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Chapter 1. Sprites and Animations
Downloading and installing Cocos2d
The 2D coordinate system
Getting access to MainScene
Adding sprites to scenes
Creating a sprite using RenderTexture
Creating a custom sprite class
Animating sprites
Adding actions to sprites
Drawing glPrimitives
Adding the parallax effect
Chapter 2. Scenes and Menus
Adding a MainMenu Scene
Adding text using CCLabel
Adding buttons with CCMenu
Adding a Gameplay Scene
Transitioning between scenes
Adding transition effects
Adding a Level Selection Scene
Scrolling a Level Selection Scene
Chapter 3. Gestures Touches and the Accelerometer
Understanding swipe
Implementing tap
Adding LongPress
Adding pinch/zoom controls
Adding rotation objects
Adding panning
Including touches
Creating objects with touchBegan
Moving objects with touchMoved
Customizing touches in the sprite class
Adding an accelerometer
Adding a directional pad
Chapter 4. Physics
Adding physics to a game scene
Adding physics objects
Looking at different body types
Adding sprite texture to physics objects
Creating composite bodies
Creating complex shapes
Changing body properties
Applying impulse with the touch control
Applying force with the accelerometer
Collision detection
Adding revolute joints
Adding motor joints
Adding a game loop and scoring
Chapter 5. Audio
Adding background music
Adding audio effects
Adding a mute button
Adding a volume slider
Adding a pause and resume button
Chapter 6. AI and A* Pathfinding
Patrol enemy behavior
Projectile shooting enemy
Chasing enemy behavior
A* pathfinding
Chapter 7. Data Storage and Retrieval
Loading the XML file data
Saving to the XML file data
Loading the JSON file data
Loading the PLIST file data
Saving the PLIST file data
Using NSUserDefaults
Chapter 8. Effects
Adding the glass effect
Adding the motion streak effect
Adding the particle effect
Adding 2D lighting
Chapter 9. Game Tools
Glyph Designer
Particle system