Tamburlaine the Great


Soria] See note ?, p.44.

fate] So the 8vo.--The 4to "fates."

his] Old eds."our."

all] So the 8vo.--Omitted in the 4to.

honours] So the 8vo.--The 4to "honour."

in conquest] So the 4to.--The 8vo "in THE conquest."

Judaea] So the 8vo.--The 4to "Juda."

Sclavonia's] Old eds."Scalonians" and "Sclauonians."

Soria] See note ?, p.44.

Damascus] Here the old eds."Damasco." See note *, p.31.

That's no matter, &c.] So previously (p.46, first col.)

Almeda speaks in prose, "I like that well," &c.

dearth] Old eds."death."

th'] So the 8vo.--Omitted in the 4to.

Those] Old eds."Whose."

sorrows] So the 8vo.--The 4to "sorrow."

thirst] So the 4to.--The 8vo "colde."

champion] i.e.champaign.

which] Old eds."with."

Whereas] i.e.Where.

the] So the 8vo.--The 4to "and."

cavalieros] See note ?, p.52.

argins] "Argine, Ital.An embankment, a rampart.

Ed., 1826.

great] So the 8vo.--The 4to "greatst."

the] Old eds."their."

by nature] So the 8vo.--The 4to "by THE nature."

a] So the 4to.--The 8vo "the."

A ring of pikes, mingled with shot and horse] Qy."foot"

instead of "shot"? (but the "ring of pikes" is "foot").--The Revd.J.Mitford proposes to read, "A ring of pikes AND HORSE, MANGLED with shot."

his] So the 8vo--The 4to "this."

march'd] So the 4to.--The 8vo "martch."

drop] So the 8vo.--The 4to "dram."

lance] So the 4to.--Here the 8vo "lanch": but afterwards more than once it has "lance."

I know not, &c.] This and the next four speeches are evidently prose, as are several other portions of the play.

'Tis] So the 4to.--The 8vo "This."

accursed] So the 4to.--The 8vo "cursed."

his] So the 4to.--The 8vo "the."

point] So the 8vo.--The 4to "port."

Soria] See note ?, p.44.

Minions, falc'nets, and sakers] "All small pieces of ordnance." Ed.1826.

hold] Old eds."gold" and "golde."