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Direct3D Rendering Cookbook
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Chapter 1. Getting Started with Direct3D
Introducing Direct3D 11.1 and 11.2
Building a Direct3D 11 application with C# and SharpDX
Initializing a Direct3D 11.1/11.2 device and swap chain
Debugging your Direct3D application
Chapter 2. Rendering with Direct3D
Using the sample rendering framework
Creating device-dependent resources
Creating size-dependent resources
Creating a Direct3D renderer class
Rendering primitives
Applying multisample anti-aliasing
Implementing texture sampling
Chapter 3. Rendering Meshes
Rendering a cube and sphere
Preparing the vertex and constant buffers for materials and lighting
Adding material and lighting
Using a right-handed coordinate system
Loading a static mesh from a file
Chapter 4. Animating Meshes with Vertex Skinning
Preparing the vertex shader and buffers for vertex skinning
Loading bones in the mesh renderer
Animating bones
Chapter 5. Applying Hardware Tessellation
Preparing the vertex shader and buffers for tessellation
Tessellating a triangle and quad
Tessellating bicubic Bezier surfaces
Refining meshes with Phong tessellation
Optimizing tessellation through back-face culling and dynamic Level-of-Detail
Chapter 6. Adding Surface Detail with Normal and Displacement Mapping
Referencing multiple textures in a material
Adding surface detail with normal mapping
Adding surface detail with displacement mapping
Implementing displacement decals
Optimizing tessellation based on displacement decal (displacement adaptive tessellation)
Chapter 7. Performing Image Processing Techniques
Running a compute shader – desaturation (grayscale)
Adjusting the contrast and brightness
Implementing box blur using separable convolution filters
Implementing a Gaussian blur filter
Detecting edges with the Sobel edge-detection filter
Calculating an image's luminance histogram
Chapter 8. Incorporating Physics and Simulations
Using a physics engine
Simulating ocean waves
Rendering particles
Chapter 9. Rendering on Multiple Threads and Deferred Contexts
Benchmarking multithreaded rendering
Implementing multithreaded dynamic cubic environment mapping
Implementing dual paraboloid environment mapping
Chapter 10. Implementing Deferred Rendering
Filling the G-Buffer
Implementing a screen-aligned quad renderer
Reading the G-Buffer
Adding multiple lights
Incorporating multisample anti-aliasing
Chapter 11. Integrating Direct3D with XAML and Windows 8.1
Preparing the swap chain for a Windows Store app
Rendering to a CoreWindow
Rendering to an XAML SwapChainPanel
Loading and compiling resources asynchronously
Appendix A. Further Reading