Research on the Sense of Community in Schools:Retrospect and Prospect
(Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University,Chongqing, 400715, China)
(Center for Studies of Education and Psychology of Ethnic Minorities, Southwest University, Chongqing, 400715, China)
Abstract: Community psychology is a combination of sociology and clinical psychology of the new cross subject, focus on the relation between individual,community and society. Through mutual cooperation and common action research devoted to understanding and improving the quality of individual, community and social life. Community psychology is closely related to the life of every member of the community. However, the discipline is still in it's infancy in China. Many concepts, methods are mostly used for reference in the west. The sense of community is the perception of the similarity and interdependence of others, which is the emotion of an individual belonging to a stable structure(Sarason, 1974). Learning and summarizing excellent community psychology articles can help us to further promote the development of this subject in our country. As one of the core concepts of community psychology, sense of community has a pivotal role in this field. This paper focuses on the sense of community in the context of school, and summarizes the concept, measurement, influencing factors and research significance. Sense of community in the school involves psychological conditions that promote students' survival, development, and mutual influence. As a special form of community,school is in the middle position of the community continuum. In the early stage, the main use of the measurement is Sense of Community Index(SCI)based on McMillan and Chavis' four elements of the theoretical model. Rovai et al.(2004)conducted a detailed survey of the sense of community in the context of the school,developed the Classroom Community Scale(CCS)and the Classroom and School Community Inventory(CSCI), then distinguished the classroom community and learning community. In addition, there are some researchers used the Sense of School Belongingness(SSOC)and Classroom Sense of Community Scale(SoCC)to assess the level of sense of community for school community members. This paper probes into the influence factors of the sense of community in school from two aspects-the individual and the environment. On the one hand, the individual factors include personality traits, extracurricular activities, gender and other demographic variables. On the other hand, environmental factors include school size,school type, social support etc. Sense of community in school plays a key role in students' academic achievement and physical and mental health. Lack of sense of community can lead to many psychological problems. Combined with relevant literature, attention has also been devoted to recommendations of relevant educational institutions regarding how to implement measures and educational programs that cultivate students' sense of community to reduce their psychological and behavioral problems. For future sense of community surveys, researchers should consider whether associated scales are in accordance with subjects in the cultural and historical background and focus on how to develop and construct suitable measure for Chinese characteristics. The innovation of this paper is to summarized the sense of community at home and abroad in recent years, and pays special attention to school. And provided a new idea for school teachers and administrators on how to prevent the mental health of the students and student burnout.
Keywords: School; Community; Sense of Community; Mental Health
1. Sense of Community Index(社区感指数)
Long, D. A., &Perkins, D. D.(2003). Confirmatory factor analysis of the sense of community index and development of a brief SCI. Journal of Community Psychology,31(3),279-296.
(1)I think my block is a good place for me to live.
(2)People on this block do not share the same values.
(3)My neighbors and I want the same things from the block.
(4)I can recognize most of the people who live on my block.
(5)I feel at home on this block.
(6)Very few of my neighbors know me.
(7)I care about what my neighbors think of my actions.
(8)I have almost no influence over what this block is like.
(9)If there is a problem on this block people who live here can get it solved.
(10)It is very important to me to live on this particular block.
(11)People on this block generally don't get along with each other.
(12)I expect to live on this block for a long time.
2. The Classroom and School Community Inventory(课堂与学校社区问卷)
Rovai, A. P., Wighting, M. J., & Lucking, R.(2004). The classroom and school community inventory: Development, refinement, and validation of a self-report measure for educational research. Internet&Higher Education,7(4),263-280.
Classroom form
Directions: Below you will see a series of statements concerning a specific course you are presently aking or recently completed. Read each statement carefully. Place an X in the parentheses to the right of the statement that comes closest to indicate how you feel about the course. You may use a pencil or pen.
There are no correct or incorrect responses. If you neither agree nor disagree with a statement or are uncertain, place an X in the neutral(N)area. Do not spend too much time on any one statement, but give the response that seems to describe how you feel. Please respond to all items.
Strongly agree(完全同意), agree(同意), Neutral(中立), Disagree(不同意), Strongly disagree(完全不同意)。
(1)I feel that students in this course care about each other.
(2)I feel that I receive timely feedback in this course.
(3)I feel connected to others in this course.
(4)I feel that this course results in only modest learning.
(5)I trust others in this course.
(6)I feel that I am given ample opportunities to learn in this course.
(7)I feel that I can rely on others in this course.
(8)I feel that my educational needs are not being met in this course.
(9)I feel confident that others in this course will support me.
(10)I feel that this course does not promote a desire to learn.
School form
Directions: Below you will see a series of statements concerning life at your school at large. Read each statement carefully. Place an X in the parentheses to the right of the statement that comes closest to indicate how you feel about school life. You may use a pencil or pen. There are no correct or incorrect responses. If you neither agree nor disagree with a statement or are uncertain, place an X in the neutral(N)area. Do not spend too much time on any one statement, but give the response that seems to describe how you feel. Please respond to all items.
Strongly agree(完全同意), agree(同意), Neutral(中立), Disagree(不同意), Strongly disagree(完全不同意)。
(1)I have friends at this school to whom I can tell anything.
(2)I feel that this school satisfies my educational goals.
(3)I feel that I matter to other students at this school.
(4)I feel that this school gives me ample opportunities to learn.
(5)I feel close to others at this school.
(6)I feel that this school does not promote a desire to learn.
(7)I regularly talk to others at this school about personal matters.
(8)I share the educational values of others at this school.
(9)I feel that I can rely on others at this school.
(10)I am satisfied with my learning at this school.
3.学校归属感量表(Psychological Sense of School Membership Scale,PSSM)
Goodenow, C.(1993). The psychological sense of school membership among adolescents: Scale development and educational correlates. Psychology in the Schools,30(1),79-90.
(1)I feel like a real part of(name of school).
(2)People here notice when I'm good at something.
(3)It is hard for people like me to be accepted here.(reversed).
(4)Other students in this school take my opinions seriously.
(5)Most teachers at(name of school)are interested in me.
(6)Sometimes I feel as if I don't belong to here.(reversed).
(7)There's at least one teacher or other adult in this school I can talk to if I have a problem.
(8)People at this school are friendly to me.
(9)Teachers here are not interested in people like me.(reversed).
(10)I am included in lots of activities at(name of school).
(11)I am treated with as much respect as other students.
(12)I feel very different from most other students here.
(13)I can really be myself at this school.
(14)The teachers here respect me.
(15)People here know I can d o good work.
(16)I wish I were in a different school.(reversed).
(17)I feel proud of belonging to(name of school).
(18)Other students here like me the way I am.
4. Classroom Sense of Community Scale(课堂社区感量表)
Rovai, A. P.(2002). Development of an instrument to measure classroom community. Internet & Higher Education,5(3),197-211.
Directions: Below, you will see a series of statements concerning a specific course or program you are presently taking or have recently completed. Read each statement carefully and place an X in the parentheses to the right of the statement that comes closest to indicate how you feel about the course or program. You may use a pencil or pen. There are no correct or incorrect responses. If you neither agree nor disagree with a statement or are uncertain, place an X in the neutral(N)area. Do not spend too much time on any one statement, but give the response that seems to describe how you feel. Please respond to all items.
Strongly agree(完全同意), agree(同意), Neutral(中立), Disagree(不同意), Strongly disagree(完全不同意)。
(1)People in this class support each other.
(2)This class gives me the opportunity to do many things.
(3)This is a good class.
(4)Everyone appreciates and loves the class environment.
(5)People in this class collaborate.
(6)People in this class work together to make things better.
(7)In this class there is a willingness to help one another.
(8)People in this class are an important source of moral support to me.
(9)I feel I belong to this class.
(10)I think I have a lot in common with my classmates.
(11)In this class, when I want I can find someone to talk to.
(12)The most of my“real”friends are in this class.
(13)If I need help I can speak to someone in this class.
(14)In this class there are people who know how to be close to me when I need it.
(15)Here I feel secure.
(16)In this class, people look for each other and want to be together.
(17)I spend a lot of time with my classmates.
(18)I like to stay with my classmates.
(19)This class, compared to others, has many positive aspects.
(20)There are activities that young people can do in this class.
(21)In this class there are enough initiatives aimed at young people like me.
(22)I think that people here have the potential to change the things that do not work.
(23)In this class it is easy to find information about things that interest young people like me.
(24)If we were given the opportunity I guess that we students could organize something nice for this class.
(25)If in this class we organize we have a good chance to achieve our desired objectives.
(26)In the end I believe that if we work harder we could have the chance to make things better for young people like us.