门槛,障碍)+ate(动词后缀)→去除障碍→消灭
示例 ① The most advanced insulation follows the law of increasing returns: if you add enough, you can scale down or even eliminate heating and air-conditioning equipment, lowering costs even before you start saving on utility bills. 最先进的绝缘设计遵循了收益递增法则:如果你采取足够的保温措施,你就可以按比例减少甚至淘汰掉采暖和空调设备,甚至在你开始打算要节省水电费之前就可以降低成本。(2007. 12) ② He was eliminated from the first round of the competition. 他在比赛第一轮中就被淘汰了。
派生 elimination (n. 消除)
同义 eradicate
overlap 听读写译
释义 /ˌəʊvəˈlæp/ v. 部分重叠;交叠‖/ˈəʊvəlæp/ n. 重叠;重复
示例 ① Marine mammals and trawlers rarely overlap in the fish they hunt. 海洋哺乳动物和拖网渔船所捕捉的鱼类很少交叉。(New Scientist)② These pieces of wood are overlapped. 这些木板交叠在一起。
vivid /ˈvɪvɪd/ 听读写译
释义 a. 清晰的,生动的;鲜艳的,耀眼的
示例 ① Metaphors like the "selfish gene" paint a vivid picture of how evolution works, but the reality is more subtle.“自私基因”等暗喻生动地展现了进化过程,但现实更加微妙。(New Scientist) ② I still have vivid memories about my childhood. 我对我的童年仍然有清晰的记忆。
派生 vividly (ad. 清晰地)‖vividness (n. 清晰)
语料 It is a curious fact that in bad days we can very vividly recall the good time that is now no more; but that in good days we have only a very cold and imperfect memory of the bad. 奇怪得很,人们在倒楣的时候,总会清晰地回忆已经逝去的快乐时光,但是在得意的时候,对艰苦的日子只保有一种淡漠且不完全的记忆。(德国哲学家阿瑟•叔本华)
adolescent /ˌædəˈlesnt/ 听读写译
释义 n. 青少年‖a. 青春期的
示例 ① Social change also brings not simply different positions for women and girls, but different relations to life stages, and adolescent girls are participating in new subcultural forms. 社会变化带给妇女和女孩的不仅是不同的社会地位,还包括生命阶段的不同关系,少女参与到崭新的亚文化形式中去。(2007. 6) ② Adolescent experiences are indelibly imprinted on my memory. 青春期的经历让我终生难忘。
delivery /dɪˈlɪvəri/ 听读写译
释义 n. 传送,交付;分娩;演讲方式;投球
搭配 take delivery of... 提货
示例 ① Companies engaged in shipping, trucking, rail freight, delivery, and logistics have all been reporting better than expected results. 据报道,从事水运、公路运输、铁路运输、配送和物流业务的公司都取得了好于预期的业绩。(2011. 12) ② On Sunday, we will take delivery of our new car. 星期天我们就能提到我们的新车了。
conceive /kənˈsiːv/ 听读写译
释义 v. 构想,设想;怀孕
搭配 conceive of/as sth. 想出主意;构想
示例 ① Grand-children of mice fed a high-fat diet grow up fat even if their own mother is fed normally—so your fate may have been sealed even before you were conceived. 如果第一代老鼠用高脂肪食物喂养,那么即使第二代老鼠采用正常食物喂养,第三代老鼠长大后仍然会变胖——所以你的命运也许在你还是胚胎以前就已成定局了。(2008. 12) ② I cannot conceive the idea to solve this problem. 我想不出解决这个问题的办法。
petty /ˈpeti/ 听读写译
释义 a. 琐碎的,次要的;小气的,狭隘的
搭配 petty squabbles 小口角
示例 ① The judge began dispensing justice to citizens charged with petty crimes and traffic offences. 法官开始判决被指控犯小罪以及交通肇事罪的公民。(The Times)② This old man is very petty. 这个老头特别小气。
派生 pettiness (n. 小气,狭隘)
同义 trivial, mean
preside /prɪˈzaɪd/ 听读写译
释义 v. 主持(会议);担任(会议)主席
助记 pre(=before,前面)+side(联想成sit,坐)→坐在前面→主持
搭配 preside at/over sth. 主持…
示例 ① The president and first lady will preside over the National Book Festival in September. 总统及第一夫人将会主持九月举办的国家图书节。(Time) ② William presided at the committee meeting. 威廉主持了委员会会议。
mature /məˈtʃʊ(r); məˈtʊə(r)/ 听读写译
释义 a. 成年的;成熟的‖v. 成熟;长成
搭配 mature into sth. 技能或素质成熟;充分发展
示例 ① Angry and fearful expressions tap into the machinery we use to work out how mature a person is. 我们使用某种机制来判断一个人的成熟程度,愤怒和恐惧的表情被应用于这一机制中。(New Scientist) ② She has matured a great deal over the past years. 经过这些年,她成熟了很多。
派生 maturity (n. 成熟)‖maturely (ad. 成熟地)
indicative /ɪnˈdɪkətɪv/ 听读写译
释义 a. 表明的;暗示的;陈述的‖n. 陈述语气的动词形式
搭配 indicative of sth. 表明
示例 ① Certain changes in a person's social interactions—a sudden drop-off, for instance—can be indicative of health problems such as depression, says Dr. Choudhury. 乔杜里博士说,一个人在社交活动中的某些改变,比如突然退出,都可能是抑郁等健康问题的标志。(The Economist)② The kids' behaviour is indicative of their interest. 孩子们的行为暗示了他们的兴趣。
chase /tʃeɪs/ 听读写译
熟义 v. 追赶;努力获得‖n. 追捕,追赶;努力获得
生义 v. 催促;匆忙地走;雕刻
搭配 chase after 追赶,追捕
示例 ① The evidence shows that a large number of universities have fallen off the back of the pack, a few perform strongly and the rest chase the leaders. 证据显示,很多高校排在了后面,少数表现得很好,其他一些则在追赶领先者。(2011. 12) ② The kids like chasing dogs and cats. 孩子们喜欢追逐着猫狗玩耍。
notorious /nəʊˈtɔːriəs/ 听读写译
释义 a. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的
搭配 notorious for sth./for doing sth. 因…声名狼藉‖notorious as sth. 作为…而声名狼藉
示例 ① Providers offering broadband for rock-bottom prices are notorious for poor service, with regular breakdowns and heavily congested networks. 那些提供低价位宽带服务的供应商以其糟糕的服务而臭名昭著,其网络经常断线而且拥堵情况严重。(2009. 12) ② This criminal is notorious. 这是个臭名昭著的罪犯。
派生 notoriously (ad. 众所周知地)
greedy /ˈɡriːdi/ 听读写译
释义 a. 贪婪的;贪吃的
搭配 greedy for sth. 贪婪的;贪心的
示例 ① Sally Bercow, the wife of the Commons Speaker, has rejected an invitation to the funeral of Baroness Thatcher, a leader whom she believes ushered in a "very greedy and selfish society". 萨莉•博考,下议院院长的妻子,拒绝出席撒切尔的葬礼,她认为撒切尔引导了一个“非常贪婪和自私的社会”。(The Times) ② This notorious official is greedy for profit. 这个官员因利欲熏心而臭名昭著。
派生 greedily (ad. 贪心地)
welfare /ˈwelfeə(r)/ 听读写译
释义 n. 幸福;福利
搭配 child welfare 儿童福利
示例 ① The state recognises this in the large body of family laws that govern children's welfare, yet parents receive little help in meeting the life-changing obligations society imposes. 国家是认可这一点的,这从它通过了一系列保障儿童福利的家庭法上就可以看得出来,但是当社会把这种改变孩子命运的义务强加给父母时,父母们能够获得的帮助却少得可怜。(2010. 6)② The government should be concerned about children's welfare. 政府应该关注孩子们的福利。
同义 well-being
secure /sɪˈkjʊə(r)/ 听读写译
熟义 a. 安全的,有把握的;稳固的‖v. 获得;扣紧;保卫 生义 v. 抵押
助记 se(=without,没有)+cure(联想成care,关心,担心)→不担心,不担忧→安全的,有把握的
搭配 a secure job/income 稳定的工作/收入
示例 ① Our airlines still aren't secure, and this is what happens when you're not secure. 我们的航班仍不安全,而且这正是在你觉得不安全的时候发生的事情。(2008. 6) ② She felt secure about her future because she took a job as a teacher. 她不再为将来发愁了,因为她找到了一个当老师的工作。
同义 safe
反义 insecure
语料 Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life. 理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。(俄国作家列夫•托尔斯泰)
largely /ˈlɑːdʒli/ 听读写译
释义 ad. 在很大程度上;主要地
示例 ① But if you look at who walks across the stage for a diploma, it's still largely the white, upper-income population. 但是如果你看一看谁最终能够获得学位,那仍然主要是收入较高的白人群体。(2011. 6) ② He becomes a scientist of great attainments largely because of his unremitting efforts. 他能成为一名很有成就的科学家主要是由于他坚持不懈的努力。
同义 mostly, mainly
indicate /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/ 听读写译
熟义 v. 表明;暗示;提及;指向 生义 v. 打行车转向信号
助记 in(在里面)+dic(=say,说)+ate→在里面说→暗示
示例 ① Experts on leadership will quickly point out that "how things get done" influences the success of the outcomes and indicates a right way and a wrong way to do things. 研究领导才能的专家会立即指出:“如何做事”会影响事情的成败,也表明了做事情的正确方法与错误方法。(2011. 12) ② She indicates the right route to us. 她给我们指出了正确的路线。
派生 indication (n. 表明;象征)‖indicative (a. 指示的)
ensure /ɪnˈʃʊə(r); ɪnˈʃɔː(r)/ 听读写译
释义 vt. 确保;担保;保证
助记 en(=make,使)+sure(确定)→确保;保证
示例 ① But as arguments about immigration heat up the campaign trail, we also ought to ask some broader questions about assimilation, about how to ensure that people, once outsiders, don't forever remain marginalized within these shores. 但是随着关于移民的争论使总统大选白热化,我们也应该提出关于融合、关于如何确保曾经的外来人口无需永远在国内边缘化等更广泛的问题。(2008. 12)② The security personnel ensured his personal safety. 保安人员确保了他的人身安全。
同义 assure, insure
辨析 ensure, assure和insure都有“保证,确保”的含义。ensure指确保某种行为一定会发生,常用于ensure sth./ensure that...结构;assure表示向某人保证某事一定会发生(有让某人放心之意),常用于assure sb. of sth./assure sb. that...结构;insure意为“确保”时可以和ensure换用,此外,insure还可以指给人或财产保险,以防意外(纯粹经济含义)。
emphasise /ˈemfəsaɪz/ 听读写译
释义 vt. 强调;重视;使突出
示例 ① Still others emphasise the role of race, arguing that foreigners add to the nation's fears and insecurities. 还有其他人强调种族的原因,争辩说外国人会增加国民的恐惧与不安。(2011. 6) ② His speech emphasises the importance of developing agricultural technology. 他的演讲强调了发展农业技术的重要性。
同义 stress
invest /ɪnˈvest/ 听读写译
释义 v. 投资;投入
助记 in(进入)+vest(授予)→投资
搭配 invest in sth. 投资‖invest sb. with (rights) 赋予某人(权力)
示例 ① These companies have invested millions, believing that the space tourism industry is on the verge of taking off. 这些公司已经投入了数百万美元,相信太空旅游行业即将兴起。(2006. 12) ② He invested all his efforts in passing the exam. 他为考试及格而全力以赴。
cluster /ˈklʌstə(r)/ 听读写译
释义 n. 簇,团,束;群,组‖v. 聚集
搭配 cluster together 聚集
示例 ① At its core is a cluster of neurons deep in the brain known as the amygdala. 它(该机制)的核心是大脑内部的一束被称为扁桃核的神经元。(2006. 12) ② People clustered around this strange man. 人们围在这个奇怪的男人周围。
insult 听读写译
释义 /ɪnˈsʌlt/ vt. 侮辱,冒犯‖/ˈɪnsʌlt/ n. 辱骂,侮辱
搭配 insult to sb./sth. 冒犯,辱骂
示例 ① If they are right, an insult like "bird-brained" will, in the future, be finely calibrated. 如果真能如他们所说,那么将来就可以精确计算出“愚蠢”这类辱骂的程度了。(The Economist)② This star felt insulted by the reporter's comments. 那个记者的评论让这个明星感觉受到了侮辱。
派生 insulting (a. 无礼的,有冒犯性的)
scope /skəʊp/ 听读写译
熟义 n. 范围 生义 n.(做或实现某事的)机会,能力
搭配 within/beyond the scope of 在…范围内/超出…范围
示例 ① While most U.S. papers focus on a single city, The New York Times is among the few that can claim national scope—as well as 16 bureaus in the New York area, it has 11 offices around the U.S. and maintains 26 bureaus elsewhere in the world. 当大多数美国报纸都面向单个城市发行时,《纽约时报》是少数几个可以自称覆盖全国的报纸,除了在纽约地区有16个办事处外,在全美有11个事务所,在世界其他地方保持26个办事处。 (2010. 12) ② There is scope for us to be successful. 我们还有成功的机会。
同义 range
register /ˈredʒɪstə(r)/ 听读写译
熟义 v. 登记;把…挂号邮寄‖n. 登记簿
生义 v. 提出主张;意识到;记录;流露出‖n. 声区
搭配 to register a birth/marriage/death 出生/结婚/死亡登记
示例 ① We are rushing to meet so many deadlines that we hardly register that what we need most are lifelines. 我们急于赶在众多的最后期限前完成任务,以至于我们很难意识到我们最需要的是生命线。(2012. 12)② They are registered as a couple. 他们注册结婚了。
派生 registered (a. 注册的,登记过的)
rust /rʌst/ 听读写译
释义 n. 锈斑‖v. (使)生锈
示例 ① My dealer claims it is normal for the rear wheel hubs on my wife's new Fiat 500 to have rusted. 汽车经销商称,我妻子的新车菲亚特500后轮轮轴生锈是很正常的。(The Times)② The iron pot rusted. 这个铁锅生锈了。
派生 rusted (a. 生锈的)
语料 Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears. 懒惰像锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。(本杰明•富兰克林)
similarly /ˈsɪmələli/ 听读写译
释义 ad. 类似地;差不多地;同样;也
示例 ① Similarly, the U.S. Nurses' Health Study, which tracked 68,000 women for 16 years, found that those who slept an average of 5 hours a night gained more weight during the study period than women who slept 6 hours, who in turn gained more than those who slept 7. 同样,美国护士健康研究连续16年跟踪了68,000名妇女,发现在研究期间每晚平均睡眠时间为5小时的人的体重增加要超过每晚睡6个小时的妇女,而后者的体重增加要超过每晚睡7小时的妇女。(2008. 12)② Tom won the painting contest. Similarly, Henry won the singing competition. 汤姆在绘画比赛中赢得了冠军,同样地,亨利在唱歌比赛中获得了胜利。