Business fitness club is the inevitable outcome and concrete performance that reflect Chinese economy,politics,culture,society development and modernity construction.The gymnastics industry in our country has full presented“sunny industry”characteristics,since it created from the1980's and prosperous in recently.However,now there are various chaos situations,be-cause of market competition,management idea hysteretic.In order to accommodating progress and the people demand,the systematical,excellent mar-keting and modern management theories are instructed and normed construction and development of business fitness club in our country.Therefore,the research focus on systematical studying consumer behavior and marketing strategy of the business fitness club in our country,which provide science ba-sis to the development of business fitness club and establishment the perfect theories system.
This research adopted theories and practical research method,carried on research to parts of consumer behavior and the marketing strategy of the busi-ness fitness club in Peking City.Research's result is as follows:
1.Knowing and grasping the fitness consumer's need and the behavior characteristic,which is the foundation of correct formulates marketing strate-gy of the fitness club.
2.Through studing fitness consumer behavior in Peking City,We should need to establish the fitness consumer behavior the elementary theory frame, need to know the fitness consumer behaviour pattern,behavior process and each kinds of influencing factors.Following the fitness club consumer's behav-iour pattern should pay attention to its own characteristics.
3.The investigation indicated:the fitness consumer ex -behavior is to collection information and purchasing decisions-making.Most people are the self-awareness of fitness demands;using the interpersonal origin and individual experience originates the collection way;The top thirth evaluation cri-teria are convenient for the place,reasonable price,location facility;Pur-chase decision-making mostly for fitness goal,in the club,promotion peri-od,cash way,purchase year card;Because of the consumer's age,sex, education level,occupation,income difference,displays the different ex-pense characteristic.
4.The consumer behavior including experience and appraisal.The experience result has many dissatisfaction to the environment and facility;Fitness product is content and various,but insufficiently novel;Lacks the personali-zation and unique service projects;The staff sense of responsibility is bad, merit thoughts of gain;without a good process of communication.After the experience,appraises to strengthen the fitness scientific style degree,im-prove the ancillary facilities the condition and the style,enhancethe trainer and service personnels' quality and the image;Carries on the management and the communication promptly to the consumer in time.
5.If the post-consumer behavior is the satisfactory,decision-making continue to purchase and to recommend others;If the post-consumer behavior is the dissatisfactory,decision - making is draws back the card,the transfer and the abandonment.
6.fitness consumer behavior's influence factors including physiology, psychological,the social environment and the marketing factor,which constitute the complete expense environment,and influence fitness consumer's behavior.
7.The correct marketing strategy should possess basic condition:Grasping the elementary theory the consumer behavior and the Chinese consumer's behavior characteristic;Studying and profiting advanced foreign concepts;Strengthening the quality of employees;Strengthening the macroscopic management.
8.commercial fitness clubs' marketing strategy should follows their own management characteristic,subdivides the market accurately,combines cultural marketing,relational marketing,experience marketing,network marketing,and so on.Enhancing the core competitiveness,using the different strategy to the different level's club the marketing.
Keywords:commercial fitness club;consumer behavior;marketing strategy