第1章 做自己想做的人(1)
You Will Be Master Of Yourself
What I'd Tell Myself If I Were 18 Again…
I like to joke that I am who I am today because I did everything wrong in my 20's. I've always been fearless, and it often got me in trou-ble.I wasn't afraid to start a business, borrow a bunch of money, or quit a well-paying job to travel the world.
At the same time, the fact that I took chances (and often failed) g ave me the wisdom that I have today. Lessons learned through failure tend to be much more meaningful than lessons learned otherwise.
Now that I'm in my 30's, life is pretty good. While I haven't learned it all, I feel my head is screwed on straight enough that life is much less stressful.I've come into my own and built the foundation for a secure and prosperous future.
Even though things are going well, I often imagine what it would be like to go back into the past and teach myself what I know now. I know e-nough to be certain that I lost most of my twenties to a struggle with debt and poor decisions.If I had done things differently, maybe I could have been where I am now at age 22.
Could you imagine?Self employed and almost financially indepen-dent at age 22?No… not almost. My expenses were much less back then… I would have been financially free!
I know it doesn't do any good to ask what if. If I had known it all at age 22, I probably would have been a little cocky.Doing things the hard way seasoned my character.I like who I am and I wouldn't change a thing.
But what if…
What I'd Tell Myself at 18?
Sometimes I imagine that I'm in a fishing boat, thousands of milesaway from the life I know, slowly drifting across a lake. As I recline at an uncomfortable angle created by the wood bench and aluminum hull, I glance over at the 18 year-old version of myself and upload my wis-dom to him.
Here's what I say:
Don't be so Serious
Relax… You've got your whole life ahead of you. I know it can seem like the most important thing in the world is fighting the good fight, but don't let your life pass you by in the process.There'll be plenty of time for starting businesses, writing books, creating art, and solving the world's problems in your head.
It's impressive that you do those things at such a young age, but life is really about experiences. Above all, it's about sharing experiences with other people.Sometimes when you're all wrapped up in your own head, doing the things that you are determined to do, you miss a chance to con-nect with other people.
So take it easy. Have some fun.Do something crazy.Let loose.Call up some friends and share some great moments together.
Don't Be in Such a Hurry to Grow Up
A funny thing happens as you age:The older you get, the less of a hurry you're in. You'd think it would be the other way around:the less time you have, the more of a hurry you're in;but it's actually quite the opposite.
At 18, it seems like you have to rush everything before you get too old. You think you have to graduate college, get a good job, and get mar-ried before you turn 22, because (for some reason) y ou think 22 is old.
Don't take being young for granted!Being a kid without responsibil-ity is a thing of beauty. I know you don't appreciate it now, but you will when you're my age.
22 is just getting started!In fact, life gets more enjoyable as you age. As you learn more about yourself and the world, it gets easier to enjoy what the world has to offer.
Your 20's are the perfect time to explore the world and experience new things. If you grow up before you turn 22, you'll have missed a perfect opportunity.Experiences at 18 are just not the same as when you're 25.
Travel, art, culture, sport, and adventure take on a whole new mean-ing when you have had some experience to build on. As you add layer up-on layer, each experience is more rich than the last.
Choose Experience over Material Possessions
If you are ever faced with the choice of upgrading your lifestyle (an a-partment by yourself, a new car, new clothes, etc.) o r working less so you can experience more;chose the latter.
When I was your age, I thought I needed to have nice stuff so girls would like me. I ended up working so hard to pay for the stuff that I didn爷t have time to meet girls.
Working hard is for grown-ups. Be a kid for as long as you can, even if it means living with a roommate in a crappy apartment and riding your bike around town.
Besides, girls aren't going to like you for awhile anyway.What they really want is a man with a little confidence and life experience under his belt.Working too hard will just delay that process.