第12章 以简单的愉悦换取更复杂 更富有挑战性的快乐(3)
What is the defining difference between passive and active citizens? Curiously, it isn‘t income, geography, or even education. It depends on whether or not they read for pleasure and participate in the arts. These cultural activities seem to awaken a heightened sense of individual awareness and social responsibility.
Why do these issues matter to you? This is the culture you are about to enter. For the last few years you have had the privilege of being at one of the world’s greatest universities-not only studying, but being a part of a community that takes arts and ideas seriously. Even if you spent most of your free time watching Grey‘s Anatomy, playing Guitar Hero, or Facebooking your friends, those important endeavors were balanced by courses and conversations about literature, politics, technology, and ideas.
Distinguished graduates, your support system is about to end. And you now face the choice of whether you want to be a passive consumer or an active citizen. Do you want to watch the world on a screen or live in it so meaningfully that you change it?
That’s no easy task, so don‘t forget what the arts provide.
Art is an irreplaceable way of understanding and expressing the world- equal to but distinct from scientific and conceptual methods. Art addresses us in the fullness of our being-simultaneously speaking to our intellect, emotions, intuition, imagination, memory, and physical senses. There are some truths about life that can be expressed only as stories, or songs, or images.
Art delights, instructs, consoles. It educates our emotions. And it remembers. As Robert Frost once said about poetry,“It is a way of remembering that which it would impoverish us to forget.”Art awakens, enlarges, refines, and restores our humanity. You don’t outgrow art. The same work can mean something different at each stage of your life. A good bookchanges as you change.
My own art is poetry, though my current daily life sometimes makes me forget that. So let me end my remarks with a short poem appropriate to the occasion:
PRAISE TO THE RITUALS THAT CELEBRATE CHANGEPraise to the rituals that celebrate change, old robes worn for new beginnings,solemn protocol where the mutable soul, surrounded by ancient experience, grows young in the imagination‘s white dress.
Because it is not the rituals we honor
but our trust in what they signify, these rites that honor us as witnesses-whether to watch lovers swear loyalty in a careless worldor a newborn washed with water and oil.
So praise to innocence-impulsive and evergreen- and let the old be touched by youth’swayward astonishment at learning something new, and dream of a future so fitting and so justthat our desire will bring it into being.
Congratulations to the Class of 2007.